The Winterclaw tribe only believes in its own force, which is somewhat similar to Noxus, but in comparison, the Winter’s Claw is more primitive and savage.

The law simply does not exist, and whatever can be plundered, the claws of winter will plunder.

The Claws of Winter

Inside a huge tent, the stove burns to give warmth to the people inside.

Silas sat on a huge chair next to Scarma, Iron Fist, and Shamanka, as well as dozens of powerful warriors of the Winter’s Claw.

These warriors, each of whom is no weaker than Iron Fist, and there are many ice tribes, who are the backbone of the Winterclaw clan.

And on the highest seat sat a strong woman, dressed in armor, with dead eyes staring at Silas.

It is the patriarch of the Freyrdrand Winter’s Claw tribe and the war mother of Winter’s Claw, Cershonne.

“Shamanka! You say he is God’s chosen one? I don’t believe it! Such a weak guy would be God’s chosen one! ”

A strong iceman stood up, his arms thicker than Sellas’ thighs, gestured, and glanced at Silas with great disdain.

Indeed, if you talk about body size alone, Silas looks like a dwarf in front of this group of guys.

Even the weakest guy is several times larger than Silas.

And these people can’t understand the so-called magic, but instinctively drive the power of the ice race in the body, naturally they can’t sense the power in Silas’ body.

“You’re an iceborn?”

Cersei’s brows furrowed slightly, and she stared at Silas and questioned, she felt the power of the Ice Race in Silas’ body.

This is a very strange thing, how can a foreigner have the power of the Ice Clan!

But then a member of the Winter’s Claw tribe came up, attached to Cersei’s side, and told the story of what had happened to Silas.

“Already dead? Then he absorbed the power of shamanka, and was also immune to Zhen Bing?! ”

Cersei’s heart was slightly shocked, this is a little divine, Zhen Bing, that’s it!

Only the strongest ice races can touch Zhen Ice and use Zhen Ice, slightly weaker Ice Clanterns will feel very comfortable, and non-Ice Mortals have only one end when they touch Zhen Ice, that is, death!

Now a foreigner can actually touch Zhen Bing!

This simply subverted Cersei’s perception.

And not only touched Zhen Bing, this guy also sucked the power of Shamanka, almost killed Shamanka.

“Yes, War Mother, he is God’s chosen one, there is nothing wrong with that!”

In his hand is a jewel with surging magical power, which is given by the gods.

It is precisely because of the existence of this orb that they were saved, otherwise they would have died long ago due to the passage of magical power.

Although she knew that the man in front of her with chains was not simple, and she could even absorb her magic, she still firmly believed that this was the chosen person of the gods.

The guidance of the inner gods cannot go wrong!

“God’s chosen one?”

Silas wondered in his heart, sitting honestly in his place, he wanted to find out, what is God’s chosen man?

Why did this powerful mage who had been drawn from his magic power keep emphasizing this matter.

And it seems that because of the name of God’s chosen people, these people are very polite to themselves, and there is no such arrogance at all.

Are there real gods here?!

Silas was a little excited, he had wanted to escape from Demacia and come to Freyrdrand to seek powerful magical powers.

But he didn’t expect that the plan failed and was abused by Lax, but then by mistake, he was banished to Freyrdrand by Demacia.

If he had that kind of power, he would definitely not give up!

With his talent, even if it is the magic of the gods, he dares to absorb it!

I have to say that Silas is the person who is most influenced by the runes of the world, and he is also the one with the most perverted talent.

“He is the chosen one, the one who can lead the Claws of Winter to rule Freyrdraud, defeat Avarosa and conquer the Rune Continent!”

Shamanka’s eyes are a little fiery and excited, this is God’s chosen man!

People who are guided by the gods are born with incomparable talents, and they will hardly die, and they can always survive in various places…

All this, Sellars fits!

And most importantly, her inner divine guidance told him that Silas was God’s chosen one!

“Alien, what are you capable of?”

Sejoni’s eyes flickered, she had to believe the words of the shamanka, and the shamanka was originally a blessing from the gods, dedicated to Freyrdrand.

Shamans can’t lie.

That Sellars is God’s Chosen, a guy with a terrifying talent!

“Ability? There are indeed special abilities … But why should I tell you what good you can bring me? ”

Sellars was blunt, without the slightest hint of mincing, and after such a moment of contact, he knew that these guys were straight.

Rough, violent, barbaric, and at the same time not engaging in bells and whistles.

