Now that the sun disk is simply out of use, their hope of revival has disappeared, which is really uncomfortable.

But fortunately, they still have the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

As long as the Cultivation Pavilion is there, they still have hope.

In Nessus’s view, the importance of the Meditation Pavilion is far greater than that of the solar disk.

He didn’t know why he thought so.

But that’s what I thought in my heart.

Azir was still melancholy, but the dog head went back to find an opportunity to secretly go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and he was going to ask about the broken sun disk.


Shushin Pavilion

With a flash of brilliance, Li Fulang appeared in the shop with Mord Caesar and the Jewel Knight.

As the Dragon King said, the power of chaos is the ultimate of all things, and can easily evolve into various forces.

Space is naturally one of them.

Li Fuxiang urged the spatial power, and he could directly move from the Giant God Peak to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and even could take two people with him, this kind of strength was no longer something that the gods could do.

“This is the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, you can see for yourself if you need anything!”

Li Fulang pointed to the huge bookshelves to the Jewel Knight, and then turned to Mord Caesar and spoke.

“Take him around and help him talk.”

After arranging the Jewel Knight and Mord Caesar, Li Fulang turned to Catherine, who was sitting on the chair.

He had just gone out and left Catherine aside, and now he was just back, which was really a little sorry.

Now come back, naturally to receive Catherine well.

“Sorry, I’m just coming back now, don’t you need mecha? I can customize a pair for you. ”

Hearing this, Catherine fell into a deep groan, not knowing how to choose.

If it had been before, Catherine would definitely believe in the gun in her hand and the power of the Hex’s mech.

But now, she hesitated.

She had already seen the strong strength of Li Fulang just now, which was simply not something that mecha could do.

“If possible, I’d like to learn some… Magic? I don’t want to borrow foreign objects to improve my strength anymore. “,

Catherine said tangledly, blinking her eyes, a little helpless.

She feels that there is always an end to relying on the power of Hex’s technology and firearms, and there will be big problems after this.

For example, if her gun is not in her hand, her strength will instantly become very weak.

Very weak, very weak.

She is not like Wei, she is proficient in various skills, even if she goes to any set without Hex, she has strong strength.

So Catherine planned to change her previous misunderstanding and try to see if she could learn magic or martial arts.

After all, being strong is really strong, and if you keep relying on foreign objects, there will always be a big problem one day.

“Is Sister Catherine going to learn magic? That Lilia can teach you! I mean, Lilia’s magic is amazing! ”

Lilia was a little excited when she heard this, she wanted another friend who studied magic.

Once she had a friend who studied magic together, called Lax, but now Lax has not come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion for a long time, and Lilia has not seen Laxus for a long time.

Speaking of which, she still misses Lax’s little nostalgia, and I don’t know how Lax’s elemental magic is learning now.

“Magic… I don’t know if I have talent. ”

Catherine hesitated, she had never touched magic, only the magic inside the Hex crystal, and she was a little confused about this kind of thing.

The realm of magic was a mystery and unknown for her.

It’s not like martial arts, if it’s a martial art, Catherine has been exposed to some since she was a child.

Magic really never happened.

“Hmm… Why did you learn magic? ”

Li Fulang asked suspiciously, not knowing what happened to Catherine, what stimulated her, why she suddenly had to learn magic.

Is it bad to use a gun well?

And the potential of Hextech is also great, developed to the point that it has the power of a god.

Li Fulang didn’t know what Catherine was doing

In fact, it is best to learn magic when you are a child, and if you learn magic as an adult, your affinity for magical elements is not as good as when you were a child.

Unless it’s a peerless magical genius like Lax, or something like Silas that can absorb other people’s magic infinitely.

“I feel… It is impossible to achieve great strength by relying on the power of weapons and Hex. “,

Catherine mused, throwing her sniper rifle aside, feeling a little depressed.

She really doesn’t believe in the power of technology anymore, only magic and martial arts can reach the realm of gods.

Technology is always a foreign object.

Only one’s own strength is truly powerful.

“Hmm… That’s true, but you love sniper rifles, don’t you? ”

Li Fulang smiled and observed Catherine’s talent.

Catherine’s talent is still okay, after all, she has received the magical power of Hextech for many years and has been educated by magic.

