For example, the biography of Tsar Azr must have the royal blood of Shurima before it can be purchased and watched.

“You can’t buy this book, go see the others, follow your inner guidance, and find what you need most.”

Li Fuxian said inscrutably, and then sorted out those complicated skins again.

Yasuo frowned tightly when he heard this, and became even more curious about this mysterious little shop.

Originally, he thought it was just an ordinary small shop, but seeing the layout inside, as well as the desert emperor Azr just now, he vaguely knew that this small shop was not ordinary!

Maybe you can really find the truth that can clear your wrongs!

“Inner guidance?”

Yasso muttered, he wandered aimlessly, following the guidance of his heart to come to this small shop.

Closing his eyes tightly, Yasso walked aimlessly around the rows of bookshelves with only the call of his heart, listening to his inner call.

“It’s time to stop!”

Yasuo flashed his spirit, followed the guidance of his heart, stopped in front of the bookshelf, and at the same time grabbed a skill book in his hand.

“Chop Steel Flash!”

Yasuo’s eyes were pleasantly surprised, and he quickly opened the book to look at it, he already felt the strong wind element aura on the book.

After practicing the Wind Sword Art for a long time, Yasuo is very sensitive to the wind element, and has excellent talents, and is now a swordsman in the realm of masters.

“Chopping Steel Flash, Wind Elemental Urging, Wind Swordsmanship…”

This skill book only shows Yasuo one page, and the subsequent content is not visible at all, which makes Yasuo’s heart very itchy.

He has already felt something, and he is almost the most crucial thing to be able to comprehend this trick!

But the most critical place was hidden by an inexplicable force, and he couldn’t see it at all!

Only by purchasing can you learn the complete Chopping Flash!

“This Heart Cultivation Pavilion is really weird! Imperial Wind Sword Art is all available here! ”

Yaso muttered, this Imperial Wind Sword Art, in Ionia, only he and Elder Suma Elder, and Elder Suma died in the Imperial Wind Sword Art, so he was considered by the sect to be the murderer of Elder Suma.

There is a Imperial Wind Sword Art here, could it be that someone learned the Imperial Wind Sword Art from here and then killed Elder Suma?!

Most likely!

Yasuo calculated in his heart, feeling that the truth was getting closer and closer to him! It must be so, someone bought the Imperial Wind Sword Art here!

This store manager must know something!

And this little shop is really mysterious!

The store manager must also be a very terrifying figure, although Li Fulang was sorting out those clothes, Yasuo still keenly felt the terrifying sword intent on Li Fulang’s body.

Yasuo raised his head sharply and asked Li Fuxiang, “Store manager, has anyone ever purchased the Imperial Wind Sword Art here?” ”


Li Fu looked up suspiciously, and then only thought for a moment to figure out why Yasuo asked this.

He must be trying to track down the cause of Elder Suma’s death!

“No, the first day the shop opened, you were also the first customer.”

Li Fu pondered for a moment, and then said, “If you want to know the truth of something, you can move here.” ”

After Li Fulang finished speaking, he walked with Yasuo to the counter, and a mysterious crystal ball on it flashed brightly.

“Prophecy crystal ball, rely on the gold coins you pay, give you the most correct guidance.”

Yasuo’s eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this, he only had five gold coins in his body now, and he wanted to buy the Chopping Steel Flash and try this prophecy crystal ball.

“That’s it! Finding the truth of things is what matters! ”

Yasuo gritted his teeth, put his hand on the prophecy crystal ball, and then muttered, “Please tell me the true cause of Elder Suma’s death!” ”

Then Yasuo took out a gold coin and placed it on the counter.

In an instant, the brilliance on the prophecy crystal ball flickered, condensing two big words, Ruiwen!

“Huh? Could it be that this person named Ruiwen killed him? ”

Yasuo squinted, took out another gold coin, and put it on the counter, if no other information appeared, then this Ruiwen is the real murderer!

The brilliance on the crystal ball flashed again, and several large characters appeared.

“Ruiwen, commit suicide.”


Yasuo is now completely confused, what does it mean that Ruiwen committed suicide, Elder Suma was killed by Ruiwen, and then Ruiwen committed suicide?

Or did Ruiwen commit suicide, and Elder Suma followed suit?

This information is simply not enough!

Yasuo gritted his teeth and directly put two more gold coins on the counter.

“Ruiwen, Rune Greatsword, commit suicide.”


Yasuo cursed secretly, there was an additional rune giant sword, but he didn’t know what it was!

“The last one!”

Another gold coin was placed, and the crystal ball was brilliant, and a line of big characters was clearly displayed.

“Elder Suma committed suicide with Ruiwen’s rune greatsword.”

Yasso’s brows furrowed, unable to understand.

Why did Elder Suma commit suicide?

Why did you commit suicide with Ruiwen’s rune greatsword?

Who is this Ruiwen?

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