Royal Road Qingtian

Chapter 8 No Second Battlefield

It's not that masters can't attack ants, but...

First, it's embarrassing, and second, if you attack other people's soldiers, they will also attack your soldiers.

As for the third point, it is the most important: Whoever makes the first move will inevitably leave a gap for the other party! Leave the opponent a chance!

If you make a move here, if you send a message, there may be an attack on the other side, and you will be taken advantage of the opportunity to enter.

The art of war has been like this since ancient times, and everything is like this.

As for the demons, they will not violate this principle, let alone the surprise attack after the impact of the two continents, they must first find out the details of this ancestral land, what is it like.

So this first wave of offensive looks fierce, but in fact, Biduan can handle it well. After all, it is the elites from the three continents working together, not to mention most of them are old fritters who have been on the battlefield for thousands of years. .

So in this first wave of confrontation, the Three Continents were not only relaxed, but also firmly prevailed.

Even... the high-level officials smashed the first wave of attacks without making a move.

Brilliant victory, the enemy and the enemy lost in battle, reaching a terrifying ratio of 1 to 25!

Such a victory is simply not too brilliant!

There was joy.

In the next ten days or so, the demon army attacked wave after wave, and wave after wave was killed and retreated; occasionally large-scale battles broke out, but the three continents allied forces subscribed well. Every time, the army of demons returns home in defeat.

So much so that after the first few days of fighting, even several heavenly kings and generals entered the interior of the Miekong Tower to practice and improve.

Only a few people were left outside for an overview and command.

Everyone already knows that the current attacks of the Demon Race are only limited to probing, and each probing is for their own troops to adapt to the battlefield and war!

After all... Even if the demons are prepared, their entire group has been drifting outside for so many years, so there is no chance of a large-scale war.

Generally, fighting in the nest is quickly stopped.

Whether it is war experience or geographical advantages, they are all at a natural disadvantage.

As for the Allied Forces of the Three Continents, it can be said bluntly that almost every general under the commander-in-chief, and the deputy generals of the intermediate generals below are more familiar with the rhythm of the battlefield than the current commander-in-chief of the demons!

This is a huge advantage that is huge and hard to chase!

There is also a reason for the demons to make such a strategic decision: it is impossible for the army to do nothing and pay nothing, but just go out to fight and sweep the world so that the large army can just enjoy the past, right?

After all, even governing the world requires a lot of talents.

If it's just the high-ups making the move, and the lower ones just waiting to enjoy the blessings without doing anything-then I have practiced for tens of thousands of years to be thugs for the ants?

These words are not rough.

What's more, the Three Continents have already responded positively, and even took the opportunity to severely injure the high-level demon clan. If there is no demon ancestor sitting in the town, they will have to face a large number of peak combat forces. Moreover, their own demon clan The mainland can return, but other continents may not return. What if the demon continent returns like the demon continent?

The demon emperor Donghuang is not inferior to the ancient giants of his own demons. If the demon army can't adapt to fighting on this ancestral continent as soon as possible, even if his own high-level officials and even Lord Demon Ancestor make a strong move to destroy the peak of the three continents The strong ones, how can they compete against other returnees in the future?

Therefore, the demons need to adapt to the rhythm of the battlefield as soon as possible. For this, even if they have to pay a lot of sacrifices, they will not hesitate.

After realizing the weakness of the demons, the three continental coalition forces on the defense line began to set targeted traps.

First retreat strategically, lure the enemy to go deep, and then gather and annihilate them...

Show the enemy weak, then ambush and encircle, defeat each one...

Brightly repairing the plank road and secretly darkening Chencang...

Pinch the head and remove the tail, blossom in the middle...

All kinds of strategies and tactics let the demons use their lives to make up lessons and make up for war lessons-after all, if the demons intend to really grind down these things,

The real mastery of battlefield experience will be known or learned sooner or later, so everyone is not worried about leaking secrets.

Just take advantage of this time to wipe out more of your vitality...

As for what you have learned...hehe, can the experience of tens of thousands of years of Lao Tzu on the battlefield be something that you can learn in a few days and catch up with and surpass?

Go dreaming!

As long as you don't use your masters, you are a group of chickens waiting to be slaughtered in front of us, at least for now!

In fact, when it comes to individual combat capabilities, the individual combat capabilities of the demons are much stronger than those of the same level of the three continental coalition forces.

However, in the real war, the ones who suffer the most and die the most are all demons!

The pace of war is very fast and frequent.

Sometimes there are more than a dozen battles in one day, and sometimes more than a hundred battles in one day-a total of more than 20,000 kilometers of defense lines. If there are fewer battles, the hell will be.

Then the coalition forces began to have a headache.

