Royal Road Qingtian

Chapter 42: Master Tongtian

The Great Witch Hongshui nodded towards Zuo Changlu, and with an order, the army of witches who had already gathered all rose into the sky.

While the Twelve Great Witches left the Heavenly Kings to lead the team, he had already taken the first step, tearing apart the space, and went to sit on the other side of the Witch League.

The great flood witch walked last, before tearing apart the space with his burly body, he said softly: "Take care, goodbye!"

Before the words fell, he turned away without turning his head.

The Five Swords of the Daomeng was overwhelmed.

"The five ancient clans have all returned, so the ancestors should have returned, but if they find out, we have lost our own continent. I really don't know how to explain it..."

"What's the point of saying this now? What's the point of regretting something that has become a fact?"

Zuo Changlu said heavily: "Brother Lei, you should focus on the longer term now. The loss of your Dao League Continent is a foregone conclusion, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover it in a short period of time... Even if you fight back, you won't be able to recover." How many uses, the five continents return at the same time, the most overwhelmed is the Daomeng continent, not to mention that it has become a battleground for demons and monsters..."

"Everything can only wait until the end of the catastrophe of the world and the end of the great war among the clans... let's talk about the follow-up, reorganize the mountains and rivers, and slowly recuperate."


Daoren Lei burst into tears.

In the sky, countless divine thoughts began to criss-cross.

Like one after another inexplicable whispers, gently ringing in people's hearts.

"Putian Yaozu, the east gathers..."

"Elves from all realms have roots in the north..."

"My Buddha is merciful, and saves all living beings. There is hope for all living beings, and he will become a Buddha immediately; the heaven and the earth will establish a heart, and the West will flourish..."


The ancestral land returned to its integrity, the heavens and the earth gradually changed, and the nine continents began to merge from the depths of the earth's crust...

Countless unprecedented high mountains and ridges began to appear, rising from the ground, showing their majesty.

There are also many vast and boundless deep seas, which also appear one after another, vast and boundless.

There are also many cities, where the land that was originally intact suddenly splits towards both sides, and the cracks become wider and wider, until you can't see the other side, and the distance between each other is unknown...

There are a lot of families that were originally one place, but they were separated in an instant, thousands of miles apart in a blink of an eye, and the distance is still becoming more and more distant...

There are many peaks, with spikes generally piercing out of the ground.

The original town on the ground was cracked in an instant, and then the town was torn apart. The mountain peak leaped over the mountain and surpassed the sea, soaring up to the sky, and the original town was reduced to two and a half villages at the foot of the mountain. rugged...

It's like a great force in naming.

This kind of mighty power wipes away all the signs of progress, evolutionary achievements, and scientific and technological achievements that have been developed for so many years...all at once!

Let this vast land return to its original state and return to its original state.

Existing explosives and other chemical products were all detonated by inexplicable forces during this process, so signal stations, high-rise buildings, and networks, regardless of whether they were intact or collapsed, collectively disappeared.

Electronic products such as mobile phones and computers that are indispensable to millions of households... all become waste or short-lived stand-alone game supplies-because even the power supply has disappeared.

Many modern weapons, apart from the ammunition that has been manufactured and placed in a private space in advance, can support one-time or phased use, there is no room for supplementation.

The so-called gun, after the ammunition is exhausted, will become a fire stick.

Yiying factories, machine tools, equipment, etc., were completely destroyed, no luck!

In addition, there are countless volcanoes, which are extremely raging, erupting wantonly, and swaying freely...

In just one day, the technological civilization returns to the primitive ancient times...

The barbaric era, once only spread in story books and novels, has arrived again!

Faced with such a change of world...everything seems so powerless, and he can only accept it passively.

In addition to the battle between the monster race and the demon race,

The performance of the other returning ethnic groups was calm, and they were busy expanding the dojo and tidying up the living environment...

The rhythmic atmosphere of the whole world is changing rapidly and adapting rapidly.

Although Yinghunguan will not be destroyed, but as the surface rises and falls, Zuo Changlu and others found out whether to laugh or cry, the side of Baitou Mountain has directly turned into a peak that is as high as 100,000 feet.

Not to mention flying up to fight, even if the Flying Sky Realm cultivator went up there, he would be frozen instantly. As the temperature of the surrounding environment became colder and colder, the army withdrew from the top one after another. Frozen also froze to death.

From then on, the Heroic Soul Pass above it has become a permanent miracle: who can build such a majestic castle in such a very high and extremely cold place?

It is no longer in danger of being destroyed, but it can be regarded as an incredible castle in this world!

On the other side, Mt. Baekdu has become about the same height as the surrounding mountains.

Then use this as a defensive base, greatly increasing the difficulty, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and directly removed from the list!

But there is still one thing to be gratified about: with the return of the continents, the strength of the Heroic Soul Pass and the radiation of the Forbidden Field have been strengthened by more than several times!

