Sure enough, as stated in the books, Freyrdrand possessed powerful magic and ancient prohibitions.

Once in prison, Silas tricked Lax into obtaining a lot of books.

In those books and secret codes, he learned that in the distant place Freyrdrand possessed powerful magic, and then further away Ionia.

These two places are the most prosperous places for magic in the Rune Continent.

Now, he has come to Freyrdrand, and although he is exiled and on the verge of death, he is very lucky and has absorbed a guy with powerful magic.

“People, how to survive in such a place, I understand.”

The corner of Sellars’ mouth pulled a sinister smile, not caring at all about the shamancard shivering on the ground, for him, absorbing the shamancard was the best choice.

This ice magic is very powerful, and most importantly, it can withstand the cold, so that he no longer has the strong feeling of drowsiness under the cold.

That dying cold feeling, he didn’t want to have a second time.

Thinking of this, Silas turned his head to look at the warriors of the Winterclaw tribe such as Iron Fist and Scar Mother next to him, and his thoughts were active.

If he can subdue all the natives of Freyrdrand, will he be able to kill Demacia?!

But before Silas could speak, the iron fist rushed directly up, holding the Ice Sword Dongxi in his hand, and slashed at Silas.

“What did you do to the shamanka?! Vile aliens! ”

Iron Fist was furious, his belief in the gods was almost fanatical, especially for the shamanka of the messenger of the gods, and now Silas did this, causing the shamanka to be alive and dead, which simply made him anxious.

If the shamancard has any three lengths and two shorts, it is simply a blasphemy against the gods, and no one can forgive it!

Dong sighed and slashed at Silas, and a ruthless killing intent flashed in the eyes of all the tribal warriors.

In their opinion, Sellars was certain to die.

In Freyrdrand, only the Ice Clan can touch Zhen Bing, and the rest of the people will be completely frozen as long as they touch Zhen Bing, turning into an ice sculpture without any accidents.

“It’s a pity, but in the face of Zhen Bing, no non-ice creature can survive.”

Scar’s eyes flashed with essence, and she felt that Silas was about to die, and no mortal could survive under the angry Iceborn.

The power of ice is the supreme symbol of Freyrdrand.

Iron Fist is even the strongest among the ice races, and can even lift an adult Guevask boar on flat ground with one hand.

Whether it is strength or weapon, Iron Fist is a complete victory!

Scar Mother really couldn’t think of any chance that Silas would survive, relying on the chains in his hand?

Stop being funny!

But then, a scene that horrified Scar and all the warriors of the Winter’s Claw tribe happened!

The Winter Sigh Giant Sword, which contained a piece of ice, slashed fiercely on Silas’ chain, and the chain stirred up a burst of sparks.

Then the power of the ice instantly swept Silas’s whole body, and bursts of ice mist rose, which immediately turned Silas into a dead ice sculpture…

But as if some strange power emerged, an inexplicable sucking force came out, Zhen Bing disappeared with a force visible to the naked eye, and at the same time all the ice marks on Silas’ body disappeared…


A flash of consternation flashed in the eyes of the iron fist, feeling that all his strength had disappeared, and the cold invaded again, and then fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, the ice in the Dong Sigh Giant Sword quickly dissolved, and the Winter Sigh Giant Sword only had a sword hilt left!

The sudden strange situation made everyone not react, I don’t know what is going on, what magic does this alien have!

It actually absorbed Zhen Bing!

“Give it to me! Kill this alien! ”

A fierceness flashed in the scar mother’s eyes, and the old scar on her face was hideous, and she directly brandished the sword blade in her hand, calling on her subordinates to rush towards Silas!

Countless warriors rushed towards Silas on the Guvask boar.

The Guisque boar is the symbol of the Claw of Winter, and no tribe dares to underestimate the Boar warriors of the Claw of Winter.

With so many boar warriors charging, it was impossible for Silas to resist it.

But at this moment, a figure staggered to his feet, it was the shamanka who had been sucked dry of magic by Silas.

She trembled her body, her lips were red and swollen from the cold, but she still stopped the boar warriors in a weak tone.

“Don’t… This is God’s guidance, He is God’s chosen one! ”

Shamanka’s eyes were full of fanaticism, and although he was about to freeze to death, the guidance in his heart told him that Silas was the one who could change Freyrdrand.

Even if she dies, she will convey this divine guidance.

All the Guevask boars stopped, and Scar Mother walked to the front, her eyes hesitant, not knowing why the shamanka would say this about a foreigner…

O God’s chosen one!

