Giggs knew in his heart that it was not good for him to have such an acute temper, and many times it would bring him a lot of trouble because of such a temper.

Seeing Yasuo’s calm eyes now, his heart moved, and when there was no one, he must ask Yasuo well how to better control his mood.

After Yasso calmed down, he again questioned the explosion.

“Even if there is a situation on Zuan’s side, it won’t be so that not a single Picheng guard has come over, right? Something as big as an explosion, they don’t pay attention to it at all? ”

Heimerdinger was a little embarrassed to hear Yasso’s question. Jace looked at Heimerdinger with a look of good drama on the side.

Giggs coughed lightly and glanced at Heimerdinger, knowing that the professor was embarrassed to say.

So Giggs explained to Yasso.

“Actually, the academy’s laboratory often explodes, so the guards in Picheng have long been surprised.”

“The explosion in the academy will not affect other people, and there will be basically no casualties. Therefore, even if the guards of Picheng heard an explosion on the side of the academy, they basically wouldn’t care. ”

Heimerdinger felt that he should say something at this time.

“Well, there are many laboratories in the college, and it is not unusual for there to be many explosion accidents. After all, hundreds of various experiments are going on every day, and accidents are always inevitable. ”

Yasuo understood after listening.

“I see, I often walk by the river where there are not wet shoes.”

Heimerdinger and Giggs laughed dryly, agreeing with what Yasso had said.

In fact, half of all explosions in the academy were due to Heimerdinger’s laboratory.

That’s why Jace was so runny to Heimerdinger before.

In fact, Jace is also very envious of Heimerdinger, and his attitude towards science, Heimerdinger is more persistent and enthusiastic than him.

Although he also loves science, he still does not think that he is like Hemmerdinger, and almost regards scientific research as his only pursuit and belief.

“In fact, now Hextech has reached a bottleneck period, and there has been no breakthrough and progress for a long time.”

Jace let out a long sigh and looked at the sky over Biltwolf, with a wireless emotion in his heart.

“Yes, it’s a pity that it’s too difficult to break through the existing level of technology, so we are so excited to see the Hextech armor on you.”

When Heimerdinger heard Jace’s words, he was also very emotional in his heart.

Although they are still researching and inventing every day, the existing level of Hex’s technology has remained on a level for a long time.

Even Viktor before him had despaired because of this.

This set of source plan armor is not as bulky as ordinary mecha, but quite flexible and lightweight.

And according to the various performances after the appearance of Yasso, this armor is not only light with a collar, but also very resistant to high temperatures.

It can also gather the wind elements in nature around to form a protective cover invisible to the naked eye.

These are all new perceptions for Heimerdinger, Giggs and Jace.

The core of Hextech is the energy in Hex’s crystal, combined with a series of Hex’s products created by technology.

However, so far, the extent to which the Hex Crystal can be used is close to the upper limit of the knowledge they currently have.

After continuing to study for so long, I have not found a more innovative way to make greater use of Hex’s crystal and play its role more.

Victor once said when chatting with Jace that the energy in the Hex crystal is likely to be magical energy.

Perhaps the end of technology is theology.

Jace hadn’t really believed this statement.

He acknowledges the existence of magic, but technology is technology, and it does not mean that the end of technology is only theology.

Isn’t Yaso in front of you clear?

The set of scientific and technological equipment on his body is obviously powered by the energy in the Hex crystal as the core energy source.

This is Hex’s technology equipment, and its technological level is countless times stronger than the current scientific and technological level, and may even be hundreds of years ahead.

Speaking of Victor.

Originally, Yasso came with Viktor with Piltover, but not long after disembarking, Yasso wanted to find wine, and Viktor wanted to go back to the former laboratory to see.

The two went their separate ways.

Yaso was far away from Viktor along the way, and the way the robot looked at him always made Yaso feel a little creepy.

It was as if I wanted to dissect him and carefully study each of his organs.

I am really not afraid of thieves, but I am afraid of thieves.

So after getting off the ship, there was a chance to go separately with Victor, and Yaso immediately left without hesitation.

Although it took a thought to come to such an unfamiliar place, Yasso did not want a guide who spent all day thinking about dissecting him.

It is better to let him see and play around Piltover himself.

Then there was a laboratory explosion, and Yaso was curious to go to save people.

“Yasuo, your appearance may be a gift from heaven to guide the direction of our scientific research.”

Jace looked at Yasso, his expression was very deep.

Heimerdinger did not object to this, although he was a staunch materialist who firmly believed in and loved science, but Jess’s statement he felt was right.

Yasso’s appearance was magical.

It is common to know that such a common thing as a laboratory explosion.

But this time it detonated the Hex’s crystal, and the magic energy source in it was bandaged, and it was very powerful.

Although Heimerdinger and Giggs were not seriously injured at the time, the impact of the explosion still caused them to lose consciousness for a short time and miss the best time to escape.

Just when they thought that this accident was really going to bury them in the fire, Yasuo suddenly appeared and directly saved them.

Heimerdinger and Giggs are sincerely grateful to Yasuo for saving his life, and at the same time, they are eager to study the top-notch Hextech equipment that Yaso wears.

“Mr. Yasso, may you allow us to study this technological armor you are wearing?”

All they said before was to hire Yaso to become their scientific assistant, all of them wanted to keep Yaso by their side, so that they would have the opportunity to study the armor on his body.

Now Heimerdinger felt that it was not necessary to do that, and it was better to tell the truth and tell Yasso what they needed.

Seeing that Heimerdinger said this, Jace did not stop it, and the thoughts in his heart were actually the same as that of Heimerdinger, and he was unwilling to deceive Yaso.

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