After a good weekend, Su Bai went back to school.

But this time, he is looking for Gu Yunyao to apply for actual combat training.

The flaming lions are already at the intermediate level of black iron, so they can't delay any longer.

You must know that normal combat training starts from the primary level of black iron.

While learning theoretical knowledge, you can master it in practice.

Generally speaking, the progress of the students is about the same.

First master the meditation technique, then build the beast-defying space, and finally train the pet to the black iron primary level, and then you can start the actual combat training.

But Su Bai is different.

His progress is too fast.

Master the meditation technique in a few minutes, and build a beast-defying space in a trance.

Even the pets are leveling up every moment.

Before school started, he was a black iron junior.

It's just a week since the start of school, and it's already a black iron intermediate.

Su Bai seriously doubted that if he continued to stay in the first class, he might have reached the bronze level by the time the actual combat training started.

Then it's not fun.

While thinking, Su Bai came to the classroom, Le Jiayu and a few boys came over, and said confidently: "Su Bai, we will be able to build a space for imperial beasts soon, and the battle pet is not far from the primary black iron. You boy Wait for me, when we upgrade, we have to settle the account with you!"

Su Bai suddenly laughed.

Sure enough, young people are motivated.

But Le Jiayu and the others obviously found the wrong challenge target.

Su Bai calmly waved his hand and summoned the Fire Lion.

As soon as the fire lion with a body length of nearly two meters appeared, Le Jiayu and several others shivered.

Being stared at by such beasts, even if they are beastmasters, it is a bit empty.

Immediately, Le Jiayu noticed the problem, carefully observed the Fire Lion, and exclaimed, "Why is it getting bigger again, and this breath is much stronger than before."

When he said this, other students in the classroom also gathered around.

"What's the situation? Why haven't we seen each other for a weekend, and the Fire Lion has become stronger again?"

"Uh, before Su Bai was a black iron beginner, and now this energy intensity must be an intermediate black iron."

"Stop talking, my blood pressure is up."

"Did I make a mistake? I'm still pondering how to build the Imperial Beast Space, so he upgraded it again?"

"What about teammates, save me."

"I'm asking to change schools! At least I have to change classes! I'm afraid of losing hope in life with him in the same classroom again."

"Add me to the shift."

"Squad leader Le Da, don't you want to be ashamed, why don't you speak."

"Brother Bai, I admit that I spoke a little louder just now, don't worry about it."

The originally aggressive Le Jiayu and several people directly persuaded them.

In their plan, they were promoted to the primary level of black iron, and then used their numerical advantage to teach Su Bai a lesson.

But now things have changed.

Su Bai was upgraded.

Then even if they also upgrade, I am afraid they are not opponents.

This flaming lion is not easy to mess with at first glance.

The most important thing is that Su Bai leveled up so quickly, and by the time they reached the black iron primary level, they might already be the advanced black iron or even the top level.

It won't be able to beat it by then.

Le Jiayu was even thinking about whether he should take back what he just said.

His old man said not to provoke Su Bai, and he was right.

A group of people gathered together to discuss, with bitter expressions.

At this time, Gu Yunyao came from outside the classroom, raised her voice and said, "Everyone sit down, if there is someone who has built a space for the imperial beast, say something..."

Before the words were finished, Gu Yunyao looked at the flaming lion with an expression that was hesitant to speak.

Hell, when I saw Su Bai at the information center the day before yesterday, he hadn't upgraded yet.

Why haven't I seen it for two days, it has been upgraded.

Even if he bought all the training materials for two million, it would not be possible for him to have this effect.

Battle pets take time to digest.

"Isn't this flaming lion not just a talent for accelerating growth?"

Gu Yunyao secretly speculated.

Just when she was stunned, several students gathered around and cried, "Teacher, send Su Bai away, we can't take it anymore."

"Yes, he learns things too fast and makes me look like a fool. I can't accept it."

"Obviously I also have a gold-level pet, why is it so different from him."

"I've been scolded to death by my family for the past two days, saying that I can't support the wall, and I can't compare to Su Bai at all."

"If my dad knew that Su Bai was already an intermediate black iron, and I was still building a space for imperial beasts, I would definitely have to slap me with slippers."

"Stop talking, I'm scared."

Su Bai almost laughed.

Unexpectedly, one day, he will also become the child of someone else's family in the mouth of his parents.

Gu Yunyao looked helpless.

It was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Yunyao said, "Everyone should study by themselves first, Su Bai, come with me."

Gu Yunyao discovered that Su Bai could not be cultivated in the usual way.

Coming to the office, Gu Yunyao said, "What do you think?"

This is what Su Bai was waiting for, and he immediately replied: "Teacher, I apply for actual combat training in advance."

Gu Yunyao nodded: "You are an intermediate black iron now, you already have the fighting ability, but you can go."

"It just so happens that the third year of high school will have actual combat training this week. I will apply and add your name."

Su Bai was overjoyed: "Thank you teacher."

Gu Yunyao waved his hand: "This is your own effort, I just did what I should do."


Back in the classroom, Gu Yunyao said: "In the next few days, Su Bai will participate in practical training with senior high school students."

A group of students cheered on the spot.

Great, finally it won't be compared.

Gu Yunyao continued: "As the head teacher, I want to go with me, but don't worry, I will arrange a substitute teacher. I hope that when I return, you have completed the construction of the Imperial Beast Space."

A group of students looked at each other.

There seems to be something wrong, but I can't tell.

But anyway, Su Bai is finally no longer in the classroom, much to their relief.

No more stress.

Su Bai also didn't expect that Gu Yunyao would follow him to actual combat training.

But it doesn't matter.

His secrets are not something that can be seen through observation alone.

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