If there is anything, just put it bluntly, the bells and whistles may cause some misunderstanding.

“If your abilities are useful, we can introduce you to the gods!”

As soon as Cersei’s words came out, everyone was shocked and introduced this foreigner to the gods?!

You know, the gods are the least of all the chaotic foreigners!

The god enshrined in the Claw of Winter is a guy from the ancient wilderness with the power of raging thunder.

The name is Wally Bell.

Wally Bell and Winterclaw do not have hatred, and they appreciate Winterclaw’s savage expansion, so they take the Bear Terrans to live here.

As a descendant of Serilda, the Winter Claw tribe has a hatred with these three ancient gods, but after so many years, no one cares about anything.

What’s more, Wally Bell caught Lisandro’s eyes blind and did not have any direct conflict with Serilda.

“Gods?! Refer me?! ”

Silas’ pupils shrank, just now he was thinking about how to get magic comparable to a god, but he didn’t expect to send it directly to the door now!

But Silas is well aware of the horror of his physical talent, and it is estimated that even the identity of God’s chosen person will not be able to keep him.

After knowing his talent, everyone wanted to kill him, without any exceptions…

You can absorb any magic and use it for yourself, even if it is the magic of the gods!

If this talent leaks out, he will definitely be killed, and Silas is not stupid at all.

“My talent… I was able to learn magic very quickly. ”

Silas squinted, kind of saying part of his talent.

In fact, Silas’s talent is very simple, he can’t absorb magic through meditation, but he can suck other people’s, and at the same time, all kinds of spells will be seen at a glance.

The fact that he absorbs magic cannot be revealed, but the talent for learning spells can be said.

This kind of genius has appeared a lot throughout the ages, and none of those who absorb magic have appeared.

“Can you learn magic quickly? How fast? Shamancard, you demonstrate one! ”

Cersei was a little puzzled, although she was an ice breed and had learned some magic, her talent was not too good.

Their tribe still advocates absolute force.

Magic is something that only those who have been blessed by the gods can learn it perfectly, and everyone else is slow to learn magic.

Only a few geniuses have appeared among the Ice Clan.

For example, Avarosa’s Empress Ash is a magical genius.

“Good! Ice spear! ”

Shamanka held the crystal ball in her hand, and her magic had almost recovered, much better than before.

And it feels very comfortable, not as cold as before.

The spear in the shamanka’s hand condensed out, releasing the cold air, and then threw it out at once, piercing a large hole in the ground, and at the same time the cold spread and covered the entire ground with frost.

“The principle of this magic is very simple, that is…”

Shamanka nodded, looked at Silas, and then prepared to explain the meaning of this magic to Silas, but before she could finish speaking, a surprising scene appeared!

A spear flashing with cold aura appeared directly in Silas’s hand, and the white brilliance on it was even stronger than that of the shamanka!


The spear plunged directly into the ground, then exploded, blowing the ground into a deep pit, and at the same time the cold dispersed, and everyone’s ankles were frozen with frost.


Cersei moved slightly, directly breaking the frost, and her eyes were full of surprise!

If Sellars hadn’t studied magic, it would have been incredible!

Directly learn other people’s magic, and cast it more powerfully!

He is worthy of being God’s chosen person, and he really has a terrifying talent!

This talent has already crushed Aich, the queen of Avarosa.

“You… Haven’t learned this magic before, have you? ”

Shamanka’s eyes were also full of horror, and some uncertain voices came out.

If Silas hadn’t studied magic before… That talent is simply a bit perverted!

There has never been a person in the history of Freyrdrand who can learn magic at a glance!

How the hell did this alien do it!

“As you can see, I haven’t studied any frost magic.”

Silas nodded helplessly, not expecting that he would be so surprised by these Freyrdrand people just revealing a talent that seemed acceptable to him.

Immediately afterwards, Shamanka unleashed one spell after another, but without exception, all of them were easily learned by Silas!

And the spells that Silas unleashes are even more powerful!

This shamanka is completely confirmed that Silas really has not studied ice magic, after all, some of the magic she uses is given by the gods, and only she can do magic.

That kind of magic Silas couldn’t have learned before, the only explanation was that he really learned that magic in an instant!

Simply perverted!

“Very good! It is people like you that the gods need! Worthy of God’s Chosen! ”

Cersei was a little excited, the chosen one came to the Claw of Winter, doesn’t it mean that the Claw of Winter is about to rise!

Frost Guard and Avarosa will both become courtiers under the Winterclaw clan!

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