“The giant god Star Spirit and the Cosmic Star Spirit colluded to frame the strongest Aurelian in the universe, and constantly extracted his divine power to build the Celestial God Warrior to protect the Rune Land.”

“Aurelian was full of anger, and he vowed to destroy the heavenly realm so that those star spirits would understand what awe is.”

Soon, Mord Caesar finished reading the book, but his heart was still full of doubts.

If it is said that the power of the Dragon King was extracted to protect the Rune Continent, and then shape the Celestial God War Warriors, then why didn’t the Star Spirits protect the Rune Land themselves!

This simply cannot be said!

Mord Caesar felt that the Star Spirits must have other conspiracies.

With the strong power of the star spirits, whether it is the giant god Star Spirit who ascended later, or the cosmic star spirit in the primordial universe, they can easily guard the Rune Continent.

Why do you have to do this to shape the Celestial God Warrior?

The Star Spirits continue to extract Aurelian’s power, presumably to steal power…

As a careerist, Mord Caesar was well aware of this intrigue.

“O Celestial Realm! But now it’s better to hurry up and recover your strength, let’s talk about the rest! ”

Mord Caesar closed the book and sighed a lot, originally thinking that the heavens were all useless gods, but now it seems that he is wrong.

The horror of the celestial realm was far beyond his imagination.

And… Aurelian’s affairs made Mord Caesar a little moved, if he could save Aurelian, wouldn’t he be able to directly obtain incomparably strong power?!

Mord Caesar continued to float and headed to the Giant God Peak area, where he had to see what was going on with Aurelian.

If possible, he really wanted to do something.

Although he is very weak now, the shopkeeper has said that a few years is enough for him to recover his strength, and then there will be enough capital to do things.

“The Legend of the Star Casting Dragon King.”

Mord Caesar quickly found the book, but compared to the heavy books, the book was very popular, only a few thin pages, and all of it was paid!

After paying the fee, Mord Caesar opened the book and began to read, he wanted to know what the feud between Aurelian and the Star Spirit was!

If he had the chance, he would not have given up!

You must know that Aurelian is the strongest guy in the world, the first creature born in the universe.

And… For the Star Spirit, Mord Caesar did not have a good impression.

He wanted to attack the Celestial Realm before, and then conquer the Celestial Realm, how could he have a good impression of the Star Spirit!

When he ruled the Rune Land, it was countless star spirit avatars who were making trouble in the mortal world, which gave him great resistance.

Mord Caesar is very vengeful, star spirit, demon, this is what he hates the most!

“The Star Casting Dragon King Aurelian wandered in the starry sky and created billions of stars alone, but no stars gave birth to life.”

“For him, the universe was lonely until a second life in the universe was born.”

“Then some star spirits appeared one after another in the universe, and these star spirits lured the Star Dragon King to this place of runes full of life.”

Mord Caesar read the book carefully, not daring to miss a single thing.

After all, this is a record about the Star Casting Dragon King, the number one enemy of the Star Spirits! If given the chance, Mord Caesar would not give up any chance to kill the Star Spirit.

“The Star Casting Dragon King was surprised beyond words when he saw the star that gave birth to so many lives for the first time, and he knew that this star was not created by him.”

“After showing his mighty power, the Star Casting Dragon King was revered by everyone in the Giant God Peak, and they worshipped the Dragon King and praised Aurelian with all their words.”

“Then, they built a crown for Aurelian and tricked Aurelian into taking it with them.”

Mord Caesar’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly felt that there was a complicated relationship between those giant god star spirits and cosmic star spirits.

The primordial star spirit of the giant god peak deceived the dragon king and brought the crown to the dragon king, but it was the dragon king lured by the cosmic star spirit to go to the land of runes.

If there was nothing in this, Mord Caesar would not believe it at all!

Moreover, the Rune Land was not created by the Dragon King, who created it? Could it be the place where the Star Spirits created? Or was the universe born on its own?

One mystery after another flickered in Mord Caesar’s heart, and he felt the malice of the star spirits.

Many star spirits are just such despicable villains.

Mord Caesar felt that although he liked to kill, often played with the undead, and started wars to make the Rune Land miserable, he was a decent gentleman.

Never used such disgusting conspiracy.

Star Spirit, it’s really disgusting!

“Aurelian took the crown unguarded, and then fell into torture, the crown kept extracting the power of the dragon king, and at the same time the cosmic star spirit and the giant god star spirit appeared at the same time, sealing it at the top of the giant god peak.”

