Yaso followed Caitlin’s gaze and looked over there.

I saw a huge transparent container over there, if it were not for the high dome of this warehouse, I am afraid that it would not be able to accommodate, and I don’t know if it is a transparent shell of glass or some other material outside this container.

It was filled with a pale liquid, and in the liquid was soaked a huge body, which looked to be four or five meters tall.

It looks like a human head, but with a mask on its face, connected to several green jars that lead to more than anywhere.

A human arm was exposed, and that arm was muscular and looked like it should have been owned by a reckless man.

The other arm was replaced by a huge cannon.

On the torso, there are many mechanical feet, which stretch out in all directions, and the end of each mechanical foot is a very sharp claw.

In addition to the skin that appeared very gray when soaked in the liquid, the bloodless skin seemed to be welded to those metals, and there were many green medicine tubes swaying on the body.

I don’t know what kind of liquid soaked him, as if it didn’t have any corrosive effect on the metal mechanical parts on his body, but made his whole body glow with a leisurely green luster.

“This is the Dreadnought?”

Caitlin and Yasso were both amazed when they saw what the thing looked like.

Although this kind of thing can vaguely see the appearance of some people, this is completely a monster!

“Abominable Noxus, such a monster is made for slaughter and aggression.”

There was a rare hatred in Yasso’s eyes.

The Ionians have a national hatred of the Noxians, and at this moment, seeing Noxus conspiring to create such a killing machine, the hatred for Noxus in their hearts is set off together.

“We’re here to destroy him before he’s made, take it easy.”

When Caitlin saw the dreadnought, she was shocked and angry at Noxus, but in order to complete the task, she calmed her companions who were obviously emotionally fluctuating.

Yasuo was not impulsive because of the hatred that suddenly surged in his heart, but just stared at the dreadnought chariot in the large container, and quickly controlled his emotions and prepared to cooperate with Caitlin to destroy it together.

“I don’t know if this thing has a heart, let me shoot him.”

Caitlin took out her weapon and opened the scope already aimed at the right heart of the dreadnought.

If you can still vaguely see that this thing is still a bit humanoid, the location of the heart is difficult to find.

“There is a ladder over there, I’ll climb up and take a look, if you can’t destroy him with one hit, then I’ll solve him directly in close combat.”

After a brief discussion, the two went their separate ways.

Now the warehouse is very quiet, and no other figures are visible.

I think it should have been the Picheng guards who arrived before who attracted the guards here, which gave Caitlin and Yaso such a good opportunity.

Yaso quietly approached the container, and there was a ladder on the side of the container, which seemed to be for the researcher, and now it was just time to show Yaso the way.

Caitlin’s sniper rifle was already aimed at the target, she was in a shooting position, and just waiting for Yasso to be in position, she fired.

Who knew that at this time, noisy footsteps sounded in the warehouse.

Yaso and Caitlin immediately became vigilant.

Fortunately, they are now in the shadows and are not exposed, as long as they act more carefully.

Yasso was also hiding behind a pile of industrial metal cans not far from the edge of the ladder.

I saw a group of people coming here from another direction, and the leader was holding a box in his hand.

These people were quick on their feet and did not say anything, carrying out the task step by step.

The man holding the box went straight to the ladder and climbed up without hesitation.

As the person approached, Yasuo clearly felt that the source of magical energy was approaching him.

This made Yasuo’s whole body shake.

There is something wrong with the box that the man is holding in his hand!

In the blink of an eye, the man had climbed to the top of the container, lifted a lid at the top of the container, and opened the box.

The aura of that magical energy source immediately surged out, making Yasuo immediately stand up and want to grab it.

But the man was in a high place, and before Yaso could get close, he had already put the contents of the box into the container.

There is a robotic arm in the container, which directly grasps what is put in and is about to be installed on the dreadnought chariot.

Caitlin and Yasso could see clearly that it was something as delicate and beautiful as a sapphire, the size of a man’s fist.

The pure blue color and the shape of water droplets look like a tear from the goddess.

Caitlin suddenly reacted, this thing was going to be installed on that monster.

Can’t hesitate any longer!

Caitlin pulled the trigger directly and fired at the location she had previously aimed.

The future warrior skin is the strength of a demigod after wearing it, and although the transparent shell of the container is very tough and bulletproof, Caitlin’s gun is produced by Shushin Pavilion.

Even the hardest glass can penetrate easily.

The bullet from the sniper rifle burst out, directly penetrating the container and the liquid inside, and hitting the left heart of the dreadnought vehicle.

I thought it would be done, but Caitlin and Yasso were happy too soon.

I saw that the bullet directly submerged into the huge body of the dreadnought chariot, leaving only a hole in the bullet on the gray flesh, and other than that, it didn’t seem to have any effect.

“Damn it! He has no heart! ”

Caitlin cursed in annoyance.

Yasso couldn’t care about anything else, and quickly climbed the ladder in a few steps, about to destroy him from close range.

The group of people saw the sudden change and were instantly chaotic.

However, he soon realized that there were only two enemies, so he took out his weapons and prepared to kill the enemy.

The man who had just held the Tear of the Goddess had been pushed down the ladder by Yasso, and Yaso had come to the top of the container.

At this moment, the shell of the container that had just been pierced by Caitlin’s sniper bullet suddenly collapsed directly at this moment with the bullet hole as the center.

The liquid inside instantly poured out, and the true face of the fearless chariot was revealed in front of everyone.

Yasuo didn’t care about this, and planned to draw his lightsaber directly, and learned about this so-called dreadnought chariot with a sword.

At the same time as Yasuo drew his sword, a distance vibration on the ground shook Yasuo standing on the climbing ladder to an unstable center of gravity and almost fell.

A large group of miscellaneous soldiers quickly rushed in with weapons in hand, and a huge body walked in, and the ground trembled with every step he took.

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