Although the fire caused by the laboratory explosion was not small, it was controlled in the shortest possible time.

A certain amount of property damage was caused, and there were no casualties.

Yasso was saved in time, and both Heimerdinger and Giggs suffered a slight injury.

The result of this accident is still very happy.

After shocking Yasso’s top Hex’s armor, Heimerdinger and Giggs had to invite Yaso to dinner in order to express their gratitude to Yasso.

During the dinner, the two yodel scientists kept asking Yaso many scientific questions.

They also regarded Yasso as a top scientist, thinking that the Hex technology product in his body was his own masterpiece.

After all, to make such a perfect Hextech equipment, it is easy not to give it to others.

Originally, Yasuo was invited to dinner, and he was very happy in his heart.

After all, he was not a rich swordsman in the first place, and he planned to travel while making some money casually in the Rune Continent.

The money on your body is very limited.

Now that someone wants to invite him to a big meal, he is still happy to save him money for a meal.

But I never expected that this meal would be like being tortured.

The questions asked by both Heimerdinger and Giggs made Yasso’s head feel big.

At this moment, Yasuo finally knew why Heimerdinger’s head was so big, and he was holding back when he thought about these questions.

For example, what kind of material density adjustment can change the molecular formula faster, whether there is experimental data on the different hardness of the weapon he holds, and so on.

Yasso was perfunctory at first, but he couldn’t even understand the questions later.

Although he recognized every word in Hemmerdinger’s words, when combined, he really did not understand what it meant.

“You two, I think, you may have misunderstood me.”

When the meal was almost over, Yasuo couldn’t help it and said to the two.

The meal was eaten in the cafeteria of the highest school in Piltover .

In order to make life better for professors and students, the food here is quite good.

It’s just that Yasuo’s meal tastes like chewing wax.

Heimerdinger and Giggs were excited to eat nothing, asking Yasso questions vigorously, and the contents of the plate in front of them were almost untouched.

“Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? ”

“Oh… Actually, I am a swordsman, not a scientist. ”

Yaso hesitated, but decided to tell the truth.

“Oh, swordsman? Mr. Swordsman, we are proud of you. So do you know how the lightning power of the Hextech gun should be adjusted? ”

Yasuo’s face was black, and they didn’t seem to hear themselves at all.

Just as Yasso was pondering what kind of wording he should use in order to respond as politely as possible to their own lack of understanding, Giggs spoke.

“Mr. Swordsman, our new laboratory is ready, can you invite you to the laboratory with us later?”

Yasso was a little surprised to hear Jicks’ words, and they actually invited themselves to the new laboratory.

Thinking they were scared because of the previous explosion and wanted him to protect them.

This is not impossible, anyway, Yasuo has nothing important to do now.

Just as he was about to agree, he heard Giggs say again.

“We hope to study the technology equipment you are wearing, and it is best if we can do a few experiments and collect some effective data.”


When Yasuo heard this, he quickly swallowed back the words that he wanted to agree to just come to his lips.

Did he hear you right? To study him?

And to experiment on him ??

Think of the big bang in the lab just now.

Yaso had personally broken into the laboratory after the explosion, and the ground was full of messes, and one by one there were only some ruins of those scientific instruments. You can imagine how powerful the explosion was at that time.

This yodel in front of him actually said that he would experiment on him?

How can something like this be allowed to happen!

“Well, no, no, no, this professor, I think I may have other things to do.”

Originally, Yasuo wanted to reject the other party very firmly, and thinking that the people here were so respectful and polite to him before, he also wanted to be more polite to the other party.

Wouldn’t it hurt people’s hearts if they refused outright?

He wanted to refuse a little more tactfully.

“If you have anything, we can help with it, as long as you can promise us to help us conduct the experiment together.”

Heimerdinger abruptly stood up from his chair and stood on it, appearing taller.

He braced himself on the table with his hands and leaned forward, trying to get as close as he could to Yasso.

Through the thick lenses on his face, Yasso could almost clearly see the fanaticism in Heimerdinger’s eyes.

Frightened, Yasuo hurriedly leaned back, the people here were too enthusiastic, compared to those he had met before, but he was really a little unaccustomed.

The other party still didn’t seem to understand his refusal too much.

“No, no need, I can handle my own affairs, you better find someone else to help experiment.”

Now Yasuo probably understands that if he continues to tactfully, I am afraid that the other party will only want to experiment with him more eagerly.

Hearing Yasso’s refusal, Heimerdinger and Giggs were a little anxious, and began to keep talking to Yasso about what benefits and consequences would be after helping them experiment.

Yaso was not the slightest interested in what kind of honors he had received for the academy and for Picheng.

This does not impress him at all.

He was an Ionian, how could he have taken his life because of what honor he could get from Piltover?

Heimerdinger and Giggs promised him many more benefits, but they were all in the area of scientific invention experiments.

For example, what kind of materials to give him, what experimental data of things, what kind of preparation method of medicine.

Yaso didn’t understand these things at all and had no interest, just listened to them all the time. Out of politeness, he didn’t interrupt, but he just listened.

The two spoke dryly, but found that Yasuo was unmoved.

The two looked up at Yasuo a few times in their hearts, and felt that he was indeed a superior person.

He didn’t even look at these benefits that others could not ask for, he must have disdained these things, and he must have something better.

This strengthened Hemmerdinger’s desire to recruit Yasso.

If Yasso had known that Heimerdinger thought so, he would probably regret that he had not told them directly that he did not understand science at all.

“We can also give you a lot of money.”

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