Meditation Pavilion?

Heart Cultivation Pavilion again?

Li Qing has heard this name more than once.

In Li Qing’s opinion, Yatox is already very powerful. However, if their enemy is a star spirit, I am afraid that it will be difficult to defeat.

But just heard Layast say that the Heart Cultivation Pavilion can allow them to improve their strength. Find a way to kill the Star Spirit.

This shocked Li Qing.

Shen Heji, who had come here to hunt down and kill the bitter master, had mentioned the name of the Cultivation Pavilion.

Later Yaso and Yong’en also mentioned it.

What is the Meditation Pavilion?

This time the battle with Verus made Li Qing find himself so weak.

He had been cultivating here for so long, and although he was more powerful than all the monks here, he had no power to protect this place when facing a truly strong enemy.

This made Li Qing’s heart very low and lost.

Since the Heart Cultivation Pavilion mentioned by these people can improve its strength, then maybe he can also go and take a look.

The former good man, who was later lost in power and desire, has been killed by his former son and disciple in the monastery of Hirana.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the crazy behavior of the master after faking his death, all kinds of crimes are enough to make him die a thousand times.

Although Shen was very distressed, he did not hesitate to kill him with his own hands with Hao.

It was that time that Li Qing heard the name Xiu Xin Pavilion from Shen Hejian’s mouth.

Later, Yong Eun hunted demons and tracked a demon all the way to the Monastery of Hirana, and Yaso, who came with his brother, also mentioned the Meditation Pavilion.

When the two brothers talked about the Cultivation Pavilion, they were full of respect and worship.

At that time, Li Qing had some interest in the place of Heart Cultivation Pavilion, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it.

But this time was different, even these dark descendants respected the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

What kind of magic is that?

Li Qing was determined to see it in his heart.

Not long after, Atox left with Rayast and Verus.

Serenity was also restored at the Monastery of Hirana.

After Li Qing arranged the restoration of the monastery, he embarked on a journey to find the Meditation Pavilion.

Speaking of Yasso, after obtaining the Genshi skin, he said goodbye to his brother and left Ionia.

He wanted to travel the entire Rune Continent.

His first stop after leaving Ionia was Piltover.

Everything here is new and peculiar to Yasuo, without the towering giant trees full of natural forces, but everywhere is full of technology.

“Wow, it looks really nice here.”

Piltover has many Hextech products, which are very similar to Yasso’s Source Project skin.

All this made Yasso feel very cool.

But no matter where he went, the most important thing for Yasso was wine.

When he came to Piltover to see the prosperity of the technological city, the first thing Yaso did was to find a tavern and taste what Piltover wine was like.

“There are three things that must be passed in life: honor, death, and a hangover.”

Yasso had a nice drink in a Piltover tavern, and before leaving, he made a jug of wine, enjoying the different scenery of Piltover from Ionia, and drinking a small wine.

“My sword is more important than anything else, except wine.”

Yasuo’s mood was very happy, and it was really comfortable to come out and see the vast world.

If he didn’t go out of Ionia, how could he know that wine elsewhere tasted like this?

I found a tall building and sat on the top, drinking a little wine while blowing the cool breeze.

I think this is to be alive, wanton and happy.

Just as Yasuo was about to use the wine, he suddenly heard a huge explosion not far away.

So frightened that Yasuo almost scared off the wine bottle in his hand.

Looking up at Qian Ang, who was making a noise, he saw that there was already thick smoke and flames burning over there.

“What’s going on over there? Was it an explosion? ”

Yaso immediately stood up and looked at the situation not far away.

Over there was in the direction of Piltover University’s highest school, and a laboratory exploded, for unknown reasons.

Hearing the panic and screams of people coming from over there, Yasso couldn’t sit still.

It just so happened that the source plan skin I bought had not been used, and this skin was manufactured hundreds of years ahead of the existing technology in Picheng.

The perfect Hex-equipped core system is very powerful.

Whether it’s cold or heat, these will be eliminated after wearing the Genji skin.

And not afraid of fire, not afraid of flooding, simply invulnerable.

Now is a good opportunity to try the Source Plan skin.

Immediately, Yasso stroked his wrist and summoned the Source Plan skin.

In an instant, I saw a set of technological armor immediately appear on Yasuo’s body, silver-gray armor, with orange-red technological light, making Yasuo’s whole person look like a super warrior.

“Source Plan: Wind!”

Putting on his helmet, Yasso galloped towards the accident site.

The power of the wind made Yasuo’s speed extremely fast, and in an instant he came to the test room of the explosion.

At this time, there was already a mess here, but there were still reasonable people who began to put out the fire.

“What’s going on here? What’s going on inside? ”

Yasor asked, grabbing a man running by.

“It’s the lab that exploded, there should still be people inside!” I’m going to find someone to help, let me go!” ”

The man explained very anxiously, and quickly ran out.

There were still people in the laboratory where he heard the explosion, and Yaso put down the mask that came with his helmet, let the armor wrap his whole person tightly, and then rushed into the fire.

“Oh my God! What is that person doing? ”

“Is he going to save people?”

“But the fire is too big, if he goes in like this, people may not be rescued, and he will also be burned to death!”

Several people who wanted to put out the fire suddenly saw someone rushing into the fire, and their hearts were shocked.

The laboratory that exploded belonged to scientist Professor Heimerdinger.

Cecil S. Professor B. Heimerdinger is a rather talented Yodel scientist.

His scientific invention and research spirit are admirable.

But his eccentric temper and near-neurotic obsession with scientific research are also reverent.

However, Heimerdinger is still very popular and loved by the students, after all, the professor likes to share the knowledge he has gained with them without reservation.

He is a good professor who strives to reach people who are desperate for knowledge.

The reason why Heimerdinger’s science laboratory exploded this time is because Giggs and Heimerdinger are studying the power of Hex’s scientific weapons.

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