Yaso did not hesitate as much as before this time.

On the way from the restaurant to the new laboratory, Heimerdinger and the three of them told him very sincerely about the current plight of Piltover and the difficulties when they encountered bottlenecks in doing Hex’s research on Hex.

Just letting them study the armor they were wearing was not a big deal, and they didn’t really want to dissect him.

Speaking of dissection, Yasuo remembered the look in Victor’s robot head looking at him, and couldn’t help but sweat again.

“I promised to let you study, but I want you to consult with yourselves who will do it. It’s so embarrassing for me to let me choose. ”

Yasuo directly agreed to their request and agreed to let them study the Hextech equipment on his body. But when it’s time to choose, Jess, or Heimerdinger and Giggs?

That’s really a problem.

Jace and Heimerdinger’s eyes met again.

Both sides are mutually invincible, after all, this is a rare opportunity, since Yasuo let them make their own choices, it is natural that the two sides immediately sparked.

Jace and Heimerdinger looked at each other for a long time, and finally seemed to understand something from each other’s eyes, and relaxed a lot.

Yaso and Giggs looked at the two from the side, and they both felt that the eye battle between the two of them just now seemed to have come to an end.

So how did it end?

Both Yasso and Giggs are looking forward to it.

Of course, Giggs would prefer that Heimerdinger’s side be in charge of the research, after all, he is Hemmerdinger’s scientific research assistant.

If Yasuo is studied by Hemmerdinger, then he will naturally be able to access the Hextech equipment that surpasses the current level of technology.

Unexpectedly, the atmosphere that had just been tense was calmed down at this moment.

Jace and Heimerdinger actually looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison: “Let’s go together.” ”

The two of them spoke in unison just fell, and both sides were stunned, and then laughed at each other.

There is quite a feeling of looking at each other and smiling and hating each other.

In the past, Heimerdinger and Jace couldn’t deal with each other, and now it is really not easy to reach such a tacit consensus.

Yasuo finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn’t have to let him make any choice, and he didn’t have to worry about which side to choose.

But there’s a new problem.

“If you two study together, can I work once and get double wages?”

Yaso reacted abruptly, very excited to ask the two.

Both Heimerdinger and Jace were a little speechless.

This Yasuo looks like a superior person, why is he so obsessed with such mundane things as money?

I couldn’t help but smile and shake my head.

Now the guards of Picheng have been dispatched to Zuan, preparing for the operation against the alchemy barons.

Previously, I received news that Noxus’s dreadnought tank plan was being secretly implemented in Zuan.

They have united with many alchemists to transform a killing machine together.

If this dreadnought plan succeeds, the first to be slaughtered is Zuan.

If Zuan is killed and slaughtered, then it will be Piltover who will face such a crisis next.

You can’t take a chance.

Noxus’s plan this time is to plot Zuan and Pi City.

The Picheng guards attach great importance to this and have already sent all the guards to dispatch in unison.

The explosion in Heimerdinger’s laboratory this time was much more powerful than the previous experimental explosion accident, and although the guards of Picheng did not take the explosion accident of the academy to heart, some people still noticed that this time was different.

Caitlin, a female police officer, passed by the academy on her way to Zuan, thinking of investigating the explosion in the academy.

If nothing goes wrong, Caitlin will go straight to Zuan and join the plan to destroy the dreadnought.

Knowing that the explosion was caused by Professor Heimerdinger, Caitlin went to visit Professor Heimerdinger in order to understand the details of the explosion.


Just as Yasso was asking if he could get double pay, the doorbell of Heimerdinger’s new lab was rung.

Giggs turned on the video intercom and saw that the person ringing the doorbell at the door turned out to be Officer Caitlin in a police uniform.

“I’m Caitlin, the chief of the Pi City Guard, and I need to know something about Professor Heimerdinger, please open the door.”

Caitlin said very politely about routine.

Giggs turned around and asked Heimerdinger for instructions, after all, this is Heimerdinger’s private laboratory, and he can refuse others’ requests to enter.

Heimerdinger did not expect that it would be the respected Lord Commander of the Piltover guards who came personally, nodded towards Giggs, and motioned for Officer Caitlin to enter.

After Caitlin entered the laboratory, she was a little surprised to find that Jace was also here.

Also here is Yasso wearing the skin of the Source Plan.

Caitlin had never seen Yasso, but when she saw the Genji skin that Yaso was wearing, her heart moved, and she felt very familiar.

However, Caitlin still politely asked Heimerdinger about the previous laboratory explosion.

“Oh, that’s actually nothing. It was during the experiment that a Hex crystal exploded, and the energy source of the power was relatively powerful, so the power of the explosion was greater than before. ”

“It’s all right now, my lord officer, I’m sorry to cause you trouble.”

Heimerdinger learns that Caitlin came to inquire about the details of the explosion and feels a little guilty.

These experimental explosions are all because of him, fortunately it did not bring any harm to others, otherwise he would really die of guilt.

Caitlin was relieved after asking about the explosion and making sure that there was nothing unusual.

Caitlin then turned her attention to Jace.

Jace had previously received a secret letter from Noxus, an invitation letter from Svein inviting Jace to participate in the research and manufacture of dreadnoughts.

At that time, Jace’s attitude was very resolute, he was on the side of Piltover and firmly stated that he would never go with Noxus.

The Fearless Tank Plan is also why the Piltover Guard is alert, and the plan to destroy the Fearless Tank is now being carried out in Zuan.

“Jace, why are you in Professor Heimerdinger’s lab?”

Caitlin knew that Jace and Heimerdinger had not dealt well before, so she felt surprised that Jace appeared in Heimerdinger’s laboratory.

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