Indeed, the current battle situation is that the coalition forces have the upper hand, but... the coalition forces will still inevitably suffer casualties and suffer considerable battle damage.

The opposite side is obviously much more serious, but the other side seems to be indifferent, completely indifferent to the death of ordinary demons!

Die or die, it doesn't matter!

This is so...

You don't care, we care!

Especially when I saw...a marshal-level figure of the Demon Race commanded the battlefield, with a strong reserve team at hand, but three thousand demons retreated and were killed a thousand meters away in front of him. ...

And the coalition forces have set up a trap early on. As long as he asks the reserve team to come out to rescue, they will swarm up and surround them, and destroy the reserve team here...

But the result was that the other party didn't move at all, watching a group of demons being wiped out, completely indifferent!

Pay attention-this is not to stand still after seeing through the trick, but to be truly indifferent and ignore it.

Faced with such a result, the coalition forces can only be speechless!

Dongfang Zhengyang, who was directing the battle, almost sprayed his old blood on the face of the Marshal of the Demon Race on the opposite side: "Your grandma's, why don't you come out?"

If you don't save your own people when they die in front of you, you can also be considered a commander?

Is this another way to respond to changes with the same? !

And the other party is just like this, such a violation of the rules...

What can I do?

This kind of atmosphere war happened every day from the beginning, and gradually developed to a 24-hour non-stop occurrence.

The huge defense line erupted either here or there, and it continued to erupt for more than two months.

Regarding the Mozu's refueling tactics, the Allied Forces of the Three Continents at the beginning expressed their disdain: such a stupid commander is simply giving someone to us to slaughter!

Come on, the more the merrier!

Come, all comers are welcome!

But as the battle unfolded step by step, everyone gradually felt something unusual.

Because of the opponent's technical and tactical means, in the past two months, they have rapidly strengthened and grown rapidly!

Among them, the most obvious and most eye-catching performance is the opponent's commander-in-chief, almost every one of them has implemented the four words of "compassion does not control soldiers" from beginning to end, to the end, from the inside out!

Millions of people watch the enemy at the back, and 10,000 people fight at the front.

If those 10,000 people are defeated, the millions of people behind will only watch the 10,000 people die in front of them, and no one will act recklessly!

This kind of cold-bloodedness made everyone feel cold.

Once or twice can be regarded as benefiting the generals and governors, but it is the same every time, that is, the magic army is like this, why not be afraid?

As time went on, under the iron-blooded command of the generals of the Demon Race, the various orders and commands became more and more perfect day by day; they used their constant sacrifices as tuition fees to learn the technical and tactical experience of the other side.

It is also using this most extreme method to adapt to the war between the two clans that they have been away for so many years.

However, the demons adapted quickly, and as the demon army gradually adapted to the tactics and strategies of the three-continent coalition, the number of casualties in the three-continent coalition rose sharply, becoming more and more serious every day.

Faced with this situation, Dongfang Zhengyang, who is in charge of coordinating and commanding here, directly issued a death order: change the current strategy against the enemy, as long as the demons attack, they must be wiped out!

Only in this way can we expose a little less, but facing the terrifying learning speed of the demons and ignoring his own son's extreme mentality, Dongfang Zhengyang's sense of crisis is getting heavier and heavier, like a mountain pressing down on the top, adding more weight to the top, the more serious it is. Feeling more and more overwhelmed.

He could even foresee that the timing of the big battle and general attack of the demons on the other side was maturing, and the day of the decisive battle was just a matter of time.

"The demons have just arrived, and they have little experience in large-scale military battles, so as soon as they arrived, they used the method of learning our technical and tactical strategies at the cost of the lives of the demons. That's why we adopted such an extreme combat mode. Come and explore slowly.”

"The other main purpose of the demons is probably not to delay time, so that their troops will continue to come from the mainland of the demons to the ancestral land of the three continents, and gather them here. After all, the mobilization of the overall military power of a continent requires a lot of time. Time buffer."

"I believe that when they are fully prepared, the most tragic war situation will begin. And I estimate that such a moment is coming, and there will be no more than ten days' buffer at most."

"The total strength of the demons has reached hundreds of millions during this period of time. Once the battle breaks out, the current line of defense is absolutely unstoppable. The front line is too long, and it is inevitable to miss it!"

"The next step, we must retreat."

"However, where the second blocking battlefield should be placed, this matter has to be decided by the throne, Lord Shui, and Lord Lei Dao."

Dongfang Zhengyang immediately fed back his foresight.

"Second siege battlefield!"

Zuo Changlu, Dao Shui and Taoist Lei all frowned.

Although Dongfang Zhengyang's report said that it was for the three of them to make a decision, it was actually saying... There is no second battlefield in the Dao League that can be defended.

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