It was a figure that Freyrdrand hadn’t seen in hundreds of years, and according to legend, every God’s Chosen One had the ability to change Freyrdrand, the ability to break through the ice and carry Freyrdrand to the Rune Land.

But Silas is just a foreigner!

How could it be God’s chosen one!

After hesitating for a moment, Scar still chose to believe the shamanka, put the weak shamancard and iron fist on the wild boar, and then glanced at Silas suspiciously.

“Come with us! Gentiles! ”

Scarmother’s face is a little hideous, and her face is covered with scars, which is her honor.

She had to take this God’s Chosen One to the Winter’s Claw Clan and show Patriarch Cersei Johnnie.

Shamanka’s prophecy cannot be wrong, but the instructions of the patriarch are equally important.

“What God’s chosen one? What are you going to do?! ”

Silas looked warily at the scar mother who was walking towards him, his eyes were full of doubt, and the chain in his hand had been raised high, as long as the scar mother made a little dangerous move, he would immediately attack.

He knew he had survived, and that the guys in front of him were the Freyrdrands, a bunch of savage guys.

Even in Demacia, Sellars had never seen such a terrifying boar.

But after thinking about Freyrdraud’s environment, Silas was relieved, this creature under the ice and snow will definitely have unique abilities.

Silas once thought that the hardest thing in Freyrdrand was how to get along with the natives here, but after being actually exiled, Silas understood that the hardest thing was how to survive here.

Lacking in food and cold weather, he walked for almost a month without seeing anything to feed himself.

Now he sees a man and says he is God’s chosen one?

Silas was a little puzzled, it was clear that he sucked this shamancard dry, why did this guy still speak for himself.

And these guys riding wild boars, how can they all listen to this shamancard, is it because this shamanka is a mage?

Could it be that the status of a mage was so exalted in Freyrdrand?

Silas hesitated slightly, and then followed Scar Mother to the Guvask Boar and went to the Winter’s Claw tribe together.

He had to study Freyrdraud’s customs so that he could learn about the magic here.

For his own safety, Silas has already been guaranteed, he has absorbed a shamancard, an iron fist, and now the magic is enough for him to protect himself.

At the very least, this scar mother cannot be his opponent, and it can be solved in a few moves.

Even these warriors combined are not his opponents, only this Guwask boar, which is naturally extremely resistant to ice, can make him fearful.

And shortly after Sellars left, a tall man with a lantern came here, holding a hard-boiled egg.

“Well, the footprints of the wild boar of Guiske, it seems that the Claw of Winter tribe can be found, and the Claw tribe of Winter should have a way to go to the Abyss of Crying.”

Weapon Master Jax twinkled, staring at the boar footprints on the ground, eating the hot eggs.

Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise with this level of wind and snow, these footprints would have disappeared completely after a short while.

He had been traveling for a long time in Freyrdrand, had passed through the Avarosa Ice Empire, and received news from Empress Ash.

To reach the Wailing Abyss, you must find the Frost Guard, who has been fighting the Winterclaw tribe in recent years.

As long as you go to the Winter’s Claw tribe, you can find the Frost Guard by the vine, and then go to Lisandra… Find that Void Rift.

“Winter’s Claw, what a warlike clan!”

The weapon master sighed, and then sniffed gently, he seemed to smell a strange magical aura from the air.

It’s not a pure frost magic breath.

It’s more like frost magic that has been transformed and then controlled by others… What’s going on?

The weapon master paused slightly, and then he didn’t care about this matter, he had almost completely mastered the holy flame now, and he had the strength close to that of a god.

Among the Winter Claws and Frost Guards, no one could stop him, and even the Frost Three Sisters in the ancient legends could not be his opponent.

“I hope the Void Crack won’t expand too much.”

Jax muttered, following the footprints towards the Winter’s Claw tribe, which was the direction of the Wailing Abyss.

Freyrdraud is very large, from the beginning of the ice field to the extremely cold snow is several the size of Demacia.

And in Freyrdrand, it’s not uncommon to walk for months and see nothing.

With only ice fields in sight, it is exciting and worth celebrating to meet a living person.

Silas walked this path himself, knowing how difficult it was to meet the natives, so he followed Scar to the Winter’s Claw tribe.

The Claw of Winter, a major force of Freyrdrand, has incomparably strong strength, frequent fierce generals in the tribe, and there are many ice descendants.

The famous Winter’s Claw raiders even headed southeast and plundered many of the towns of Noxus.

Barbarism, roughness, and uncivilized are their characteristics, because as early as ancient times, they completely lost their spiritual and intellectual inheritance due to the turmoil of the void.

Now the claws of winter, only believe in power!

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