Royal Beast: I Can Simplify The Evolution Route Of Pets

Chapter 20 Registration For Practical Training

Although it has been decided to participate in actual combat training.

But that doesn't mean you can walk away.

First of all, Su Bai followed Gu Yunyao to the principal's office and showed the flaming lion who had reached the black iron intermediate level.

The headmaster's expression was wonderful.

He heard the news that a great civilian genius was recruited this year.

But never imagined, such a genius.

It was only a few days before the awakening ceremony, and he even cultivated the pet to the black iron intermediate level.

Although Su Bai said that he fed the ignition material, which accelerated the growth of the pet.

But the problem is that other people have also fed them, but they have never seen their pets grow so fast.

The principal came to a conclusion at the time.

Su Bai's flaming lion must have the talent to accelerate growth.

And this talent level is not low.

The principal stroked his beard and said, "Student Su Bai, this talent of the Fire Lion is a good thing, but it also has flaws."

Su Bai put on a look of asking for advice.

The principal went on to say: "The talent for accelerated growth can allow the pet to pass through its infancy quickly, and have actual combat power at the fastest speed."

"But you have to know that the total potential of pets is limited."

"Having the growth acceleration talent means that there is one less combat talent, or even none. After the rank is raised, the difference in combat power will become obvious."

The principal's conclusion cannot be wrong, and can even be said to be quite correct.

Because that's how it is normally.

But Su Bai is different.

His flaming lion grows so fast, it is purely the credit of the system.

As for combat talent.

An epic level, an excellent level, not bad at all.

When the Fire Lion has enough evolutionary energy to complete the evolution of the bloodline, it will go further!

However, these are Su Bai's secrets, naturally hidden deep in his heart.

Gu Yunyao watched from the side.

She always felt that something was wrong.

"When it comes to actual combat training, there is a time when your kid shows his legs."

Gu Yunyao secretly said.

She wasn't hostile to Su Bai either, but she was really curious.

In a small place like Daxing City, it is a bit incredible that a talented beastmaster like Su Bai can appear.

After confirming the level, Su Bai went to actual combat training, and there was no obstacle.

It's just that the senior high school students have already set off, and Su Bai has to find a way to get there.

This matter is naturally handed over to Gu Yunyao.

Because the actual combat training is outside the city.

Su Bai passed by himself, and it was easy to hang up in the middle of the road.

The principal looked at Gu Yunyao with a serious expression: "Mr. Gu, this time to meet up with the senior three students, Su Bai's safety will be handed over to you."

Gu Yunyao assured: "The principal can rest assured that nothing will go wrong."

The principal nodded: "I still trust your strength."

Immediately, Su Bai and Gu Yunyao left the principal's office.

Walking on the campus, Gu Yunyao said: "Today, you go back and pack your luggage first. Just bring a few changes of clothes, and you don't need to bring more."

Su Bai nodded and replied, "Okay, see you tomorrow."


When he got home, Zhang Mengyu was drying his clothes. After seeing Su Bai, he wondered, "Brother Bai, why did you come back so early today?"

Although the relationship between the two has made a substantial breakthrough, it is still business as usual on the bright side.

Zhang Mengyu will also return to his room in the early morning.

Su Bai didn't ask Zhang Mengyu why he did this.

He could probably guess.

Concentrating his mind, Su Bai smiled and said, "I will go out to the city for training tomorrow and come back to pack my things."


The hanger in Zhang Mengyu's hand fell to the ground, and his expression became uneasy.

Out of the city, this word reminded Zhang Mengyu of bad memories.

Qiaoqiao was playing in the living room and was a little nervous when she heard this, so she quickly asked, "Brother Su, can you not go?"

In her memory, many neighbors left the city and never came back.

Could it be that Big Brother Su wants to do the same?

She can't accept it.

Zhang Mengyu was also distraught, and said with red eyes: "How can this happen, how can this happen."

Su Bai wasn't so nervous at first, but when Zhang Mengyu's mother and daughter said it, her heart beat a drum.

But he quickly calmed down and said, "Don't worry, I'm not going alone, and the head teacher will also accompany him. That one is a high-level beastmaster."

Hearing this, Zhang Mengyu relaxed a little, but was still a little nervous.

Su Bai could only comfortably say: "As a beastmaster, you have to fight sooner or later. Only by receiving more training can you not be afraid of danger."

After a lot of persuasion, Zhang Mengyu and Qiao Qiao believed that Su Bai was going to train, not to die.


Early in the morning, Su Bai came to No. 1 Middle School with a bag and saw Gu Yunyao at the school gate.

This beautiful head teacher, riding a heavy motorcycle and wearing a leather coat, has a valiant look.

Su Bai looked left and right, and said strangely, "Teacher, where is your pet."

Gu Yunyao is a gold-level beastmaster, and her pet speed is estimated to be faster than the high-speed rail.

And also flexible.

There's no reason to leave it alone and switch to a motorcycle.

Gu Yunyao's expression was flawless, and she replied: "My pet is too small to ride."

There is no fault with this reason.

Su Bai has some regrets.

He also said to take a look at Gu Yunyao's other pets.

It seems only next time.

Seeing this situation, Gu Yunyao's previous guess resurfaced.

Su Bai really saw through her strength.

"See through the disguise of the ghost fox at a glance?"

Gu Yunyao was slightly startled.

She found that Su Bai could always bring her new surprises in some inconspicuous places.

Or frightened.

Depressing her thoughts, Gu Yunyao handed over a helmet and pointed to the back seat: "Get in the car."

Su Bai sat upright in the back seat.

Gu Yunyao said helplessly: "Hold my waist, you are sitting in this posture, and you will be thrown off after a turn."

Su Bai replied, "Okay."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and embraced Gu Yunyao's unbearable waist.

It can be clearly felt that Gu Yunyao trembled.

However, he quickly calmed down and stepped on the accelerator. The heavy locomotive roared and rushed out of the city like a fly.

Su Bai was in the back seat, ready to summon the Fire Lion at any time.

If the car rolls over, let the fire lion save it.

Su Bai never imagined that Gu Yunyao would be so violent when riding a bicycle.

Man, the throttle grip is about to be unscrewed.


After Gu Yunyao's efforts, in just a few minutes, Su Bai saw the gate of the outer city.

After verifying the identity, the locomotive set off again, heading for the farm outside the city.

Yes, out-of-town farms.

This time, the actual combat training of the students of a middle and high school is in a farm outside the city.

It was overrun by Sharp-toothed mice and needs to be cleaned up.

The Sharp-toothed Rat is a black iron-class beast, and it is suitable for students to train it.

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