Even gods may not be able to create things casually in the Rune Land.

“Fake, it must be fake!”

Mord Caesar muttered in his mouth, and the whole person was confused, feeling that he was not very sober, as if he had drunk fake wine.


Is it really possible to create things?

Mord Caesar floated in the air and followed Li Fulang into the Creator Laboratory.

If he can really create things, then the strength of the shopkeeper is estimated to surpass that of the gods.

The gods are just a realm, and different gods are also strong and weak, such as the Dragon King and Naga Kabulos want to compare, definitely the Dragon King is more powerful.

“Come in, leave them alone, and tell me what special needs you have for materials?” Appearance, as well as performance above. ”

Li Fu pointed to the big bug and Marzaha who were locked up in the anti-void metal cage, and signaled Mord Caesar not to deal with the two guys.

Now that Marzaha was almost fanatical, he felt that Li Fuwan was the strongest among the Void Monitors.

Moreover, he often talked to Li Fulang about the void devouring the rune earth, and took the initiative to give advice from time to time.

If it weren’t for the fact that the void creature still had some effect, Li Fulang wanted to kill this guy.

It’s so annoying.

“Lord Void Monitor! When will my gate prepare to attack Runeterra?!” I have a great strategy! ”

When Marzaha saw Li Fulang come in, he instantly became excited, waving his arms, wanting to attract Li Fulang’s attention.

He came up with a brilliant strategy!

If Li Fulang adopted it, it wouldn’t be long before he would be able to completely descend to the Rune Land without having to stay in this boring void.

The naïve Marzaha had always thought that the Creator Laboratory was the plane where the Void was located, and had always been locked up in a cage and never went out.

The big bug had gone out and knew what place it was, but Marzaha was already almost fanatical, and he couldn’t listen to the big bug’s words, and he thought that the big bug was going to betray the void.

“Shut up!”

Li Fu shook his forehead and flashed a few black lines, quite helpless, he also explained to Marzaha, but Marzaha thought that he was modest.

Anyway, this guy is already devilish.

There is simply no way to communicate normally with this guy.

Opening and closing his mouth is the land of devouring runes, and he has all kinds of ghost ideas for Li Fuwan.

It is really worthy of being the leader of the cult, this perseverance, it is estimated that any mortal can not stand it.

“It’s okay, leave him alone, you go on.”

Li Fulang cast a silent spell on Marzaha’s cage before turning to face Mord Caesar, who was in the state of his skull.

Sure enough, it was much quieter after muting.

It’s really annoying to twitter all the time.

Li Fulang left him mainly to study the summoning technique, after all, the Void Monster was summoned directly from the Void, and this method was still worth learning.

But Marzaha didn’t know what was going on, and he couldn’t summon the Void Monster at all, making Li Fulang even wonder if Viktor had caught the wrong person!

Marzaha is famous as a little bug in Wuyang Wuyang, and now he can’t summon him, who believes this!

“The owner… Is this a creature in the void? ”

Maud Caesar asked suspiciously, and a monstrous wave once again set off in his heart.


He knew about the Void, and before his reign, there was a famous Darkspawn War, and those Darkspawns were all demigods infected by the Void.

O demigod!

Demigod powerhouses will fall and corrupt after being infected by the void, which shows how strong the power of the void is.

And… He heard it clearly, and Marzaha called Li Fu Shake the Void Watcher!

Don’t.. Is the shopkeeper really a strong man out of the void?

Mord Caesar was very suspicious and thought it was very likely.

But looking at Li Fuwan’s appearance, there was no weird aura of the void at all.

“Yes, don’t worry about them, you can say yours.”

Li Fu nodded, then waved his hand, and randomly shaped a high wall, isolating Marzaha and the big bug on the other side of the wall.

It’s not enough to be silent, it’s annoying enough to watch Marzaha gesture excitedly there.

The high walls were erected, plus the silent magic, and now it was completely impossible to see Marzaha.

But Li Fulang did not notice how much shock he was to Mord Caesar by his casual creation of high walls.


Mord Caesar swallowed a mouthful of spit that did not exist, and his heart was shocked, and his soul felt trembling!

It’s really created out of thin air!

With just a wave of your hand, such a tall wall was created!

Mord Caesar no longer knew how strong Li Fulang was, but he knew that he was very strong and strong, and the gods might not be his opponents.

Even the powerful gods could not be Li Fulang’s opponent.

After all, he had never heard of any god who could create things so easily!

“Void Watcher… Creator! I understand! ”

Mord Caesar was shocked, and in connection with the name of the Void Prophet to Li Fulang, he seemed to be able to guess Li Fulang’s strength!

