“Your tail looks a little scary, eh, I mean, Lilia welcomes you, new guest.”

Looking at the cold snake tail entrenched together, Lilia suddenly remembered the giant snake monster in the nightmare of humans she had seen. They also have some dark and cold scales, which look very scary.

“I’ll call Brother Fu Shake out, you guys will take a look first.”

Cassiopeia never spoke, just kept secretly observing the cute fawn girl with wide watery eyes.

It wasn’t until the girl disappeared from her sight that Cassiopea let out a breath.

After Lilia left, Izerell noticed Cassiopea’s uneasiness and embarrassment.

“Don’t be so nervous, relax, this is just a shop.”

It’s just that the owner is a little stronger, and the goods are a little better.

“That girl is also cursed, did she become like this? I could feel that there was quite a powerful magical energy in her. ”

Izerell instantly sensed her thoughts from Cassiope’s words.

She was doubting what she had said before.

After all, there is a half-human, half-beast girl in this store, if the owner really has that ability, why hasn’t this girl returned to human form?

“No, no, no, Lilia was born with such a cute fawn appearance, which is naturally different from your situation.”

Before Izerell could explain anything, Li Fuwan’s voice sounded.

“Lord Shopkeeper.” After seeing Li Fulang, Izerell immediately stepped forward and said hello very respectfully.

“You’re the owner here?”

Cassiopeya was very surprised to see the man wearing a white robe and elegant and handsome, and blurted out a subconscious question.

After all, Izerell told her earlier how powerful the shopkeeper of this Heart Cultivation Pavilion was, and she had automatically made up the shopkeeper’s image brain into an old man with fairy wind Dao bones.

I thought the owner here would be an old man with white hair.

I didn’t expect to look so young and handsome, and he looked like he was in his 20s.

However, Cassiopeia did not have any doubts about Li Fuwan’s strength.

Because from the moment Li Fulang appeared, Cassioppeya immediately felt the powerful coercion from Li Fulang’s body.

This powerful coercion was stronger than when Cassio Peia saw the plaque at the door of the Meditation Pavilion.

When facing Li Fuwan, Cassiopeia only felt that she was infinitely small, even smaller than the dust that was not worth mentioning in the cosmic star sea.

“That’s right, I’m the owner of this Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and I think I already know your intentions.”

Li Fu looked Cassio Peia up and down, and he was very happy in his heart.

This little yellow hair’s business ability is also quite good, and he can bring himself new guests so quickly.

Cassiopeia’s appearance is just like Li Fulang’s imagination when he came into contact with it in the game before, cold and enchanting, noble and beautiful.

There is not much resemblance between the eyebrows and her sister Katerina, but she is also a cold beauty.

Coupled with the appearance of half human and half snake at this moment, a pair of snake eyes look really cold, but they have a fatal attraction and seduction.

In the past, when playing games, Li Fulang liked the hero Cassiopea, very much, but her tail did seem to be a little oozing.

Although Cassiopeya had some fear of Li Fulang, after hearing that Li Fulang already knew her intentions, infinite hope arose in her heart.

“Can you help me then?”

Cassiopeia unconsciously spoke to Li Fulang with an extremely respectful tone, and her words were full of expectation.

There is no girl who does not love beauty, especially someone like Cassiopeia, who used to be the most beautiful girl in Noxus.

Although Cassiopeya still has a rather beautiful and deadly face, she has become a monster among people.

Knowing that he is beautiful, but never daring to look in the mirror,

No one can understand her with such pain.

Li Fuxian can feel Cassiopeia’s grief, and of course he also has the ability to help her.

“Of course I can make you change back, but are you sure you want to recover your legs? It’s a symbol of your power and a source of strength. ”

Li Fulang remembered the story he had seen about Cassiopea before, and knew that the reason why she became like this was because of the ability of Naganeka, the Serpentine Darkborne.

In addition to making her what she is now, it also gave her the ability to petrify.

Knowing the power of the Darkspawn, this kind of thing is effortless for Li Fulang.

As long as she clears the power of the Darkborn in Cassiopeia’s body, she can restore her original appearance and become the most beautiful girl in Noxus.

But it will also change back to that mortal girl.

Li Fuwan’s words Cassio Peya immediately understood.

She became a serpent god because of the mysterious powers she gained in the ancient tomb of Shurema.

After transforming into a snake, she is more than powerful than before.

Ever since learning that her mother was one of the Black Roses, Cassiopeia has been craving greater power.

But the current Noxus is not the Noxus it once was.

Now that Svein has completely controlled Noxus, the black rose is useless, and it is difficult to play any role.

If Cassiopea can have the power of a god, she may be able to fight with one.

But now, she is just a half-human, half-snake monster, although she is more powerful than mortals, but she is no longer on the same level as Svein, and even the difference in strength between them is very different.

Even if we continue to do so, it will not change the situation.

After a moment of contemplation, Cassiopea still had to choose between strength and beauty.

But before making a choice, Cassiopea still struggled inwardly to ask that sentence.

“Is there a way for me to change back into my legs without losing my abilities?”

In fact, when she asked this sentence, Cassio Peia did not have much hope, after all, it is really difficult to meet such a good thing of both worlds.

But Li Fuwan’s answer made Cassiopeia’s eyes widen in shock.

“Of course, as long as you have enough gold coins.”

Li Fulang’s question just now was actually just to tease the snake woman, and now looking at her eyes full of surprise, Li Fulang felt a little funny.

“Brother Fu Shao, you are really bad. I mean, Lilia thinks it’s not good that you made this sister sad just now. ”

Lilia also saw that Li Fulang was teasing this woman with a snake tail just now.

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