Roulette World

Nine hundred and ninety-two time and space folding door

"Going out today, coming back tomorrow, just one chapter, I will make up when I come back tomorrow, and there will be an outbreak around the middle of the month~~"

Looking at the casualty report in his hand, Ye Zhongming couldn't be happier.

This time, the posthumous man and Yunding took the initiative to attack. To say that it is cheap, they did take some advantage. From the comparison of casualties below this report, it can be seen that the loss of Dawn Temple is much greater than that of the posthumous man.

But in terms of overall strength, this comparison is at most a small bargain and does not hurt the overall situation.

The posthumous people are still the posthumous people who are backward and disadvantaged, and the Temple of Dawn is still the temple of dawn with advanced advantages.

And through this battle, Ye Zhongming discovered that most of his previous preparations were aimed at city defense and the ninth-level holy father, but he had somewhat ignored, or in other words, other than the holy father, the rest of the Dawn Temple. Masters are not well prepared.

At that time, if the saintess and Yangos, together with the three giants of the Dawn Temple, charge against the city wall, five and eight levels, the posthumous people may not be able to withstand it.

This is not to say that there are no other eighth-level situations in the Dawn Temple. In case, like a posthumous person, a pool guard or the like appears, or another eighth-level battle pet appears, the defense on the city wall, I really don't know.

How to do?

This question began to trouble Ye Zhongming, and it also troubled several Wang Zun.

They also realized the lack of high-end combat power. Before, I underestimated the saintess a little bit. This woman is too difficult to deal with, and she can't win by herself.

"You say, when will they attack the city?"

Ye Zhongming pinched his chin, and asked the Wang Zun who gathered for dinner, Xia Lei and other core members of Genting.

"According to today's situation, it is estimated that they will continue to test that kind of long-range attack tomorrow. If it still has no effect, then they may not rush to attack the city, but will launch a general attack after being fully prepared."

Ling Kun Wangzun drank a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, and felt that this kind of food on earth was really delicious.

"I agree with Ling Kun Wangzun's idea, but the harassment will definitely continue. They will definitely try their best to find out what the mask is, so that they can know themselves and the enemy. Therefore, our air force and air defense force must be busy. "

Xia Lei ate gracefully, holding up her chopsticks and analyzing.

The Shrouding Screen gave Dawn Temple a great shock. They will definitely try their best to find out what it is. It is indeed very likely that they will continue to test and attack as Xia Lei said.

Even, there are not only air troops, some of their siege equipment may also come over to try it out. Even if there is no result, it is good to consume the bows and arrows on the city wall.

"If we talk about a general attack, it will probably take at least five days after the sand falls. After all, it takes time to manufacture and assemble siege equipment, train the army, and perfect the battle plan."

King Neo also said, "Especially this time we have taught them a lesson. With the style of the Dawn Temple, they will definitely be cautious."

Ye Zhongming agreed with the analysis of several people in his heart, and he also felt that after this contact war, the Dawn Temple would not act so rashly.

"What do you think?" Mo Ye said aside, she knew that Ye Zhongming would not ask this question for no reason.

"I just think that maybe I should use this gap to do something." Ye Zhongming tapped his fingers on the table, lost in thought.


The last days made the air pollution disappear, but it did not change the climate and overall landform that should exist on the earth.

The warmth and dryness in the air, as well as the breeze carrying countless sand grains, made Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai's team feel extremely uncomfortable.

Stepping off the metal platform, Ye Zhongming was a little dazed looking at the yellow sand all around him.

In order to add weight to the defense of Wangcheng, and then keep his future materials and magic crystal base, Ye Zhongming thought about it all night, and finally decided to open... the folding door of time and space!

That piece, when vying for the sea crown,

The golden portal that Harmandan gave him.

Without an exact target, Ye Zhongming thought of Stardust Sand.

The holy water in the holy pool does have a healing effect, and Park Xiuying also has a large healing skill, but the healing effect of the holy water and Teacher Park’s ability can’t compare with taking stardust sand, it’s something that can kill bones, as long as you have a breath, Regardless of external injuries or internal injuries, they can temporarily save their lives, and then rely on the evolutionary's super physique to heal themselves.

The more intense and cruel the battle, the greater the role this stardust sand can play.

After owning Fertile Soil, Ye Zhongming's perception of national specialties has also changed. He used to think that rare treasures can only be calculated in grams. In fact, as long as you get the root, that is, the elemental spirit, then Actually... well, there can be many.

Just like the current earth elves, eat and sleep when they are full, sleep when they are full, do some work and continue to eat, continue to sleep, and continue to pull. Zhongming's demand, but it is by no means a state of being hard to find.

So he felt that since Harmandan could get the stardust sand so early, he might have been recognized by the star elemental elves.

Then take out some Fertile Soil or even other equipment, change some stardust sand, and save it for emergency use during battle, so that it will be more possible to guard the royal city of the posthumous person. Anyway, Ye Zhongming thinks that if he has stardust sand, It is absolutely no problem to single out the Holy Maiden of Dawn.

However, Ye Zhongming, who expected that he would have a few days, returned to Earth after updating the screen that covers the sky. After Yunding secretly opened the time-space fold, he came to West Asia. He thought he would return after a simple meeting and transaction. , everything seems to be beyond my expectation, things are really weird.

If Harmandan's power is still there, then he will definitely protect the folding door of time and space, waiting for his arrival. Taking a step back, even if you don't wait for your own arrival, this thing can be used as a multi-point transmission device, and it can also be used as a tool for transmission to other places.

But now the surrounding area is completely barren, there is nothing but yellow sand.

And if Harmandan was defeated, why would the Folding Door of Spacetime remain here? And has been in a state of energy activation?

The West Asians are really unreliable.

Ye Zhongming underestimated a bit in his heart, and asked people to connect the energy machine they brought to this teleportation equipment to keep the portal open, then ordered people to camp on the spot, and sent out sentry posts around.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhongming asked Xiao Min to go back to Genting, and called the left-behind Yun Shao team over, just in case.

Two hours after Ye Zhongming arrived in this desert, the scouting team sent out sent back news and found the situation in the southwest direction.

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