Caitlin raised her eyebrows very happily when she heard Yasso’s praise, and responded.

“Then yours is not bad.”

The two blew each other at each other’s cool skin for a while, and finally stepped into their destination this time.

This is a shady factory in Zuan.

According to the informant, this is a secret research base for the alchemy barons.

The “Fearless Chariot”, a killing machine developed in cooperation with Noxus, is located in this secret research base.

Now I don’t know what stage of development the Dreadnought tank has reached, and Caitlin’s heart is a little heavy.

Originally, on the road, he and Yasuo could talk about some of what the two had seen in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and they talked to each other quite happily.

But as soon as they stepped into the confines of this old factory, they couldn’t help but stop talking, and lowered their figures, and relaxed their steps.

The location is secluded and dark, filled with the unpleasant smell of potions caused by Zuan’s unique chemical industry.

The sewage beaches on the street are also glowing with a leisurely green light, which may contain a lot of toxic chemicals.

Zuan, a vast underground city known for its chemical industry and alchemy throughout the Valoran continent, is a sprawling dungeon just below Piltover.

Compared to Piltover, which is full of technology and advanced civilization, it is like a land that completely pollutes chemical agents.

The light projected from above passes through the layers of smoke exhaust pipes, leaving only a few wisps of strange-looking colors that cross and reflect among the tinted glass of Zuan’s various workshops.

People like Yasso, who came from a land of life like Ionia, were uncomfortable after entering the Zuan region.

Here he doesn’t seem to feel life, but everywhere is full of silence.

Zuan also has a bustling and lively central city, but this factory is a place that is off the beaten track.

In addition to sewage, there are often some sticky liquids on the ground, which stick to the soles of Yasuo’s shoes so much that Yasuo can’t help frowning.

Although Piltover has very famous institutions, large and small scientific institutes, and many top scientific geniuses.

But Zuan’s level of technology is actually not much better than that of Biltwolf.

Because the Zuan area is unattended, it has become the most all-encompassing and culturally diverse place.

There are many restricted, banned scientific experiments in Piltover that are very popular here.

The scientists here are also even more crazy and unscrupulous.

In addition to Birgivot, Zuan is also an out-of-law place.

The air was filled with the smell of alchemical smoke leaking out of the exhaust pipe, making the air cloudy.

Yasso came to Zuan for the first time, and felt fresh and a little scary about the eerie atmosphere here.

The underground city of Zuan has countless gangs of all kinds, and there are many alchemy barons who are also organizing.

For the convenience of each other, the alchemy barons have a loose alliance, and each alchemy baron is in charge of an area of Zuan.

This is why the alchemy barons were able to unite with Noxus to study and manufacture fearless chariots, which itself is strange.

The guards of Picheng have already entered here before, and I believe that a lot of investigation and search have been done.

Caitlin received information that the exact location of the dreadnought was most likely in the area of the old factory where they were now.

Occasionally, a few mice pass by their feet and even crawl over their feet.

Fortunately, both of them were wearing skin armor bought from Xiu Xin Pavilion, which isolated those bad touches, otherwise the feeling of rats crawling over their feet might prevent them from continuing to walk.

There were dim lights in the factory, and alchemy bulbs did not provide good lighting.

But that doesn’t affect Yasso and Caitlin’s progress.

Their equipment armor has night vision function, even in the case of very poor vision conditions, they can still clearly see everything in front of them.

“Right over there, let’s go.”

A message came from Caitlin’s guard communicator, informing Caitlin that the specific location of the Cadlin Dreadnought had been found, and a fixed position message was transmitted with it.

With a clearer goal, the two no longer have to be cautiously tempted, looking for factory warehouse by factory.

Yasso and Caitlin hurried to one of the warehouses.

The dilapidated gate of this warehouse has been pried open by Picheng guards to a small corner, enough for one person to enter and exit.

It is believed that the guards who explored the road entered from here.

After making sure that there was no danger in the warehouse, the two also entered the warehouse through the small gap.

There is a stronger smell of potion here, and if it were not for the mask to protect it, which fully isolated the toxic substances in the taste, Yasuo who came here for the first time would probably vomit on the spot.

The warehouse is large with a high roof. In the dim light, if it weren’t for the fact that both of their armor was also functional, I am afraid it would be difficult to see how high the ceiling of this warehouse was.

The warehouse is littered with a lot of messy debris, a lot of chemical waste from chemical plants.

The metal jars were scattered haphazardly on the ground, and Caitlin and Yasso had to be careful about the ground under their feet when walking, otherwise it would be easy to step on.

Whether it is making a noise or tripping, it is very bad for the situation.

Under the fans of the armor, fresh footprints can be detected from the slightly sticky filth on the ground.

“These footprints are most likely from the Picheng guards.”

Caitlin judged where the footprints belonged, and the two continued along the footprints.

Walking around between those chemical factory garbage, the delivery ahead is considered cleaner.

“This warehouse is really big.”

The two of them had been gone for a while.

“It’s not just a warehouse.”

Although it appears to be the warehouse of an old factory, it is actually a baron’s secret research base.

The factory warehouses here should be specially opened, which is different from ordinary warehouses.

“Wait, I seem to sense magical energy here.”

The message from Yasso’s Source Project armor tells him that there is a strong source of magical abilities nearby.

“Is it a Hex? I’ve heard Jace say that the energy source in the Hex crystal is most likely magical energy. ”

Caitlin asked softly.

Yasso shook his head, the Hex crystal he had seen in the laboratory in Heimerdinger, the feeling was different from the current one.

“Look! That should be the Dreadnought! ”

The policewoman saw the scene ahead at a corner and exhaled softly.

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