Royal Road Qingtian

Chapter 9 Disagreement!

If there is an alternative second blocking battlefield, Dongfang Zhengyang, as a commander who has experienced thousands of years of fighting, will definitely not fail to mention it.

But if you bluntly give up the territory of the Daoist League...not only is it inhumane, but Dongfang Zhengyang does not have such authority!

"The second blocking battlefield..." Lei Daoren has aged several thousand years in just a few months, showing his old appearance.

He sighed, seeing the wrinkled brows of Great Witch Hong Shui and Zuo Changlu, his heart was full of desolation!

How he didn't know what the two of them didn't say.

There are not many heroic gates in the Dao League on this side, and even if there are established ones, the direction is still reversed.

There is no ability to defend and block, but how to block the enemy's overall situation?

Such a base, He Yi is a barrier provided for the attacking demons, or a sharp weapon for the demons, allowing them to rely on these heroic gates to cause huge damage to the coalition forces.

It should be noted that one of the reasons why the demons have not launched a general offensive so far is that they are not familiar with the place, and there is no geographical advantage. I'm afraid it can't be simply described as tragic!

"How can I be worthy of those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the Heroic Soul Pass..."

Daoist Lei looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Now is not the time to sigh."

The great witch Hong Hong said unceremoniously: "Leidao, let me tell you clearly, in such a place as the second battlefield, let our sons make unnecessary sacrifices, I will not agree!"

Zuo Changlu nodded, expressing that he fully agrees with Da Hong Shui's statement.

Because this is tantamount to death in vain.

It's not that you don't want to stop it, but that you have created such a weird and bad situation, but let us work hard and use human lives to fill it?

Even though the purpose is to protect the billions of living beings in the rear, we simply cannot explain to those brothers who are fighting bloody battles, or even face them!

Why should we Wumeng and Star Soul fighters use their lives to make up for the mistakes of the Daomeng?

When the same souls fall, isn't the life of our Wumeng star soul fighters not life?

For a while, Daoren Lei's beard was trembling, and he said after a long while: "I can understand your position and choice... But our Daoist League can't really give up on this... Two people, the teams that your Star Soul and the Witch League belong to will start from now on. , we can plan a plan to withdraw from the first battlefield, and our Daoist alliance army will build a second blocking battlefield in the Tianlang Mountain generation... and you, continue to retreat, and retreat to a position where you can set up a third blocking battlefield."

"For the benefit of billions of lives in the rear, we use our sacrifices to make up for the mistakes we made, and buy enough time for the inland Daomeng people to retreat."

Dao Hong took a deep breath and said, "Lei Dao, I have to say, you are very pedantic, you can't pick it up, and you can't let it go! I really look down on you, you really don't understand the battlefield, let alone war!"

"Fighting in such a terrain, and only one side can fight, your Daoist League will only make unnecessary sacrifices of at least a few hundred million heads! And these hundreds of millions of combat power, when it comes to the blocking battlefield on the side of Star Soul, How useful can it be? Is it worth sacrificing at the Sirius Pass?"

"Currently, it is a war of genocide and genocide, not a war in the general sense, and there is absolutely no room for change!"

"Once a mistake is made, the lives of hundreds of millions of soldiers paid will never be recovered, and it will only cause the loss of combat power of the three continents as a whole! Don't you understand this section?"

The flood witch was very angry.

Daoren Lei's choice made him feel uneasy and depressed.

"Lei Dao, brother Hong Hong is right. You Daomeng fight alone, and you have such obvious disadvantages, you can only die in vain."

Zuo Changlu said: "Ten thousand steps back, the three-party coalition has just been formed, and you are fighting in the front, risking your life, but the two of us withdrew and watched you die. For our soldiers,

They will also bear great moral condemnation, which is also a huge pressure. With such a mentality, how can soldiers dare to hand over their backs to their comrades-in-arms? "

Daoist Lei tremblingly said: "Why don't I know the reason for this? But... once we retreat the whole army, it is equivalent to sending most of the Dao League continent to the mouths of the demons, which is more than five billion O creature!"

"Five billion lives!"

Daoren Lei's state of mind has shown signs of collapse: "How can I live in my heart?!"

"Then you decide to let the combat power that can resist aggression die together with these five billion people, and then you can live with it? What's the reason for this?" The flood witch angrily reprimanded.

"Or...or as long as we work harder and try our best to hold back the demons for a month or so before we can retreat to the safe zone, there will be at least a billion more people." Daoren Lei's dim eyes flashed. Hope Road.

"You think too beautifully, too idealized!"

Zuo Changlu said mercilessly: "Why don't you fly back and see how many people in your Dao League who are hard to leave their homeland. As long as it is not the last moment, people will never regret it. When they really regret it, it is already irreparable." , everyone’s heart is like this, they always hope for a fluke, but they don’t know that there is such a fluke!”