As time passed quietly, all people and ethnic groups on the ancestral land continent are trying hard to adapt to the new environment.

Zuo Xiaoduo and the others ran outside continuously. After all, it was an easier environment just now, which filled Zuo Xiaoduo and the others with a sense of novelty.

Thanks to Xiaolong's survey, Zuo Xiaoduo found to his surprise that in the mountains that had just been drilled out, there were countless geniuses and earth treasures, and they were all quite old, and they didn't seem to have just been born at all...

And this knowledge made him feel happier. These good things can further contribute to the space of the Miekong Tower.

But other people's facial expressions are quite different.

Everyone is worried about the sudden change in the world.

It can be foreseen that what follows will inevitably be a war of races.

In the past, the unfinished battle for hegemony among various races was bound to restart and continue; the fight would not come to an end until a certain race completely surpassed all other races and formed an absolute dominance.

But there are countless powerful people from all ethnic groups, who dares to say that they will win?

With the integration of the Nine Continents, the Ancestral Continent has returned to its integrity, and there is no more meteor shower in the sky, but a light curtain is generated by the Ancestral Land, rushing against the sky, causing the meteors that should have fallen to slip away... …

The original Sanqing Mountain in Daomeng Continent split without warning, and one was divided into three parts. One stretched from east to west, stretching majesticly and majesticly. Above, it seems to be gone.

As for the third sacred mountain, it was completely separated from the other two, floating on the boundless ocean, and as the water area gradually expanded, it turned into an isolated island in the vast sea.

Another month later, a sword energy full of killing suddenly appeared, soaring into the sky, whizzing past the vast land of the Dao League!

Wherever he passed, there was a sea of ​​blood.

Hundreds of millions of people of the demon clan were all cut in two with one sword, and their souls disappeared!


The sword energy is infinitely arrogant, with an aura of supremacy, residing above the nine heavens, looking down upon all others, as if waiting for something.

Just in time, the God-killing Spear that hadn't moved for a long time approached across the sky with a hiss.

One gun and one sword, without saying a word, just like enemies in the previous life, fighting together crazily!

After a long time, there was no difference between the winner and the loser, the God Killing Spear became more and more powerful, and the Zhuxian Sword became more and more powerful...

Immediately, a high-altitude yellow light illuminates the sky, and a small tower swings down from the sky, followed by another jade ruyi coming quickly...

One sword, one tower, one wishful thinking.

The three magic weapons all roared at the God Killing Spear: "Get out!"

"Hmph! What kind of skill is group fighting..."

Killing God Spear let out a sour cold snort, but retreated immediately without any hesitation.

It's so frustrating.

If I could have a helper, am I afraid of them?

The high-altitude battle also came to an end.

Following the instructions from the Demon Race, all the Demon Race members were ordered to withdraw to the Demon Race Continent...

In the west, a lotus platform hangs high above the sky, surrounded by auspicious clouds and auspicious mist, and the eyes are full of peace.

Just now that slaughtering sword energy broke through the sky, shining all the way, and unscrupulously came under the western lotus platform.

The glow of the lotus platform flickered again and again, as if it was resisting the invasion of the sword energy, but the sword energy turned a blind eye and drove in.

As the sword light passed by, there was a crisp click, and a piece of lotus petal fluttered down.

Immediately, the sword energy rose in the wind, carrying the shaved lotus, circling in a show of strength all the way.

This sword is actually like a troublemaker.

At the right time, a huge phantom Buddha shadow mountain rises in mid-air, and sighs: "Brother, it was the general trend back then. It cannot be stopped by manpower, let alone my two brothers deliberately targeting it. Hundreds of millions of years have passed now, If you push each other hard, what good will it do!"

The sword energy stopped, and an indifferent voice sounded: "It is precisely because of the general trend of the year that you were given three points. Now it is a chaotic world, and I don't know who is leading the way, so what if I wanton and arrogant, what can you do to me? "

"Amitabha..." The Buddha sighed, "Brother, you might as well express your feelings directly."

"What did you do back then, and what are you returning now! How much did you take away, how much do you send back now! If there is one missing person, you and my two families will go to war first, and do it!"

The sword energy became more and more fierce, raging for nine days, and the sky and the earth turned pale.

In the face of the Western Buddha's light, although it appears that the power is alone and the strength is lonely, the time, place and people are in harmony, and all three are lost, but it does not retreat an inch and dominates the world.

In addition to the clanging sound, four more sword lights flew up from the island, tearing apart the void in an instant, and lined up in mid-air with the killing sword energy before, ready to go, with a high fighting spirit.

The Buddha's voice became more and more distressed: "Brother, please think again."

"I've thought twice for many years, and finally I couldn't get over it. I suddenly realized that I had been wronged too much back then! What kind of magical powers are not as good as the days, everything is bullshit! The so-called supernatural powers are not as good as the days, it means that the supernatural powers are not enough!"

"Zhunti! If you don't return it today, I will destroy your Buddhist kingdom!"

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