It is not only the creator powerhouse of the Rune Land, but also the terrifying monitor in the void, and it is estimated that he also has more identities in other planes!

The shopkeeper is a strong person who can crisscross the void, the land of runes, the spiritual realm, and the heavenly realm!

is the top supreme powerhouse!

I just don’t know the name of the shopkeeper in the celestial realm, but Mord Caesar thinks that he must be very strong.

“What? Don’t want it? If you don’t say, then I won’t customize it for you. ”

Li Fuxian looked at Mord Caesar floating in the air suspiciously, not knowing what this guy was thinking.

He saw the soul in the skull, and he was dumbfounded.

What the hell is this guy doing?!

Li Fulang was a little helpless, as if all heroes have this problem, and they often went to stunned while talking.

“Ahhh… I’m sorry. ”

Mord Caesar came back to his senses sharply, apologized again and again, and at the same time became more respectful of Li Fuwan’s attitude.

This is the supreme powerhouse!

It is estimated to be one of the strongest people in this world.

Mord Caesar felt that he should not be so presumptuous, and repeatedly urged the skull to flutter up and down, as if bowing.

“If you ask, as long as you can carry the power of the underworld better, it is this broken world.”

Mord Caesar muttered, and then released his underworld and handed it to Li Fulang’s hand.

Now the state of the underworld is like a gray-white ball, with nothing in it but pure energy.

The damage to the underworld was very bad.

If only defeat is not like this!

The underworld failed when it merged with the real world in the last step, so the entire real world directly acted on the underworld and Mord Caesar.

Therefore, the underworld was directly broken, and only such a thing remained.

“Hmm… This is the power of the soul, but a variant. ”

Li Fulang carefully looked at the underworld in his hand, this underworld created by Mord Caesar was between spirit and matter, and at the same time it was a very strange power.

It’s not the same as pure soul power.

Ionia’s spiritual power is pure soul power, and Mord Caesar’s underworld power comes with some characteristics that intervene in reality.

This is much stronger than a simple soul power, and it is no wonder that Mord Caesar has such terrifying strength.

“Just leave it to me, aren’t you afraid that I will blow it up for you? Wait and experiment with new materials. ”

Li Fuxian smiled, returned the underworld to Mord Caesar, and then began to debug various attributes.

Mord Caesar took the underworld, but it didn’t matter, he dared to hand it over, naturally not because there was any dependence.

In his opinion, a strong person like Li Fulang would not look at the last underworld that was damaged to this extent.

And he has not fallen here, and Ben has nothing to care about, the Heart Cultivation Pavilion is his hope to rise again, if the shopkeeper still targets him, he might as well die.

“The power of the underworld is not the same as ordinary soul power, so it is not as simple as adjusting the soul transmission ability to the highest.”

Li Fuxian frowned slightly, tested the data one after another, and beckoned Viktor in, asking Viktor to help record the data.

This material, it’s really hard to find, it is estimated that you have to find it for a while.

It would take a day or two to find out the best, because the power of the underworld is very special, and it is really not easy to get the perfect fit.

“You have to wait a while, you can go out and around, you can browse the book skill skin area, by the way, don’t enter the weapons area.”

“The martial arts arena and skills can also be tried, and we’ll be looking for you when we’re done.”

After Li Fulang finished speaking, he then created a new type of material out of thin air, and at the same time, a touch of underworld power appeared on his fingertips, penetrating in, testing his acceptance of underworld power.

His Chaos Divine Position can use any power, whether it is soul power, star spirit power, or fear nova power, he can transform it.

Of course, the mysteries of the Chaos God Position are not only these, but there are many mysteries that have not been discovered by Li Fulang.

“Hiss… Well, that doesn’t bother ..”

Mord Caesar saw the power of the underworld in Li Fuxiang’s hand, and fell into shock again.

This is the purest power of the underworld!

The owner actually used it directly!

Even the undead who have been in the underworld for thousands of years have not many people who can completely control this pure underworld power.

The owner turned out to be… It can be used just by looking at it.

“Could it have been before?” There is also such a possibility. ”

Mord Caesar muttered, it would be terrifying if the shopkeeper had the power of the underworld before!

The underworld has always been hidden by him, almost no one has discovered it, only he knows about it.

And those who were loyal to him.

The spread of information was only controlled below the range of the gods, and no star spirit or god knew that he had made such a world of the dead.

If the owner would have been earlier… Wouldn’t that mean that everything in time could not escape his eyes!

This is an even scarier kind of speculation!

Mord Caesar wasn’t sure what the reason was, but each reason showed the strength of the shopkeeper…

Simply unfathomable!

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