Royal Road Qingtian

Chapter 10 Little Ancestor

Afterwards, several heavenly kings and more than seventy generals expressed their intention to stay!

"Not so much!"

Daoren Lei said softly: "Leaving the four heavenly kings and leading the twelve armies under our command is enough!"

He stood up and said softly: "This battle is a battle to the death! You have already given everything, so there is no need to say more. But Daomeng Continent is in danger, everyone, please do everything. Try to delay the time for a little longer!"

"Only relying on the strength of the Dao League alone, the combat power is bound to be greatly inferior, but... I hope that everyone will use their lives to stop and delay the one-month delay after the war for the people in the rear of our Dao League!"

Daoren Lei stood up and bowed lightly: "Everyone, please."

"Old Ancestor!"

Everyone bowed to the ground in unison: "We will live up to our trust, and we will definitely win it in one month!"

"Give me the list, and I'll take it away!" Daoren Lei said with tears in his eyes, "Who said my Dao League has no heroes!"

"The reputation of the Dao League through the ages, I will defend it to the death!"


During this period of time, no one has been more dissatisfied with the living atmosphere than the Zuo Xiaoduo.

Since Zuo Changlu proposed, practitioners from the top three continents entered the Miekong Pagoda to practice diligently, which can be said to have seriously disrupted Zuo Xiaoduo's established work and rest habits and training plans!

Now the peak period of dual cultivation and improvement has passed. Although Water and Fire Cannot Be Alcohol is a top auxiliary product, but Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian drank too frequently some time ago, causing the efficacy to gradually decline...

And the biggest problem is that although Zuo Xiaoduo is pretending to improve his skills and protect the three continents in the future, his real purpose in his bones is to practice so lowly! ?

The real key is... is that any good?

And with the entry of this group of people, Zuo Xiaoduo's good days have come to an end completely and fell through.

And also fell into the bad situation of being beaten every day!

The high-level Star Soul, the Twelve Great Witches, beat each other every day and take turns, never miss a beat when passing by!

Of course not only Zuo Xiaoduo was beaten, but Zuo Xiaonian was also beaten, and Li Chenglong and others did not escape the fate of being slapped by all the high-level officials!

From time to time, the great witch Hung Shui gave Zuo Xiaoduo a little trouble alone. The two of them swung four sledgehammers, and everyone protested deeply.

"You two stay away!"

The reason is simple and simple, the power is a little too big but the last part, just the impact sound, it is already unbearable for others, they can't bear it anymore.

Faced with the unanimous opposition of everyone, even the Great Witch Flood had no choice but to take Zuo Xiaoduo to the other side of the mountain, the other side of the sea.

Although there is no group of Smurfs in this land...but there are still high-level elves such as Xiaoxiao, Xiaobai, Xiaojiu, and Wahuangjian...

And the most veritable elf, Bing Po!

When these little guys get together, naturally they won't stop. Fighting each other every day is the norm!

And the existence of these little things was not seen by anyone except Hong Shui and Zuo Changlu and his wife.

Including the matter of the Miekong Tower, to let these people in, Zuo Changlu and Da Hongshui had discussed it countless times, and finally they had to let go. The next strategy!

But exposing the time velocity of the Destroying Tower is already the limit, but how can it be possible to expose all the secrets?

However, no matter how oppressed Zuo Xiaoduo and others are physically and mentally, whether they are beaten, trampled, or squeezed, everyone's cultivation base will also roll up with the tossing of the peaks; The two great witches couldn't help but click their tongues in amazement, and they all moved their hearts of love for talents.

All high-level people understand.

These young men who are only in their twenties have already been promoted to the Hunyuan realm, what kind of geniuses they are!

Even if the space time of Miekong Tower is counted in real time, none of these little guys have lived over sixty years old!

What does this mean? mean what?

Everyone knows clearly in their hearts, and they know it well.

including the flood witch,

And which one was less than a thousand years old when he broke through the Hunyuan?

In terms of the age of these people, it is absolutely impossible to have the current level of cultivation.

But the reality now is that fifteen geniuses have all climbed to the peak of cultivation in this world in a short period of time, and are continuing to climb towards the peak. Such amazing people are undoubtedly future leaders.

Even Lei Daoren and others of the Daoist League specifically pointed out to Zuo Changlu and Hongshui: "Even if everyone in the world is dead, we must ensure that these fifteen little guys survive! They are the real hope, and the sustenance People from the future!"

"Any one of them is a momentary choice, the choice of a talented person!"

After the top management of the three continents reached a consensus on the positioning of the fifteen members of the insufficient brigade, in the following days, instead of being relieved, Zuo Xiaoduo and others were beaten even harder by Hong Leidao and the others!

Yes, Daomeng Seven Swords also joined the ranks of mad beating!

In the morning, the twelve great witches used the power of the Witch League to dredge the meridians of fifteen people and empower them to cultivate; then they exchanged ideas and battles, leaving the north and the south to fight east and west, in the name of helping you consolidate the foundation!

