Jax believes that this matter is very puzzling, and even a little too much.

Ritz didn’t understand what Jax had gone through all these years, and why his power was so strong now!

Both of them were puzzled and planned to have a good chat.

At this time, Silas, who was still behind Jax, who was still imprisoned in place by Rez’s rune confinement skill, was disturbed.

At first, I thought I was dead, but suddenly someone helped me block the magic attack.

Just when he was glad that he was saved, he heard that the man who saved him was an old friend with the old mage who wanted to kill him.

This made Sellars’ mood like a roller coaster, up and down, and the expression on his face became a little distorted.

I don’t know if it’s better to cry or laugh.

Jax came because of Freyrdrand howling the void crack on the other side of the abyss.

For three thousand years, Jax has been fighting the Void.

Not long ago, Jax found Lisandra and took Lisandra and Wally Bell to a trip to the Meditation Pavilion.

After bringing the high-end combat power of these two Freyrdrand to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, Jax came to Freyrdrand again.

Howling the abyss crack on the other side of the abyss, Lisandra is already thinking of a way to strengthen the seal.

Jax came to Freyrdrand again to find more forces that could fight the Void with him.

In the Meditation Pavilion, Jax once saw a portrait of Silas.

He knew that these were the people selected by the Cultivation Pavilion, and they were all organic.

And Jax also learned some of Sellas’ abilities in some of the books of the Meditation Pavilion.

In Jax’s view, Silas is a force that can be fought over and fight the Void together.

You can’t just die so easily.

Ritz glanced at Silas, who was still imprisoned, and at Jax, who was staring at him for an answer, and sighed softly.

“Let’s go, find a place to talk, let’s talk.”

Ritz is not willing to make enemies of Jax, which is not a wise move. Jax is someone that Ritz admires, not to mention that Jax is so strong now, if the two really want to fight, it is unknown whether they will lose or win.

Jax naturally agreed.

The two searched for a sheltered cave nearby and simply picked up some dry firewood and returned.

Piling the dry firewood together, the old mage casually snapped his fingers, and the purple light flashed, and the dry firewood burned.

Ritz and Jax sat around the campfire, leaving Silas, who was still imprisoned, on the other side of the campfire.

Jax casually took out two earthen eggs from his arms, took out tin foil, wrapped the eggs, and put them on the campfire and roasted them.

Ritz looked at Jax, who was carrying local eggs with him and did not forget to bake two eggs to eat at this time, and was a little speechless.

Jax also noticed that Reiz looked at his egg and smiled at Ritz a little embarrassed.

“Eggs are the best food in the world, do you want to try them?”

Ritz shook his head and asked his question directly.

“Why are you stopping me?”

Jax adjusted the position of the egg, then looked up to explain to Ritz.

“I think that a powerful demigod like you, whose strength is close to that of a god, should easily attack such a weak mortal, and some should not be.”

Hearing this, Silas’ hair stood up.

It turned out that this old mage actually had the strength of a demigod close to a god!

Fortunately, the moment just now was blocked by this purple-robed man with a lantern, otherwise it really hit him all of a sudden, and it is estimated that even a whole corpse will not be left.

Just go to dust.

Ritz glanced sideways at the livid-faced Silas on the side, thought about it a little, and decided to explain the matter to Jax.

“I’m sure you should remember Rune Wars.”

Jax heard that Ruiz actually answered the question, and suddenly said something else, a little puzzled.

But he nodded anyway.

“Naturally, I remember that protracted war, I believe that it is difficult for anyone who has experienced it to forget.”

Ritz also nodded, agreeing with Jax.

The horror of the rune war, as long as it is experienced by those who have experienced it, I am afraid that fear will be deeply portrayed in the soul.

But that was more than a thousand years ago, and there are not many people left who have actually experienced it.

People now are people who have never seen how terrifying the world’s rune power is, and they have long forgotten the horror of rune war.

Even the rune war is just a sentence in the hearts of most people, a fragment of history that has been blurred, or even just a legend.

“You should know that such a thing as a world rune must not fall into the hands of others, and the consequences of that kind of thing cannot be borne by anyone.”

Ritz continued, a somewhat bitter expression on his face.

“The power of the World Rune is really strong that it has loved, and no one can resist such a temptation.”

“Even myself, I have to be careful not to get lost in its temptation. What’s more, he is a weak but ambitious mortal. ”

“It is more difficult for them to control their inner desires and greed, and they will even be more greedy and cruel because they have received great power.”

Ritz’s words weren’t straightforward, but Jax already understood.

The weak and ambitious mortal in Reiz’s mouth naturally refers to Silas.

In other words, Ritz believes that Silas covets the power of the world runes, in order to prevent the world runes from falling into Silas’s hands.

That’s why Reiz will kill the weak Silas and strangle such a scourge in the cradle.

Jax subconsciously looked at Silas and saw Silas pulling his head.

It was also at this time that Silas understood why this old mage, who had been chatting with him fairly well along the way, and seemed kind and kind, would suddenly break the harmonious atmosphere between the two and directly kill him.

It turned out that he himself exposed his ambition to the other party without scruples, making the other party feel his existence, and the future is likely to be a threat.

That’s why it’s important to deal with it quickly.

At the same time, Silas was also very frightened.

Before, from the mouth of the shamanka, he heard about the rune war, and knew that the great war was triggered by the fight for the world runes.

In Silas’s concept, the world rune represents a powerful force, as long as the world rune is obtained, it can dominate the side.

However, he did not expect that the two demigods in front of him whose strength was close to that of the gods, compared to himself, who could only describe their strength as terrifying, would be so secretive about the world runes.

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