Are you saying that not only can I get my legs back to retaining my abilities?

The surprise in Cassiopeia’s heart is beyond words, and seeing Li Fuxiang’s gentle nod, she is almost happy to fly.

The scales glowing with green glow were also stretched out at this moment because of the excitement of the owner.

She didn’t care about the joke that Li Fulang had just made with her, as long as he could help her, it was nothing.

As long as you can help me, gold coins are trivial!

At this moment, Cassiopeia was no longer as afraid of Li Fuwan as she was at the beginning, but she swayed the snake’s tail very excitedly and swam to Li Fulang’s side.

Li Fu nodded, put his hand lightly on Cassiope’s head for a moment, and then took it back.

Cassiopeia only felt that an incomparably shocking power poured directly into her body from heavenly inspiration.

The feeling that power gave her was incomparably sacred, and it was not enough to describe it.

The power of the demon snake that had been entrenched in her body was instantly cleansed by Li Fuwan’s holy divine power.

Cassiopeya suddenly felt that she had been washed from the inside out, and the whole person exuded a holy light.

Feel comfortable throughout.

After enjoying this magical feeling for a moment with her eyes closed, Cassiopeia sensed a coolness coming from below.

With a flash of electricity in her mind, Cassiopei suddenly opened her eyes, and her hands covered her important parts.

Because she had no legs and only a snake tail, Cassiopeya was only wearing a small blouse.

She never expected that Li Fulang would be able to turn her tail back into legs in an instant.

Fortunately, Lilia was by Cassiopeia’s side at this time, and the fawn reacted very sensitively, and immediately used its own deer body to cover the snake’s tail that was about to change into a pair of legs.

Li Fulang realized this after purifying the power of Naganeca in Cassiopeia’s body, and somewhat regretted that he had not considered this beforehand.

“Ahem, Izerell, come with me to see your skin, there are many of your skins, I believe you will like it.”

When Li Fulang left, he did not forget to call the little yellow hair who was still standing behind Cassiopea at this time.

Little Yellow Mao was a little puzzled, didn’t he just want to treat Cassiopeia’s tail? Why do you suddenly have to look at the skin?

But the shopkeeper has spoken, how dare he not listen?

“Okay shopkeeper, I’ll come!”

Only a few steps away, Izerell also thought of this. In my heart, I admired that the shopkeeper was really a decent gentleman and did not take advantage of others.

Remembering that now he had helped Cassiopea find a way to recover his legs, the gold coins arrived quickly, and he finally had money to buy skins, and his steps were much brisker.

Izerell’s voice faded away, and Lilia quickly untied her apron and handed it to Cassiopea.

At this time, Cassiopeia’s face was red, fortunately she was not seen, except of course for the cute magic deer in front of her.

But shyness and embarrassment did not hide the joy in her heart.

She had been looking forward to these legs for too long, too long.

No one knows how painful and desperate she was when she peeled off her skin and changed from a beautiful maiden to a half-human, half-snake monster.

The daughter of the intelligent and beautiful Soliana du Cocao, she has become a monster with a strange and twisted appearance, and she is not a snake, which makes her so painful.

She once cried so much that she couldn’t shed a single tear.

But now, the legs are back, and she has become the Noxus nobleman, the most beautiful daughter of the Du Cocao family.

There are no dark green and cold snake scales, no sharp fangs, no snake tail that makes people look terrified.

It’s an indescribably wonderful feeling.

Cassiopeia felt that this moment was the most wonderful moment of her life.

If it weren’t for the somewhat cool embarrassment just now.

“Come with me, Lilia help you find a beautiful dress.”

Lilia jumped in front to lead the way, her little face was also red, and her inner thoughts were constantly churning.

Oh my God, what did Lilia just see?

Seeing a woman conjure up her legs and become a human being.

Can Lilia’s cultivation of human-like magic also have such an effect in the future?

Human legs are really beautiful.

“Oh no, wait! I don’t seem to have clothes for you to wear! I mean, Lilia doesn’t have pants either. ”

Lilia suddenly thought that her clothes were just some small tops, and there were no pants, and Lilia didn’t need to wear pants.

“Wait a minute, Lilia go to Sister Raven to get you a set of clothes.”

After Lilia finished speaking, without waiting for Cassiopea to reply, she stumbled to the kitchen and told Raven about the clothes.

By the way, Lilia’s heart also seriously noted that she must buy more small skirts and good-looking pants when she goes to the street in the future.

In this way, when Lilia becomes a human being, she will not be left without pants.

On the skin area, Izerell and Li Fulang did not mention what happened just now, but seriously looked at Izerell’s skin.

“Is this skin the one with the ability to change the timeline?”

Izerell carefully held the future warrior skin that was exclusive to him like a treasure.

“Yes, but there is no way to use it without a demigod, and in order to fully control the abilities attached to this skin, you must make yourself stronger.”

Li Fulang explained to Izerell again, and also told him the function of several other skins.

In other words, Izerell’s skin is really amazing, there are fifteen of them.

You know, many heroes are just one or two.

“This Star Guardian is also good, it is very in line with my aesthetic.”

Izerell looked at the other skin on the hanger and hesitated.

There are so many styles of this skin that he is dazzled to see, and each one makes him feel very excited.

My favorite is the Guardian of the Stars.

However, the shopkeeper said that although this skin has the blessing of the power of the stars, it is also necessary to become a true god to exert its power of the stars.

For now, the most useful thing for him is the Future Warrior skin with the ability to change the timeline.

And with the gold coins he has now, he can only pick one.

After hesitating again and again, he still decided to want a future fighter.

After all, for the sake of the future, they also need to fight against Zuan’s fearless chariot Urgat, which should be more useful.

“Have you chosen? There are also skills to choose from, if you still have the remaining coins. ”

Izerell nodded, followed Li Fuwan’s instructions and cut the tip of his finger, dripping blood on the skin of the future warrior.

In an instant, a set of silver-gray future armor appeared on Izerell’s body, and the light of technology bloomed everywhere on his body.

“Woohoo! It’s time to put on a real show! ”

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