The explosive power of Hex’s weapons is a very dangerous research project.

For scientific inventions, Heimerdinger is an expert, but for the various data collection and investigation of the power of explosions, Heimerdinger is not as good as Giggs, a blasting expert.

Giggs is also a scientist and has been a very good scientific assistant before.

However, due to some explosions, he was forced to leave the famous Jodl College in Piltover.

He also became friends with a blue-haired, flat-chested little maniac.

But something happened after that.

A group of Zuan’s spies quietly infiltrated the academy and kidnapped several professors of the academy.

Upon learning the news, Giggs was furious.

The kidnapped professors were all quite good scientists among the Yodels, making it impossible for the united Yodelers to care.

Giggs single-handedly arrived at Zuan with his heart treasure, a powerful bomb he affectionately called “Hex Blast”.

Directly blasted the prison where those professors were imprisoned and rescued the professors.

Later, Giggs returned to the college with the professors, not only making the previous explosion accidents ordinary, but also conferring Giggs the honorary title of “Dean of the Blasting Institute”.

Heimerdinger wanted to make a breakthrough in the research of Hex’s scientific equipment, and called Giggs, who had considerable experience in demolition, as his temporary scientific assistant.

As a result, because the previous data was increased for the first time, and he wanted to adjust the power of Hex’s weapon, the Hex’s crystal was detonated.

Now these two excellent yodel scientists are in the same laboratory, and there is an explosion, and people are panicking.

Yasso rushed into the flaming laboratory wearing the skin of the source plan, and occasionally there were several small explosions in the fire.

Fortunately, both scientists wore protective clothing and protective helmets before conducting the experiment.

At this moment, although the laboratory was already a mess and there was a sea of fire everywhere, both of them were only slightly injured, and there was no big problem.

It’s just that now the fire is too big, and the yodels are too small to break out of this sea of fire.

If the outside did not want to put out the fire, I am afraid that even if the two of them did not burn to death, they would suffocate due to lack of oxygen.

Just when Heimerdinger and Giggs were about to despair, suddenly a tall figure broke through the flames and entered the laboratory.

Although the area of the laboratory is not small, there are really many scientific and technological facilities, and they are all sparks at this time, and some have burned up.

After Yaso rushed into the laboratory, he turned on the infrared observation function on the mask, which could clearly penetrate the billowing smoke and accurately pass through various obstacles that collapsed on the ground due to burning.

Successfully and precisely found where Heimerdinger and Giggs were.

Fortunately, the yodels were relatively small, and the smoke from the fire was in the upper part of the room, so that the two did not suffocate so quickly.

Yasso was very happy to see that the only two people in the lab were still alive.

Although Yasso often said that death is like the wind, Yaso still understands the importance and preciousness of life.

Now able to save lives, Yasuo also feels like a hero.

Rushed over and put the two yodelic scientists one by one, clamped them under their armpits, protected their bodies with the power of the wind, and rushed out with a bent over.

Many people had come outside at this time, and although everyone was a little panicked, they were still doing the work of fighting the fire in an orderly manner.

Seeing Yasuo rushing out of the fire, someone immediately stepped forward to check if he was injured.

Everyone was shocked when they saw two somewhat embarrassed yodel scientists on Yasso’s side.

This man, who didn’t know where he came from, saved their professor.

“Oh my God, you’re so powerful.”

“What a warrior!”

“Yodel Academy really thanks you!”

The Yodels have always been quite united, and their hearts are full of gratitude to Yaso when they see someone risk the rescue of their professor from the fire.

At this time, the doctor also rushed over and hurriedly examined Heimerdinger and Giggs.

Both were wearing very tight experimental protective suits, but they suffered some minor injuries due to the impact of the explosion, neither of which was serious.

At this moment, there is a disaster, even if it is completely out of danger.

Heimerdinger and Giggs were extremely grateful and curious about the man who could accurately find them in the thick fog.

Taking off their protective helmets, Heimerdinger and Giggs came to Yasso and wanted to thank him.

Just now, Yaso has been surrounded by a group of yodels to thank him for a long time, and everyone says that he is a warrior and a hero.

Yasuo was very embarrassed, and he was faintly proud of himself.

It’s nice to be praised and respected.

He is no longer the wandering swordsman who runs for his life and dies.

“Thank you very much for saving our lives, this gentleman.”

Heimerdinger and Giggs very sincerely performed a yodelic thank-you salute to Yasso.

“You’re welcome, just raise your hand.”

Yasuo was a little proud, withdrew the mask into his helmet, and nodded humbly to the two.

After all, it is somewhat rude to face the sincere gratitude of others with a mask.

At this moment, Giggs, who raised his head to look at Yasso, suddenly froze, and his eyes locked on Yasso’s equipment.

“Oh, gentleman, what material is this armor you are wearing made of?”

Heimerdinger was also attracted by Giggs’s words, held up his small glasses, and carefully looked at the equipment armor on Yasso’s body.

“It doesn’t seem to be Hextech armor, wait! I can feel the energy of Hex technology on this armor, how did such superb Hex technology do it?! ”

After Heimerdinger carefully looked at Yasso’s armor for a while, the whole person was shocked.

The armor on this man’s body requires a very high level of technology to be manufactured.

If nothing else, at his own level, Heimerdinger felt that it was impossible to produce such a perfect scientific and technological work.

Giggs was also shocked.

Although he is committed to the study of blasting, he is also a scientist and is quite interested in such a high-tech product.

The skin of the Source Project series can be regarded as the pinnacle structure of Hextech, hundreds of years ahead of the current technical level.

If it weren’t for the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, such technological products would not have been seen in this era.

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