“So, can you tell me about the World Rune?”

Silas was afraid of the two elders in front of him, but also had a deep curiosity.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Demacians, Silas was a very frightening and somewhat frustrating mage.

In Ritz’s eyes, Silas is a future disaster with great talent and ambition.

In Jax’s eyes, Silas is a potential to be cultivated into a backbone against the Void in the future.

But in fact, Silas was born into a poor family, but because he was a natural mage, he caused trouble.

As a child, Silas was first discovered by the Demon Seekers of Demacia and immediately took control of him, and he worked for Demacia.

Silas is a natural mage with magical abilities and can sense the presence of magic.

This innate peculiar ability is rare even among mages.

After discovering his ability, the Demon Seeker immediately realized that he could use the boy’s ability to deal with those mages.

So, in the years after being controlled by the Demon Seeker, Silas’ abilities were put to full use, using him to search for other hidden mages.

Silas is like a tool, and only when his abilities are to be used will someone have some communication with him. At other times, no one could reach him.

It is also because of this strange ability of Silas that he can not only find mages hidden among civilians in the city-state of Demacia. He found that among those powerful people, there were also people with shimmering magic glimmers hidden inside.

But the only people who will be punished are civilians and the poor.

And the mages among those dignitaries seemed to be above the laws of Demacia, and no one dared to care at all.

At that time, Silas’s heart already had doubts about such a power class and this hypocritical and cruel system.

Later, some accidents occurred, allowing the demon hunters to discover that this mage boy with strange magical abilities was not restless.

A person whose mind cannot be controlled by them must control his full capacity for action.

As a result, Silas was brutally and mercilessly thrown into the darkest prison of Demacia. Fifteen miserable years were spent in that dark place.

How can such an experience make a person willing?

The long period of imprisonment and torture filled Silas’s heart with hatred and ambition.

He wants to gain greater strength, stand in a higher position, and let those who have persecuted him once get their due retribution.

After escaping from prison, Silas came to Freyrdrand to take possession of his power.

One day, kill Demacia and make all those who are hypocritical and vicious pay.

Ritz frowned when he heard Silas mention the World Rune.

“I don’t want to tell you more about World Runes.”

“I admit that your magical talent is very good, and you have very special and powerful special abilities, but you are too ambitious.”

“If someone like you obtains the World Rune, I am afraid that they will do more and more terrifying things in the future, which will endanger the entire Rune Land.”

“So don’t think about it, I’ll finish you with my own hands before you get the World Rune.”

Ritz praised Silas’ talent very frankly, but also clearly told Silas that he would not succeed in the matter of the World Rune.

“No, I wouldn’t do anything to harm Runeterra. Even if I get the World Rune, I won’t! ”

Reiz’s words made Silas a little excited, and he retorted with his neck twisted.

“Hehe, you don’t understand how tempting the world runes are, even if you guarantee it, it’s useless.”

“No one can withstand the temptation of the World Rune, not even me.”

Ritz sneered twice, disdainful of Silas’ words.

In the cave, the atmosphere fell silent for a while.

Only the crackling of the campfire, you can see that time is still flowing.

Jax’s baked eggs were almost baked at this time, and the faint smell of eggs came out of the tin foil, making Jax swallow.


It is the sound of roasted eggs bursting, and at the same time, the aroma of roasted eggs is a little stronger.

Jax had just been chewing Ritz’s words in his heart, and there were many doubts in his heart.

“Oh, my little eggs are baked, would you like a taste, old fellow?”

Picking up the baked eggs directly from the campfire, Jax didn’t forget to ask the old mage if he wanted to eat them.

As soon as Ritz was about to refuse, Jax couldn’t help but throw an egg in his hand that was still wrapped in tin foil.

Gently peel off the foil on the roasted egg, and the unique aroma of the roasted egg comes to your face.

“Try it, my favorite food, eat something and be quiet.”

The freshly baked local eggs really made Jax love miserable, this taste, eating for thousands of years can not be eaten.

Ruiz was also good at refusing the other party’s kindness, but he didn’t eat the roasted egg in his hand immediately.

Jax peeled it straight and finished the roasted egg in a few bites.

Swallowing the roasted egg in his mouth, Jax asked the doubts in his heart.

“Could it be that with your current strength, you will also be lost in the desire for the runes of the world?”

Jax has lived for more than three thousand years, naturally he has experienced rune wars, and he has some understanding of world runes.

And Jax knew Ritz a long, long time ago, and both admired each other.

Jax knew that Ritz had been constantly searching for the world runes scattered all over the Rune Land for more than a thousand years.

This also means that Ruiz has been in contact with the World Rune for a long time for more than a thousand years.

And Jax can also see that Ruiz is also because he has been with the world runes for many years, so his current strength will reach the current realm.

Although it is not as powerful as him who obtained the Martial God skin, it is similar.

Both of them are now super demigod strength, and they are within easy reach of truly breaking through the realm and reaching the strength of the gods.

But with a strength like him, would he still be tempted by the world runes?

“Well, I never use the power of World Runes. This kind of thing has a demagogic effect, and no one or living being can resist that temptation. ”

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