“As long as Aurelian uses his divine power to break free from the crown, countless stars will be destroyed, and if he wants to completely break free, it is estimated that the stars of the entire universe will be destroyed.”

“Aurelian has been waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a chance to kill all the star spirits together.”

Mord Caesar finished reading the book, closed the book, and was a little shocked in his heart.

These star spirits are simply not a thing!

Moreover, the star spirits also used various means to cover up their ugly deeds, leaving a tall legend in the Rune Land.

This is what makes Maud Caesar most disgusting.

He ruled the Rune Continent and was a complete tyrant, but he did not tamper with history, but let the world evaluate.

In this way, the so-called star spirit is just a villain with empty power, and the so-called protection of the rune land is actually for its own benefit!

And still use such inferior means for profit!

Mord Caesar didn’t believe it, and the star spirits that could crisscross the universe could not protect the Rune Land!

It’s not that you can’t, you just don’t want to…

“When you have the opportunity, you must disgust these star spirits well!”

Mord Caesar’s skull trembled slightly, showing the anger in his heart.

However, anger is anger, his current strength is really a little weak, and there is no way to help the Star Casting Dragon King.

When he becomes a god, he must go to the Giant God Peak and try to release the Dragon King.

While disgusting the star spirit, it is also possible to establish some friendship with the strongest in the universe, which is the best of both worlds.

“All right! Material found! ”

Just as Mord Caesar was stunned, Viktor came out of the Creator Laboratory and shouted.

They have found the most suitable material for the power of the underworld.

It also has unexpected properties, arguably one of the strongest materials found so far!


When Mord Caesar heard this, he quickly put down the book in his hand and followed Victor towards the Creator Lab.

Now his strength is too weak, and only after recovering to the peak, or breaking through to the gods, can he go to the trouble of the star spirit.

Improving your strength is the most important thing now.

And getting a perfect body is the first step, and a skull can’t beat people with a mace.

“Let’s take a look at this material, it’s just your styling design, what do you want?”

Li Fulang was also a little excited, and the sense of achievement in coming up with new materials was really strong.

A little bit of various properties can make a completely new material, and all kinds of materials have uses, but now this new material that carries the power of the underworld is the first time it has been made.

The power of the underworld is also a mutating force, which is very powerful.

The body shaped by this material will definitely be able to perfectly carry the soul of Mord Caesar and the power of the underworld.

“Oh my God! Incredible! ”

Mord Caesar tried to dip his power into that piece of material, and the result was greatly unexpected to him!

Different from the feeling when using Nightfall before, this material was actually actively accepting his underworld power!

And his power flows unimpeded in this piece of material!

Simply perfect!

“Fantastic! As for the styling, just follow my soul! ”

Mord Caesar’s soul floated out of the skull, staying in the tin for a long time, and his soul became like that.

Iron Armor Soul!

Exactly like the original skin painting, it is completely hideous steel construction, without any human needs.

“Very good, but it needs to be adjusted, by the way, the physical resistance of this material is at the top level, which is a surprise.”

Li Fu waved his hand, created a huge material out of thin air under the horrified gaze of Mord Caesar, and then repaired it slightly, and soon became the appearance of Mord Caesar.

And there was no skull left on the head, preparing a place for Maud Caesar’s own skull.

Very sweet!

He could see that the skull of Mord Caesar was not simple, and it had very strong magical power, which was a rare good thing.

If there is a big war in the future and Mord Caesar’s body is damaged, this skull can perfectly protect his soul.

However, the physical resistance of this material is very strong, and it is estimated that it is impossible to damage.

“Okay, Viktor, try this physical resistance!”

Li Fulang pointed to the body shaped for Mord Caesar with a new material, which was six or seven meters tall, completely constructed of new materials, and designed according to the original painting of Mord Caesar’s skin.

Each steel is full of powerful beauty, like an ancient Greek sculpture, and perfectly conforms to the mechanical design, which can cushion physical attacks to the greatest extent.


When Viktor heard this, he took out a sharp big knife and resisted it on his shoulder, and then urged the power of Hex’s core to swing the big knife in his hand with all his strength!


The blade slashed at Mord Caesar’s new body and shattered directly, while the new body was still the same, and not even a single knife mark appeared.

You must know that Victor’s power is very strong!

“How about it, satisfied, come and try!”

Li Fu pointed to the body, and then made way for Mord Caesar.

Mord Caesar nodded excitedly, very satisfied, and at the same time urged his skull to float, and then landed on the area left by the new body’s head.

Tight! Perfect fit!

A miserable green light flashed in the eyes of the huge body, and almost instantly, Mord Caesar perfectly controlled this huge body!

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