“Well, it’s great, and you don’t need to give up the gun you love.”

“Time is one of the most mysterious forces, and it takes you a lot of time to study him and understand him.”

Li Fulang smiled and walked towards the endless martial arts arena with Catherine, who was excited.

Looking at Catherine’s appearance, it is estimated that she can’t wait to give it a try!

The endless martial arts arena is just right for her to familiarize herself with her strength.

“The so-called Endless Martial Arena is a place of cultivation, where any illusory enemy can be constructed and then fought.”

“The most important thing is that dying here does not really die.”

Li Fulang took Catherine into the Endless Martial Arts Arena, and then brought Catherine’s skill ball, ready to let Catherine adapt here by herself.


Catherine was a little excited and excited, and after learning about the mechanics of the martial arts arena, she jumped to the ring and began to set up her opponents.

She has just gained the power of the skin, and it is still related to time, and she must get familiar with it.

It just so happened that the Endless Martial Arena gave her this opportunity, as well as five powerful skills.

This time, she finally has a way to become stronger!

Li Fulang smiled, let Catherine practice in the endless martial arts arena by herself, and walked out on her own.

There would be no danger in the Endless Martial Arena, and it would only increase his embarrassment when he watched from the side.

“By the way, Lilia, did you feed the bugs today?! Have you not fed him for many days! ”

Li Fulang suddenly remembered this incident and asked Lilia.

The matter of feeding the big bugs has been handed over to Lilia, as long as it is fed regularly and does not let it starve.

And the big bugs themselves will not starve to death, and when there is no energy, they will reduce their size and reduce their consumption.

Even in times of crisis, it will completely turn into the size of a fingernail and fall into a deep sleep.

For the pet that Jax helped him catch, Li Fulang was still a little concerned.

After all, the big bug Kogas is different from Marzaha, the big bug does not have such complicated emotions, but it has unlimited potential.

Now the big bug has almost been completely tamed, and he listens to Li Fuwan’s words.

“Ah, forgot! I mean, Lilia go now! ”

Lilia’s little face blushed, and she quickly ran to the kitchen, dragging a large bag of meat towards the Creator Laboratory.

If Li Fulang didn’t say it, she might have really forgotten!

But… It seems to have been remembered for days.

You should not die of hunger!

Now only feed the mundane meat of big bugs, resulting in big bugs that can only maintain physical functions, and do not grow at all.

If you want to make a big bug grow, you must feed something with powerful energy, such as a potion, or the corpse of a strong person.

However, Li Fulang was very curious about the evolutionary power of the void, and planned to take time to study this evolutionary ability in the future, so he never allowed the big worm to grow.

“The evolution ability of the void is indeed a very perverted ability, even a small bug can evolve into an existence comparable to the Star Casting Dragon King.”

Li Fuxian couldn’t help but marvel, originally he was no longer wary of the void, but now he paid attention to it again.

He was familiar with the various characteristics of the Void Power, and he was even more familiar with the characteristics of evolution.

His Chaotic Power could be transformed into Void Power, and he had naturally done a lot of research.

This evolutionary force is the most terrifying.

As long as it is devoured, it can evolve.

Li Fulang just walked to the counter, and saw a customer walking in outside, and couldn’t help but be a little strange, what day is today, customers come one by one?

Many times this is the case, customers come one after another, and the store suddenly becomes lively.

But sometimes I can’t see a customer for more than ten days, which is very leisurely.

Nessus walked in and secretly came to the Meditation Pavilion with Tsar Azr on his back, and the Sun Disc was very important and had to be asked.


As soon as Nessus came in, he caught a glimpse of the Stone Knight and Mord Caesar walking around the bookshelf on the side, and instantly set off waves in his heart.

These two guys turned out to be gods!

So terrifying!

Even the gods are only customers in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

This means that in the Meditation Pavilion, there are things that attract the gods!

Netes swallowed a mouthful of spit, and couldn’t help but glance at the Jewel Knight and Mord Caesar, this real god, he had seen for the first time.

His soul path has come to an end, and if he wants to break through, he can only collect more powerful souls, but powerful souls are so easy to find.

Demigod powerhouses are very rare, let alone gods.

Give him ten demigod souls, and he will definitely be able to break through to the realm of gods, but demigods can’t find a few at all!

“Ahem, shopkeeper, I came this time to ask for advice.”

Nessus coughed, his face became serious, and he remembered that he had come here properly.

Now the solar disk is still broken!

He had to figure out why, and maybe find an opportunity to fix the sun’s disk.

“But it doesn’t hurt to say.”

