Roulette World

Nine hundred and ninety first clever break


Under the drastic change in the face of the Dawn Saintess, she issued another condemnation to Ye Zhongming today. . :. zero ↑ ​​nine △

She found that her head began to dizzy, and her body felt powerless.

As her contract pet, she can also feel the situation of Yangos. Obviously, the dragon's physical condition is also declining, and its strength has become extremely unstable, and it has been unable to control the ability of the fire refining area.

"what is that?!"

Hong Xiang Wang Zun also knew where the problem was, and was very surprised to see the large area of ​​bright flowers around him.

Did these 'flowers' actually affect two eighth-level beings?

The answer, of course, is yes.

This sea of ​​flowers is Fan Sailuo's dream flower field.

The kind of special equipment used by the resistance area to deal with Ye Zhongming in the national specialty roulette, but Ji Ruiguang and others gave up one after another and were removed from the roulette. This thing became Ye Zhongming's spoils of war.

In the previous few battles, Ye Zhongming did not take this out. First, the use of this thing is limited, and it is very easy to be destroyed by others, thus losing its effect. The second is that Fan Sailuo's dream flower field was also being cultivated before, and it did not achieve the effect Ye Zhongming wanted.

This time, the nurturing was almost done.

For this kind of flower that specializes in eating the flesh and blood of mutated life, there are actually many good partners in Yunding. Such as cannibal 'flowers', such as the ghost bone magic table.

These have to use the energy in the flesh to go further. In order to feed them, the Genting Official Exchange in Puxing Town has a perennial effective task, which is to purchase those mutated beings whose material parts have been dug out. corpse.

Although the purchase price is very cheap, these things are meant to be thrown away and no one wants them. No matter how cheap they are, they are money for nothing.

So once this mission was launched, it was immediately welcomed by the surrounding forces. Everyone sent this kind of corpse to Yunding to exchange for some magic crystals. Some forces even saw the business opportunities in it, and recovered this kind of corpse in various hunting grounds, and then sold it in a centralized manner. Come to Yunding Mountain Villa to earn the profits.

Now, in the vicinity of Yingcheng, there are almost no scenes of limbs and arms left after the battle, but they are all collected and taken away.

In a short period of time, the changes brought about by this task have formed a complete chain of interests.

After these corpses were sent to Yunding, they were basically fed with these three things, and some of the rest would be eaten by various meat-eating war beasts.

With sufficient food, the Bone Demon Terrace is quite close to the next breeding period, and the cannibal "flowers" have also made great progress, and Fan Sailuo's dream "flower" field, which is the key training, has been upgraded to a higher level .

Now this flower field has made great progress compared to before. In addition to the weak ability, there is also a state of dizziness, and the level of targets that can be affected has also increased.

The previous Sailing Race Luo Meimeng'Hua'tian estimated that the impact on the eighth-level life was very small.

In a weak state, it is naturally impossible to maintain complete combat power. A fire-refining area skill that changed the color of the posthumous man and the Temple of Dawn was broken by a brilliant sea of ​​flowers in an instant.

When the red cloud above the head disappeared, and when the surrounding flame barrier disappeared, the Dawn Maiden and Yangos had to face the fact that they had entered a weak state.

If one person and one dragon are in good condition, the resistance will be much higher than it is now, but now Yangos has been baptized by the city's defense weapons, and the saint has been besieged by four people. They were all injured, so they all got hit.

Although Ling Kun Wangzun still had doubts in his heart, he would not miss such an opportunity. His body suddenly exerted force, and Yangos, who was much taller and stronger than him, was pushed backward by him, because he had to maintain his body. Without the balance, a pair of wings had to be opened and flapped, thus revealing the saint.

King Kun raised his foot and kicked, and the Holy Maiden of Dawn could only use the scepter of glory to stand in front of her at this moment.

The weak body flew out in front of Ling Kun, and the saint, who was still under the pressure of Yuesheng's rebound, was in a panic.

The pool guard over there also moved, he saw a chance to kill his opponent.

Without the barrier of the flame barrier, the surrounding situation became clear. Although the posthumous men and the cloud hoof cavalry were fighting endlessly, the Dawn Temple's superiority in numbers was still reflected. At this moment, it had crossed the battlefield and was very close here.

At the same time, behind Ye Zhongming and others, a large number of posthumous warriors rushed out of the city and greeted them here. Obviously, due to the unknown battle situation of the kings, the people in the king city were afraid that time would drag on for a long time, and they would be killed by Saint Shuguang. Surrounded by temple warriors, at that time, it was not the besieged saint's daughter, but the besieged.

"Protect the saint's daughter!"

The Big Three of Dawn had already moved to the vicinity of the battlefield when they were isolated by the flame barrier just now, and just in time to see the saint's daughter in distress, the three of them turned into three lights and shadows, and rushed towards this side.

"Back back!" Ye Zhongming stood on the spot, put away Fan Sailuo's dream flower field, and shouted at the two Wang Zun.

The current situation is no longer suitable for continuing to fight.

Before the posthumous people and the cavalry of Yunding plus the air force could launch an attack on the Dawn Temple, it was because the timing was right, and all the temple fighters were in a state of exhaustion. It is understandable to go out and fight at this time, and get some cheap. The saint and Yangos came under the king city alone, and there was a good reason to besiege and kill them.

But now, under the leadership of the three giants of the Dawn Temple, a large number of Dawn Temple fighters have crossed the cavalry team. The reason why they have not surrounded them is because all the attention is on the saint's side. Once the situation is stable, then These 40,000 posthumous people and Genting fighters will never come back.

What's more, because of the fear of the battle of these high-level personnel, a large number of posthumous soldiers left the city. If they are entangled, it will be a battle that must be won or lost.

Including Ye Zhongming, they never thought that the posthumous people could defeat the main force of the Temple of Dawn in a field battle.

In addition, in terms of duels between top experts, there are three giants on the Dawn Temple, and Yang Gesi who has at least half of his combat power, and Hong Xiang can no longer fight on the side of the posthumous man, making King Kun the peak. In the past, both the pool guard and Ye Zhongming were injured, and if they played three against four, not to mention winning, 90% of them would be defeated.

No matter from any perspective, taking advantage of their concern for the saint, it is reasonable for the entire army to withdraw to the city.

It is not only Ye Zhongming who is sensible, but many posthumous people have realized this problem, and the entire army began to retreat. After Ling Kun and the pool guards pretended to continue attacking and entangled the saint for a while, they also joined the cavalry team one after another. While fighting and withdrawing.

After saving the person, the three giants of Dawn inspected the saint's daughter with a face like gold paper, and found that she was not fatally injured. After watching the battlefield, they found that the posthumous person had retreated to the coverage of the weapon on the city wall Inside, the three of them couldn't help but hate each other.

Before Ye Zhongming and several Wang Zun entered the royal city as the last troops, the saint's side was also carried on a gorgeous beast cart, and the eyes of the two sides collided in the air, full of murderous aura.

We all know that nothing is over.

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