The land of its newborns, Ionia, this island continent is teeming with natural beauty and native magic. The inhabitants are scattered in various provinces, advocating spirituality and pursuing a harmonious way of existence.

Precidien, its capital, is naturally also prosperous, with numerous markets, thriving shops and pedestrians.

Yasso is naturally one of them.

Yasuo walks aimlessly down the street, he has just finished a big battle and killed his own brother Yong Eun, who came to hunt him down.

Suddenly, Yasso looked up and found that he had reached the end of the market, and in front of him was a very strange shop.

Other shops have waiters greeting outside, attracting customers to buy things, this shop is good, there are no waiters at all, and it is still open at the end of this market.

“Cultivation Pavilion, it’s a good name.”

Yasuo muttered, only feeling that this plaque was gorgeous, I am afraid that the value was extraordinary, and those who could afford this plaque would not open a shop for their livelihood.

With Yasuo’s naked eyes, it is natural that this plaque is an artifact, but it just feels very gorgeous.


Yasuo said with a smile, took a sip of spirits, and then walked into the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

“Huh? Yaso? ”

Li Fulang was still sorting out the layout of the store, and at the same time looking forward to the first customer coming to the door, he suddenly looked up and saw Yasuo.

I didn’t expect this first customer to come so quickly!

Could it be that the system mall has some guidance in the dark?

Li Fulang really guessed correctly, this system mall will automatically attract heroes to the door, and this attraction is impossible for even the Dragon King to find.

“Order what? Take a look for yourself, supreme martial arts, artifact blades, all of them, and they are cheap and good! ”

Li Fu said hello, and then began to separate those skins that turned into clothes according to heroes and series, just opened a store, it was really a little busy!

Although he was very excited to see the living hero, Li Fulang knew a truth, and the most taboo thing in doing business was to be too familiar with guests.

Too ripe, what if you forcibly discount?

Yasuo answered, and then he turned around in this Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

“The place is quite big, but how to sell things is so messy.”

Yasuo said to himself suspiciously, Prehidien’s shop is either specialized in making weapons or selling books, and it is really strange that the equipment in this Cultivation Pavilion is sold together with books.

“Look at the book!”

Yasuo picked up a book and began to read it.

Now there are so many outrageous books on the shelves, strange stories, biographies of various heroes, and skill books mixed together, enough tens of thousands of books, and it is a big project to completely separate.

Anyway, Li Fulang doesn’t have the mind to subdivide the types of books, this kind of thing, or find a maid to do it in the future!

“The Legend of the Desert Emperor Azir… Shurima used to have one of the wisest and luckiest kings, Azir, but one day, during a horrific ascension ceremony, he was betrayed… But now, he is resurrected, a betrayer, and there will be a reckoning…”

Yasuo’s pupils shrank dramatically, he knew about this! He had an apprentice, Tarja, and it was through Thalia that he learned about the vastness of the Rune Land, and it happened to be the news of the revival of the Ancient Shurima.

This kind of news, in this ordinary little shop, can you find a biography?!

Yasuo couldn’t believe it, but the truth was right in front of him!

Yasuo hurriedly flipped through the book, wanting to see the content behind, but the book seemed to have added some strange magic, and he could only read the first few pages.

But Yasuo’s mind has been completely mobilized, and he very much wants to know the content behind, what is the revenge of the ancient emperor Azir!

Yasso is deeply touched by this betrayal, and this Azr biography resonates greatly with him, after all, he was hunted and killed as a betrayer!

“Abominable out of context!”

Yasuo was helpless, took this biography and walked in front of Li Fulang, and waited until Li Fulang hung the frost Yalong skin in his hand on the hanger before asking.

“Shopkeeper, how many silver coins is this book, I bought it.”

Li Fuxian glanced at it when he heard this, and the system immediately gave the price.

“500 gold coins, plus the royal bloodline of Shurima, can be purchased.”


Yasuo was stunned, such a book is 500 gold coins? And what royal bloodline do you want?

One gold coin is basically enough for a family of three to live comfortably in Ionia for a month, and this book costs 500?

So expensive! But he really wanted to see it!

“This kind of biographies are the most expensive, like this, there are a total of one hundred and forty-nine copies, all on the bookshelf, it is too difficult to find.”

Li Fu sighed that Yasuo really could find it, and suddenly found the most expensive biography, which recorded the life deeds of a hero, which was very expensive.

And the main thing is that heroic biographies have corresponding purchase requirements.

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