The talent is not bad, but it is not that strong either.

But it’s okay if the talent is not good, in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, there is an endless martial arts arena, and skill balls, even if you don’t have talent, you can get strong power.

And isn’t it still skin?!

If it really doesn’t work, let Catherine buy a skin directly, anyway, giving up the sniper rifle is not a good choice.

The most important thing in life is to have your own interests.

Catherine loves sniper rifles, which is a rare thing, and if she gives up this passion just for strength, she will definitely regret it later.


Catherine clenched her palms and clenched her fists, not knowing what to say.

She felt really weak.

Now she has the opportunity to become stronger, she doesn’t want to miss it, but now she doesn’t want to give up her guns…

“You can try the skin, you can rely on firearms to get great power.”

Li Fulang stood up and walked towards the skin area with Catherine.

He remembered that Catherine did have several more powerful skins, such as the Future Warrior, and Jade Shizuyasha, both of which had god-level powers.

The future warrior takes the path of time, while Yujing Yasha is a pure characteristic divine power, both of which are similar, it depends on Catherine’s own choice.


Catherine looked at the skin hanging on the wall and fell into shock, there are so many skins here!

And… It seems that there are still ones!

And Qinggang Shadow’s!

So many skins!

These skins contain great power!

Catherine’s eyes flickered, could she also do both? You have great strength and don’t have to give up the sniping you love.

“Let’s take a look, Yujing Yasha, and this future warrior, both of them are very powerful skins, and after using them, they have the strength of the demigod level, and the upper limit is the god level.”

After Li Fulang finished speaking, he briefly explained the role of skin to Catherine.

Corrected Catherine’s thinking.

The skin only provides temporary strength and a path, and the most important thing is not the power, but the path.

As long as there is this clear path, you can gradually reach that strong state through your own efforts.

It is estimated that the strength of Captain Nok Galen, who has obtained god-level skins, is now about to reach the demigod.

Li Fuxiang’s thoughts flew around, and he was a little curious about what they looked like now, Captain.

“Good! So can I try it? These skins?! ”

Catherine was a little excited and grabbed the two skins that Li Fuwan recommended to her, Yujing Yasha and Future Warrior.

Other skins, such as pool parties, are not necessary to buy.

The strength offered is not much, and the upper limit is not high.

Only Yujing Yasha and Future Warriors are worth buying.

“This future warrior is a power that can control time, it can be said to be one of the strongest forces in the Rune Land, and Yujing Yasha is a brand new power, I can’t tell who is stronger or weaker.”

“Choose one yourself, if it really doesn’t work, change it again!”

Li Fulang smiled indifferently, if it really doesn’t work, it’s not a big deal.

If you purchase a Future Warrior skin, you must accept all the Future Warrior’s powers before you can purchase the next skin.

It is not possible to use both skins at the same time.

The clash of powers will cause very troublesome things, such as exploding and dying, and only after you completely control one skin and your strength reaches the upper limit of the skin can you use other skins.

“Hmm… The force of time? Then I choose this, Future Warrior! ”

Catherine thought for a while, and then directly chose the future warrior.

After all, she had seen the power of time, and it was much more reliable than Yujing Yasha.

And in Zuan, there is a guy who can control time, and if she has a future warrior skin, it is estimated that she will be able to fight that guy.

The power of time sounds very strong.

Catherine was a little excited, and after paying the gold coins, she cut open her palm, and then dripped blood on the skin of the future warrior.

In an instant, white brilliance flickered, mixed with blue brilliance, and a future warrior mech covered Catherine’s body.

At the same time, the sniper rifle also turned into a blue and white color, with a blue point of light at the muzzle, and the power of time was brewing inside.

This is the power of time.

However, Catherine is just a mortal, and now the power that stimulates this skin is only this demigod level, and if Catherine is stronger, it is estimated that there will be a god level.

“Enough already, is this the power of time?”

When using the skin, Catherine had a lot more understanding of time in her heart.

It was something she had never touched before.

This realization of time exposed her to a whole new world, and the power of time was stimulated by her gun.

In other words, even if she is thousands of meters away, if the enemy is hit by her bullet, she can control the time on the enemy’s body! _

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