Svein’s eyes were full of doubts, which information was wrong, it was clear that Mord Caesar was dead and could no longer die, and the underworld collapsed.

But now the Immortal Fortress told him that Mord Caesar was still alive!

And if Mord Caesar was still alive, it would be contrary to the previous instructions that the secrets of the Immortal Fortress could only be obtained by one person.

Svein really couldn’t figure it out, and only felt that one mystery after another was in front of him, and he couldn’t see it clearly at all.

“No matter, everything is built on strength, and with strength, you can naturally break through the void!”

Svein’s eyes narrowed slightly, the power of demons was surging, only power was everything.

Now that he has mastered the way to become a god, he needs a lot of soul chips…

“Pass the order down, tomorrow begin an all-out attack on Demacia, while invading Freld in the north, Shurima in the south, and the east… Ionia still forget it! ”

Svein’s order was quickly transmitted, and Noxus began to prepare intensively, ready to do things around.

It’s time for the Rune Continent to see the fangs of Noxus.

Demacia, Shurima, Freyrdrand, these places are indispensable!

As for Ionia… Svein skipped this land directly without thinking, joking, that’s where the Heart Cultivation Pavilion exists!

Even if he became a god, he would not dare to make trouble in Ionia anymore.

Noxus began to function, and all Noxians longed for a protracted war, which was the belief of the Noxians.

But secretly, Loveland led a Noxus team and secretly went to Ionia.

Loveland remembered the humiliation of being threatened by Svein in public last time, and she felt that Svein’s refusal to attack Ionia must have some secret!

After all, Svein should have died in Ionia, but he came back alive and overturned the whole of Noxus overnight.

Combined with Svein’s change in attitude towards Ionia, and this time Noxus attacked in an all-out way, but did not attack Ionia, everything has a secret in it!

Loveland felt that this was Svein’s greatest mystery, and it was also related to the secrets in the Immortal Fortress, otherwise it would not have been possible to tolerate Ionia so much.

What kind of character is Svein, Loveland knows very well, strategizing, extremely calm, and doing everything for Noxus, it is impossible to put a piece of fat without eating.

Ionia, there must be a huge secret!

“When I find those secrets, I’ll come back to deal with you!”

Loveland chuckled and sailed to Ionia with a group of Noxus soldiers, these were her henchmen, but there was no danger of being discovered.

Svein’s secret, she must get it!

She wanted to see what existed in Ionia that made Svein cover it so much!

The Black Rose Organization has been established for thousands of years, and Demon Le Fran has been looking for a way to become a demigod or god, but unfortunately, all of them have failed.

This time to Ionia, she must find the secret of Svein!

Svein was defeated at the Battle of Presidian and had his arm and kneecap cut off, but survived, and there must be a secret in it.

Loveland planned to go to Presidian first to see if there would be any windfalls.


This is a field full of ice and snow, and few can survive in such ice and snow.

On a snowfield, a man with a chain in his hand was walking on foot on the ice, and his whole body was constantly shaking.

It was Silas, who was exiled by Demacia to Freyrdrand.

After being bloodied by Lax, his luck, coupled with his willingness to absorb magic, survived, but his magic was exhausted.

Now walking in the ice and snow, all he could feel was the cold.

Unless you can absorb some magic… Otherwise, he will soon be completely frozen to death here.

There was a tribe ahead, but Silas felt that he might not be able to walk there, his thin clothes could not withstand the cold, and the exhausted magic could not protect against the cold.

Even his strength was exhausted.

His eyelids were heavy, he only wanted to sleep, but he didn’t dare, because in this case, it would be impossible to get up again after sleeping.

He finally knew why Demacia had such a method of execution, exiling the prisoner to Freyrdrand.

This is simply the harshest punishment.

No one could walk from the bitter cold to Freyrdraud’s tribe, and although he saw the tribe now, he was still a great force away from the tribe.

This distance is desperate enough.

If he doesn’t meet the Freyrdrand again, he will die.

“Man, how to live in such a place?”

Silas let out a long sigh, feeling that his airways were invaded by the cold, and his strength had been completely exhausted.

A heavy feeling of drowsiness pressed on his body, and gradually, Silas fell, his body immersed in the snow.

In the distance, a large team watched Silas from afar, but no one helped.

The Guvask boar inside the team has white gas sprayed on its nose, which is a team of the Winter’s Claw tribe.

