Mord Caesar put aside his inner doubts, anyway, the stronger the shopkeeper, the better the body he can build for him, there is no doubt about this.

Floating out of the Creator Lab, Mord Caesar floated towards the book area, for the book thing, Mord Caesar had no feelings, but since it was a book from the Cultivation Pavilion, he still wanted to see it.

Once when Mord Caesar ruled the Rune Lands, he wiped out countless mortal kingdoms and burned countless mortal books.

For him, mortal books, no matter how well written, are of little use.

Because it was forged by mortals.

But now it’s different, all books have strong magic prohibitions on them, comparable to gods, it is estimated that they are written by powerful gods, and these books are still necessary to see.

Mord Caesar’s skull floated in the air, spinning between the bookshelves, emitting a faint miserable green light, which was very strange.

“What are you doing here! I mean, are you a customer? ”

Lilia stretched her little head, her eyes blinking, and stared very curiously at Maud Caesar floating in the air.

This skull… Is it also a customer?

Now the customers who come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion are really getting more and more strange!

There are demons with masks, and this skull! Lilia was curious about how such a skull floated in the air, could it be that someone else was manipulating it?

While Lilia was staring timidly at Mord Caesar, Mord Caesar was also looking at the magic fawn that suddenly appeared.

Mord Caesar’s heart set off waves again, this seemingly harmless magic deer turned out to be a demigod-level powerhouse!

The surging magical power on his body contains divine power, and it is very pure, so pure that Mord Caesar is a little envious.

Such a magic deer turned out to be a demigod-level powerhouse, although it was a beginner demigod, but it was enough to surprise Mord Caesar.

“Ahem, I’m a customer, don’t mind.”

Mord Caesar answered, and then walked towards the book section, ready to look at the books.

But Lilia kept following him curiously.

For Lilia, she had never seen such a creature, a skull! He can fly and talk!

Although Lilia is a demigod realm, almost all of what she learns is about the magic of dreams, and she rushed up under the teaching and indoctrination of many artifacts.

For other magical common sense, Lilia is still slowly learning, and at first glance she saw Mord Caesar, she was a little curious.

“Follow me for what?”

Mord Caesar was suspicious that Lilia had been following him a short distance, and as soon as he turned back, Lilia immediately hid her body behind the bookshelf, looking at him with only one head exposed.

You’re a demigod!

Is it really good to be so cowardly?!

Mord Caesar was a little helpless, forcing himself to ignore Lilia behind him, looking for books to watch.

For these books, Mord Caesar still attaches great importance to it, maybe he found a way for mortals to become gods from them!

Although this method is useless for him, it is better to know than not to know.

“Books about Shadow Island?”

Mord Caesar floated to the area of Shadow Island, picked up a few books casually and read them, after all, he is the boss of Shadow Island.

Of course, it was once the boss of Shadow Island.

Now that the black fog of Shadow Island has dissipated, it is estimated that it cannot be called Shadow Island, and he woke up before he found that Shadow Island was still a little excited.

The geographical environment of Shadow Island and the characteristics of the black fog are a perfect realm, which can perfectly carry the arrival of the underworld.


Mord Caesar groaned, looked through the basics, and then drifted to other areas.

He knows everything about Shadow Island, he knows everything in these books, and it is estimated that there is nothing that can make him understand your heart.

He planned to read books about the celestial realm, after all, his goal was to conquer everything he could.

The celestial realm, the spiritual realm, the material plane, he wanted to conquer.


Maud Caesar floated and found this area!

On a tall bookshelf, it was all about the heavenly realm!

The Celestial Realm is a realm that Mord Caesar has never explored, and he only knows only a little about it, and it would be great to be able to understand it now.

It can prepare for his future attack on the Celestial Realm.

And looking at this look, it is estimated that many of the secrets of the heavenly realm are recorded in these books.

After all, he had just read the books of Shadow Island, and the secrets of Shadow Island were almost cleaned inside, and the Celestial Realm estimated to be the same!

“Very good!”

Mord Caesar was a little excited, picked up a book of celestial overviews and began to read it, compared to understanding the star spirits or celestial gods, he felt that it was better to look at the macro introduction of the celestial realm.

After all, understanding a thing is from the table to the inside, whether it is analyzing a field, or understanding a thing, learning something.

Cognition is always built like this.

“When it was even more ancient than antiquity, the creation god Aurelian minted countless stars, but no stars were born until he discovered the Rune Continent.”