Li Fulang smiled, and at the same time there was some doubt in his eyes, not knowing what was wrong with Nessus.

Could it be that something big happened to Shureima?

Li Fulang thought about it carefully, still not knowing what would happen to Shureima.

Could it be a question of Nessus’ own strength improvement?

Li Fulang looked at Nessus carefully, and instantly saw Nessus’s realm through.

Nessus’s strength is already very close to the gods, and he is only one step away.

His soul power is very huge, and he even has god-level power, but it is only better than the quantity, and the quality is still much worse.

If there is a god’s soul to improve the quality of Nessus, then he can immediately break through to the realm of gods.

“Shurima’s sun disc is broken, and it no longer has the slightest bit of divine power, I want me to ask what is going on, does the artifact still have a shelf life?”

Nessus asked suspiciously, he wondered if the shelf life of the solar disk had expired, and then all the divine power overflowed.

Without the solar disk, there would be no faith in Shurima, the ascension ceremony that unites the hearts of a nation.

“The sun disk is broken?”

Li Fu’s eyes were slightly startled, thinking of the prohibition in the crown that he lifted, and he instantly knew what was going on.

The Star Spirits bound the Dragon King, using that crown to absorb the power of the Dragon King, and injecting the Dragon King’s power into different ways.

The solar disk is one of those paths.

And it’s still a big head.

Now that the crown is gone, the Star Casting Dragon King is also out of trouble, and the Sun Disk has no power supply from the Dragon King, so it is naturally scrapped.

Although it is still an artifact, it has no support from divine power, and it is considered semi-scrapped.

Unless the divine power is injected again, and it has to be injected once in a while, it is impossible to use it again.

Because the sun disk is an artifact for the ascension ceremony, if used, it will consume a lot of divine power to carry out the ascension ceremony and instill power in the ascension.

Without a source of divine power, it is impossible to do it.

“This matter, I know, the reason for this is more complicated, and it is not easy to explain for a while.”

Li Fu shook his forehead slightly, not knowing how to explain the cause and effect to Nessus.

The matter of the Dragon King involves the Star Spirit, and there is also a conspiracy that has been going on since ancient times, and it also involves the truth of the Rune Land.

It’s too much trouble to say.

And there are many things that Nessus may not be able to understand.

If Nessus was a god, maybe he still had some understanding, but now he is only a demigod, although close to a god, but the realm is still not enough.

And he explained it is not clear.

“It’s okay, can the solar disk still be repaired?” Or is it scrapped ever since? ”

Nessus muttered that it didn’t matter why the sun’s disk was broken, it was important whether it could be reused.

If the Sun Disc is finished like this, then they will have to think of other ways to cultivate the strong.

A demigod powerhouse is not so easy to cultivate.

Without the instillation of the power of ascension, it may take thousands of years to produce a demigod powerhouse.

During the heyday of the Ancient Shurima, when Empress Setaka reigned, there were hundreds of powerful Celestial God warriors!

This is thousands of years of accumulation.

If there is a rite of ascension of the sun disk, hundreds of Celestial God warriors can be accumulated for thousands of years, and if not, there may only be one or two in thousands of years.

The gap is just too big.

“Hmm… It is okay to reuse nature, as long as it is instilled with divine power, but it may be a little different from before. ”

Li Fuxian pondered for a moment and gave an answer.

The Ascensions are all different and have their own characteristics, most of them are animal-like, which is very strange.

Each ascension is different, such as the tsar controlling the yellow sand, the dog head controlling the soul…

It stands to reason that the power of the Dragon King cannot be so ever-changing, and the power of the Dragon King is just creation, and it is impossible to produce so many changes.

But the star spirits did it, relying on the sun disk and the crown to absorb the divine power of the dragon king, and evolved so many characteristics.

This.. It’s actually a lot like mixed forces.

Li Fuwan’s chaotic power is like this, no matter what kind of force can evolve.

Whether it is yellow sand or soul, Li Fulang can control it casually.

He suspected that the Star Spirits had greater ambitions, the Dragon King was just a test piece, and the Star Spirits used his power to try to transcend the universe…

And what is needed for detachment is the power of chaos!

“In this way, I still have to go to Shurima to see the solar disk, what is in the solar disk, which can transform the power of creation into so many characteristics.”

Li Fu’s eyes flickered, this kaleidoscopic characteristic was too much like his chaotic power.

In the disk of the sun, there must be the secrets of the star spirits.

He was going to study the solar disk for himself!

The crown is ordinary, just drawing power, then the solar disk cannot be ordinary! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – bookmark, recommend, share! ��,

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