In the afternoon, Seven Swords of the Daomeng dredged the meridians for fifteen people and empowered them to cultivate their cultivation bases; then they competed and fought against each other.

In the evening, the top executives of the Star Soul will handle it like allies of the other two continents, and then continue to lay down the north and south to fight things to help you consolidate your foundation!

Every morning, a group of high-level people watched the discussion of fifteen people; once they found that what they taught yesterday was not used in today's right opportunity, they immediately put down another meal, this time the euphemism is to let you Long-term memory, the body has muscle memory, you don’t have to memorize it by heart, just use your body to memorize it...

After this series of operations, the fifteen people can only complain about it.

Fortunately, not long after, several great witches from the Wumeng brought over a group of genius seeds from the Wumeng.

The number of people slightly exceeded the budget, and there were fifty-six people in total.

Such as Sand Sculpture, Sand Soul, Sea Soul Mountain, Lei Neng Cat, etc... None of those who had contact with Zuo Xiaoduo last time were left behind.

There are also descendants of several other great witches, such as one from the Hong family, who was born with two large tumors on his head, one on each side of his forehead, like two distinct horns!

And this man's name is Hong Xiaoniu.

Originally, such a name should be obliterated by everyone, but after this guy arrived, he became everyone's sandbag in less than three hours. It is probably because this guy is too embarrassed, and he always looks like that from morning till night. The appearance of dissatisfaction, he is obviously ugly and feels good about himself, he is not a sandbag and others will not accept it...

There is also a guy named Jin Jingjing, not only is this guy's pee sex comparable to Hong Xiaoniu's, but he is even better than Hong Xiaoniu.

Of course, Haihunshan's garlic nose, toad mouth, bulging belly and bow legs are also a highlight.

And the most worth mentioning is the Lei Neng cat.

After this powerful cat arrived, when he saw Zuo Xiaoduo, his expression was extremely complicated.

Now showing a subtle emotion of wanting to rush up and swallow Zuo Xiaoduo...

Of course, to deal with a mere Lei Neng cat, Zuo Xiaoduo didn't need to show up and give him a wink. Li Chenglong and others rushed forward, and within an hour, this Lei Neng cat kept saying that he would change his past. , I dare not have any unreasonable thoughts!

The Lei Neng cat, who was beaten up and almost lost control, returned to the Wumeng team to vomit bitterness.

Then he was beaten again by Haihunshan and others.

This also led to the emergence of three sandbags among the talented seed team sent by the Wumeng, namely Golden Crystal... Lei Neng Cat... and Hong Xiaoniu.

Every time Zuo Xiaoduo and the others were beaten, they would habitually beat the three of them to vent their anger, gradually forming a good cycle, a kind of atmosphere.

The higher-ups beat me up? !

It's okay, I'm going to beat the Lei Neng cat.

Beat me up? It's okay, beat the golden crystal.

Hit me again?

I will unite everyone to beat up Hong Xiaoniu!

And the big witches of the Wumeng were upset: You all had more food than Zuo Xiaoduo and others for so many years, and now Zuo Xiaoduo is all mixed up, but you are still returning to Xuan! Dangyou, the two who have improved the most are just flying into the sky,

Moreover, the number of suppressions of true energy is far less than that of others. You say that you are so embarrassed to call yourself a genius, and you can't wait to have your nostrils turned upside down. Who gave you the confidence!

Don't be afraid of comparing goods, but be afraid of comparing people!

If you compare goods, you have to throw them away, if you compare people with have to die, this is the same principle wherever you go!

Just Zuo Xiaoduo and other fifteen people, not to mention Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian with the strongest cultivation bases, the others are picked out at random, and in the eyes of the great witches, they are all children of other people's families!

This also led to Haihunshan and others directly entering hell!

None of the Twelve Great Witches looked at them pleasingly, let alone in their eyes!

Every now and then, there is a roar: "People also practice, and you also practice, how can you be so far behind, why don't you die, how dare you live vigorously!!"

Each of the fifty-six members of the Wumeng wanted to cry but had no tears.

This is so inferior to others, we are also very desperate!

But what can we do?

Or you'll kill us directly...

Um, no...

There is a generation difference between us!

There are many, many generations behind!

It's fine if you didn't know it before, but now you know it very well, that Zuo Xiaoduo is the godson of the great witch Hong Hong, your common nephew, the son of the Xuntian throne, and what about us?

We are descendants of thousands of generations away from you...

Zuo Xiaoduo transformed into our ancestors, why should we compare with our ancestors?

There are also those followers of Zuo Xiaoduo, they are brothers in the same subject, they are also of the same generation, it is only natural that we are inferior!

Lei Nengmao and the others were still dissatisfied at first, and felt that they could catch up with all their strength, but as the distance increased, each of them quickly changed their minds...

And he convinced himself very quickly.

They all felt: Zuo Xiaoduo and the others are better than us... It seems... this matter, how should it be...

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