Roulette World

Nine hundred and eighty second Genting Cavalry

982 Genting Cavalry

"The two commanders are right. Today, let's withdraw our troops."

A graceful figure appeared behind the Big Three, and the three hurriedly turned around to salute, calling out to the saint in unison.

The number two person in the Temple of Dawn, the saint who is loved and revered by all the believers, is wearing a white robe, holding a long half-moon-shaped halberd, and walking slowly.

Touching the cold body of the metal tower, the Holy Maiden of Dawn had a gentle and soft smile, "Our soldiers are all tired, so there is no need to rush, Rong Shuai, a war that must be won will not be won because of the opponent's Be tenacious and change, we should rejoice, the battle will not be too boring."

Rong Zhi smiled, "Yes, the Holy Maiden is right, I was the one who was in a hurry, in this case, let's withdraw the troops, and we will teach these barbarians a lesson after we finish setting up the camp."

The order was passed on, and the team moved immediately. Some teams that were not in the previous waves of siege began to move out of the mountainside. The small plain really couldn't hold so many people, and the troops that were going to fight recently began to return to the camp, ready to continue repairing, and then rested. .

At this time, the gate of the posthumous king's city suddenly opened, and an army in armor appeared!

At the same time, from within the royal city, a flying troop composed of various war beasts also soared into the sky, attacking in the direction of the Dawn Sound Temple camp!

"How dare they leave the city?!"

Just like the posthumous people have a natural psychological disadvantage in facing the Dawn Temple, the Dawn Temple has a more obvious natural psychological advantage to the posthumous people. In their eyes, these people are local leopards, low-level people who have never seen the world. Waiting for life is a backward barbarian, and even many people in the Temple of Dawn are unwilling to admit that posthumous people are the same kind of life as them.

In their view, the posthumous people can only cower in the royal city, relying on the tall and solid walls that have been specially treated to block them, and they will never dare to provoke them, let alone launch an attack.

Even the senior officials of the Temple of Dawn, who knew about the previous sneak attacks, were surprised at this moment. The previous sneak attack was a sneak attack after all, and it was done by that weird force. Even so, that force did not dare to challenge the main force of the Dawn Temple.

But now, the gate of the posthumous king's city opened, and their cavalry team was pouring out crazily.

Who gave them the courage to take the initiative to attack?

A feeling of being humiliated flooded the hearts of every member of the Dawn Temple.

The thing is often like this, if many people are used to things and do not follow the habit, many people will feel uncomfortable or even become angry because of this, and ignore whether this habit is normal.

The current Dawn Temple is like this, they can only allow the posthumous people to passively defend, but cannot accept their active attack, even if it is true, this method will make it easier for them to win.

"Array! Attack! Kill them all!"

Rong Zhi's face was contorted, and he roared at the surrounding soldiers.

At this time, the army of the Dawn Temple showed a discipline and tactical quality far superior to those of the posthumous people. They had already relaxed, and some troops had even returned to the camp, but as soon as the order came, they immediately used the fastest speed He re-entered the fighting state and ran towards his own position in the army formation.

The soldiers of the Dawn Temple who were in charge of protecting the large force had rushed to the front of the battle formation at this time. Although there were not many of them, at this time, they had to stop the impact of the posthumous man and buy time for their brothers behind them to complete the formation !

"Call the Bright Taoist priests to enter the arena and eat up the empty power of the posthumous people!"

Zai Li ordered the guards to enter the mountainside. In order to cause psychological pressure on the posthumous people, the Taoist priests entered the mountainside collectively, but they went out again. It is because vultures need a lot of food every day. It is definitely not enough to carry it long distances from the old nest of the Dawn Temple.

Although not all Taoist groups are present now,

But there must be some left behind, that's enough. From Zai Li's point of view, the posthumous air force is a motley army, and even the types of mounts are not uniform. How can they form a sharp edge? Even among these mounts, the ones with slow speed and weak attack power accounted for more than half. How could such beasts fight? It's almost called empty sightseeing.

Zai Li is confident that he will wipe out the posthumous Air Force today.

Although in terms of method, the current battle between the two sides is very similar to the cold weapon war in the earth century, but in terms of content, it is completely different.

Such as speed.

Whether it is the cavalry of the posthumous people rushing out of the city, or the warriors of the Dawn Temple struggling to reach the designated position, their speed is extremely fast. In order to allow the power of the gods to better complete the attack, the Dawn Temple The team is very forward, only a few hundred meters away from the city wall. At this distance, senior fighters can throw a stone here.

Of course accuracy is not guaranteed.

Although they walked back for a while because of the retreat of the Dawn Temple just now, their team was still within a thousand meters from the city wall.

At this distance, the posthumous cavalry arrived almost instantly!

In terms of taming war beasts, the posthumous people are still unable to match the enemy on the opposite side, but they have accumulated a lot over the years. This time, more than 20,000 cavalry rushed out of the king's city.

Their mounts are not as unified as the Dawn Temple, and their quality is also very different from others. Those who rushed out first, even when they moved and waited for the rear team to form a charge formation, they were a little chaotic, but relying on the suddenness of the attack and the Dawn Saint The temple was unprepared, and the cavalry of the posthumous people still attacked sparsely on the opposite side, rushing into the temple soldiers who were in charge of defense.

Blood and heads immediately flew up at this moment!


The bloody bravery of the Templars is no less than that of the posthumous people. Although they are small in number, in order to allow the large troops behind to complete the battle, they use the disadvantages of numbers and arms to meet the enemy. The entire rectangular army formation, Half of the thickness was slaughtered at the first time, but the remaining ones still tenaciously launched their combat skills and formed an effective counterattack. The most posthumous people in the front counterattacked and fell off their mounts.

Large-scale team battles, life and death are impermanent, only in an instant.

"It's Xiaohu's team." Ye Zhongming watched from the city wall, his eyes did not fall on the position where the battle was taking place at this time, but on the back of the posthumous cavalry, the thousands of uniformly dressed and uniformly mounted troops.

Those mounts with fiery red dragon head and horse body are exactly what Yunding has cultivated in the past two years... Yunho!

Accompanied by the first large-scale collision between the Dawn Temple and the posthumous people, the first cavalry team in Genting also officially entered this bright stage!

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