"The war has been going on for more than a month now, and only a small part of the people who retreated behind you have made it. Even the part that has withdrawn has only retreated to the eastern end of the mainland and will not move forward. Star Soul The door has been opened over there to prepare for the retreat of the Daoist League, but so far, the total number of people who dragged their families into the Star Soul Continent... has not exceeded 10 million!"

Zuo Changlu sighed: "I know you don't want to lose your life, and you want to protect the people of the Daomeng to the maximum extent, but the comfort in the rear must be broken with blood and cruelty. Otherwise, how can life and death be urgent."

"As long as this side is still fighting, the rear will not move, and you will be lucky!"

"I don't care about the life and death of ordinary people, but first of all, they must realize the degree of the current crisis. If they choose to persevere and not retreat, then we can only let them die!"

"Because we know that their fluke mentality will never exist!"

"So it is impossible for us to kill all my soldiers here for their wrong choices, to fulfill their luck, their mistakes! We will be buried with them for their ignorance and luck!"

"If we die here in all battles, wouldn't the two continents behind us also be finished, wouldn't more people die?!"

Zuo Changlu took a deep breath and said, "So...we choose to give up the vast territory of Daomeng Continent. We will not live and die with you!"

"If you really want to achieve peace of mind, then you Daomeng can fight on your own. We must start to build a real second blocking battlefield."

Zuo Changlu spoke very seriously, and also very mercilessly.

The eyes of the Great Witch Flood are full of appreciation.

This is the most correct.

If there is a Heroic Soul Gate on the side of the Dao League, and everything is done according to what everyone has discussed, then it is not a bad idea for everyone to fight to the death here.

But... just not!

This is simply a bastard's approach!

And the people of the Dao League are the same, they have been at ease for too long, they don't want to retreat, they don't want to abandon their foundation...

If the soldiers fought to the death here, fighting to the death for this group of selfish and ignorant people, I'm afraid they would really die with regret!

Daoren Lei nodded sadly: "I understand. This is what it should be."


The high-level members of the Daoist League held an enlarged meeting alone.

Qijian's face was extremely gloomy, and the twelve heavenly kings below were also full of gloomy faces. In fact, they were not the only ones. Hundreds of generals and marshals all had extremely ugly faces.

Regret, confusion, anger... and, nervousness, loss, and... heroism.

In the previous battle between Xinghun and Wumeng Riyueguan, the Daomeng basically did not participate in it. Now, every high-ranking member of the Daomeng has already tasted the disadvantages of not fighting for ten thousand years, and the bitter fruit caused by peace and ease!

How selfish and narrow-minded he was at the beginning, how miserable and regretful he is now!

Many people are asking themselves: Why is the Star Soul and the Witch League cultivating geniuses and constantly fighting to improve, but the Dao League does not move?

With the potential of the Dao League, as well as the strength and cultivation atmosphere far surpassing that of the Star Soul Continent, how many strong people will emerge after these ten thousand years of fighting? !

Why... is there no war? !

Not only did he not fight, but he also regarded Star Soul and Wumeng as potential opponents, dragging his feet everywhere, even casting Heroic Soul Pass, all intentionally or unintentionally in the direction of Starhun and Wumeng...

Now that the demons are attacking from behind, it has caused such an embarrassing situation that is beyond redemption!

This, who is to blame?

Daoren Lei also felt as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis.

"The situation is like this. Once the demons have a decisive battle, this place is doomed to be unable to defend. And at that time... our heroic gate, the direction... Hey, it will definitely become the fortress of the demons."

"And the Heroic Soul Pass cannot be destroyed."

"So... if we fight decisively in these places, it will be unfair to our coalition forces; we can't let others pay for our mistakes!"

"So...the Daoist League must make a decision and make sacrifices!"

Lei Daoren's every word is as important as a thousand weights.

"The Daoist League set aside half of the troops to build a second line of defense, and use your life to hold back the demons!"

Daoren Lei said softly: "As for who stays and who goes to the third line of defense, the old man will not forcefully assign, and sign up by himself!"

"I stayed!"

Daoist Huo said indifferently: "The Dao League cannot be underestimated by others. I will stay and direct the overall situation."

Daoren Lei's eyes darkened for a moment, then he said, "Who else?"

Daoist Yun sighed, and said, "It's enough for me to accompany the fire. The five of you go back to the third line of defense."

Of the Seven Swords of the Daomeng, two of them indicated that they would stay.

Zuo Changlu and Shui Shui Dawu almost yelled at each other!

It's not that they don't understand the thoughts of Lei Daoren and others, but since they have made a huge mistake, do they have to make up for it with another huge mistake?


[Third watch today, ask for votes. 】

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