“Strong primordial gods have been born on the Rune Continent, and they have strong power when they speak out, and they obtain the power of gods when they become adults.”

“It’s a strong talent.”

Mord Caesar secretly smacked his tongue, the creatures born in this Rune Land were also too powerful.

You are born with the power of a demigod, and then you can become a god as an adult.

If it is so simple to become a god, what underworld does he create! In order to become a god, he has been planning for thousands of years!

Now telling him that someone can become a god as an adult, for a moment Mord Caesar was a little helpless.

“And what kind of strong person is this Aurelian who can create countless stars… I’m afraid this is no longer a god-level power. ”

Maud Caesar muttered, dragging the book with his own power and falling into deep thought.

The beginning is less than a page long, but the amount of information conveyed shocked Maud Caesar.

Creation of Stars: Are the stars above the sky all created by this powerful man named Aurelion?

Ordinary gods can’t even create things, if they directly create stars… That’s outrageous.

It’s too strong!

If Mord Caesar knew that Aurelian was the first creature in this universe, he would probably be even more surprised if he was a veritable creation deity.

“These strong people who became gods as adults gradually began to be dissatisfied with the resources of the Rune Land, and left the Rune Land to go to the endless starry sky forged by Aurelien.”

“That endless starry sky is the so-called celestial realm, and the first strong people born in those rune lands are called star spirits, and they left the Giant God Peak and started a new journey in the endless starry sky.”

“Later, many creatures were born, although they were not as strong as the first batch of creatures, but there were also many god-level powerhouses, and they almost all went to the starry sky.”

“The endless starry sky is the so-called celestial realm.”

Mord Caesar’s eyes flickered, originally he thought that the celestial realm was a man-made world.

Unexpectedly, the celestial realm turned out to be a starry sky!

It’s just that this starry sky is isolated by gods and star spirits, and without god-level strength, it is impossible to go to the starry sky, and there is no mistake in saying that it is a separate realm.

Among the billions of stars in the starry sky, only a few stars are occupied by star spirits, and a large number of stars are occupied by later gods.

In the land of runes, there is no way above the gods, only in the endless starry sky, they can be promoted, so most of the god powerhouses have left the land of runes.

“So it is…”

Mord Caesar muttered, he almost knew why these star spirits had left the Rune Land and headed for the endless starry sky.

Although the Rune Land has strong magical power because of the world runes, it cannot give birth to more powerful beings after all.

Only life in the universe can seek a stronger path.

Thinking of this, Mord Caesar felt that he should also go to the endless starry sky in the future.

After all, his ambitions are not just gods.

“In the Celestial Realm, there are almost two camps, Star Spirit and Ascension God… And Star Spirit is the strongest lineup. ”

“Some of the star spirits are creatures born in the early days of the Rune Land, and the endless starry sky they went to after reaching the gods, but some star spirits are creatures born in the universe!”

“The strength of this star spirit is very strong, and it can even wrestle with Aurelian’s wrist, of course, the star spirit who dares to break the wrist with Aurelian is lost in the endless starry sky.”

Morde Caesar’s eyes flickered, seeing here, the following is paid, these contents made his understanding of the celestial realm more thorough.

Of all the realms, the Celestial Realm was the most terrifying, even more terrifying than the Void.

After all, the void is only a companion plane of the rune land, while the celestial realm is an endless starry sky that exists in the universe.

And… There are also cosmic star spirits in the celestial realm!

That’s a guy of the same level of strength as Aurelian like the Creator God!

Mord Caesar was really a little surprised, fortunately he didn’t stupidly go directly to the Celestial Realm to do things.

“Look at the paid chapter, you can ask me to pay for it~”

Lilia poked her head out from behind the bookshelf and said timidly, she was a long time today.

A skull, you can actually read a book!

They don’t have eyes!

But it doesn’t matter, just pay for reading!

“Okay, okay!”

Mord Caesar took out some gold coins from the underworld, paid them and began to look at them again.

There are too many mysteries in the celestial realm, and Mord Caesar is sure that if he enters the celestial realm recklessly, he is estimated to die a miserable death.

Any star spirit can abuse him.

“The first creature born in the universe is called Aurelian, and the creatures born after that are various star spirits, and the hatred between the star spirits and Aurelian is very large, perhaps this is an opportunity to use.”

The first sentence of the paid chapter gave Mord Caesar a huge surprise.

Aurelian actually has a hatred with the Star Spirit!

If this can be used, it is estimated that it will benefit a lot, but this is a knife-tip thing, and the slightest mistake will kill you.

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