“That was… A foreigner, or leave him alone, wear this look, come to Freyrdrand is looking for death. ”

The leader of the squad, Scarmother, said, her eyes full of coldness.

For a foreigner, she is not at all favorable, not to mention a brainless foreigner, dressed like this to Freyr Zhuode.

Silas was bare-armed, with two huge chains in his hands, and his pants were above his ankles, and he was even walking barefoot in the ice and snow.

Next to Scar Mother was a beautiful woman and a strong man.

The woman is a shamanka who has been guided by the gods, which is the most awe-inspiring profession in Freyrdrand, the messenger of the gods, full of ice imprints, and able to walk naked in the ice and snow without feeling the slightest cold.

This shamanka’s heart suddenly stirred, and she felt that there was an inexplicable power in this foreigner.

Is this the guidance of the gods?

Shamanka have a very obvious characteristic that no matter what happens, they feel that they are guided by the gods, and in Freld, even the patriarch of the tribe will believe the shamanka’s words.

“Wait, go check this guy! The gods are guiding me. ”

Hearing this, the strong man holding a giant sword next to him nodded and prepared to walk towards Silas.

This giant sword is called Dongxi, and it is embedded with a piece of ice, which is the most terrifying thing in Freyrdrand and can only be controlled by the ice race.

Except for the Ice Descent, anyone who touches the ice will turn into an ice sculpture…

This strong man, named Iron Fist, is a formidable warrior for whom Freyrdrand is famous.

Just as he was about to walk towards Silas, Silas fell and lay directly on the ground.

“One step late, this alien died.”

Iron Fist sighed and returned to the Guvask boar, it was too late, and few of those who fell in the ice and snow survived.

“Nope… No, the guidance of the gods cannot be wrong. ”

Shamanka squinted, walked barefoot in the ice and snow, and slowly walked towards Silas.

The gods inside her are guiding her.

This alien must not have died completely, and she did not know why there was such a guide.

But for the guidance of the gods, shamanka, must be sure.

“Shamanka! Don’t bother with this alien anymore! The Winter Claw tribe still needs to rob, even if it is saved, it is estimated that it will only have one more mouth, not one more knife! ”

Scar Mu groaned, feeling a little unhappy in her heart.

To take care of such a foreigner, dare to come to Freyrdrand naked to come to Freyrdraud’s mentally disabled alien, isn’t there a brain problem?!

And this foreigner, it doesn’t look like a material capable of fighting, and if he is saved, he just raises a gossip for eating.

“This is the guidance of the gods!”

Shamanka choked on Scar Mother with just one sentence, and there was no half a word to say.

With the guidance of the gods, even the patriarch of the tribe, Sejoni, could not refuse such a request.

This is the status of shamans among the Freyrdrand tribe, who are guided by the gods, have great power, and are revered to master the ice.

No one can take a shaman’s words lightly, and Scar is no exception.

“Let me see.”

Shamanka walked in the ice and snow, everyone looked at her in awe, only a shamancard blessed by the gods dared to wear such thin, otherwise even the most powerful warrior would have to wear fur to keep out the cold.

Walking to Silas, Shamanka’s face was full of doubts, and she could be sure that this foreigner was dead.

It’s really dead.

But the guidance in the underworld remained, telling her that this man was Freyrdrand’s hope?

What the hell is going on here?!

And this foreigner still has huge chains on his hands, he must be a criminal who committed something, and it is estimated that he also has his own story.

After hesitating for a moment, the shamanka stretched out his hand and prepared to lift Silas up.

At the moment when the shamanka’s palm touched Silas, Silas’s eyes opened sharply!

At the same time, Shamanka was shocked and tried to retract his palm, but was grabbed by Silas!

She could feel that the power that the gods had given her was rapidly passing!

In other words, the alien in front of her is absorbing her magical power!

This is a magic from the gods! How can it be absorbed away by a person!

Shamanka was shocked, and soon, the cold feeling rushed to her heart again, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Since receiving the blessing of the gods to become a shamanka, she has not experienced this complete cold for many years.

“With the way of the other, return the body of the other, and seize the power is nothing more.”

Silas’s eyes flashed with cold light, absorbing all the magic power in Shamanka’s body and standing up.

Now, he didn’t feel the cold, and even a little warm.

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