Ritz’s face was very bitter, and the deep lines between the corners of his eyes and eyebrows revealed loneliness and exhaustion.

“There have been many times when I almost couldn’t control myself, and even carrying the World Rune with me was a danger.”

His answer surprised Jax.

For more than a thousand years, Ruiz, who has been searching for world runes and has found many world runes, has never used the power of world runes.

Even so, it will be seduced by the power of the world runes.

Then the power of the runes in this world is also too terrifying.

By this time, Jax had somewhat understood why Ritz had attacked Silas.

A person as honest and kind as Ruiz, who is strong-willed, cannot avoid being tempted. Not to mention an ambitious and restless person like Silas?

Just like Ruiz said, if the world runes really fall into the hands of people like Silas, then the rune land will definitely be in trouble.

Silas also calmed down at this time and sighed softly.

“Perhaps, can you tell me something about Rune Wars?”

Silas’ curiosity was still strong, and he really wanted to know about the World Rune.

“Maybe I won’t live long, and you won’t allow me to live, so will that satisfy my curiosity?”

Silas is only about thirty years old this year, and has spent more than a decade in the depths of the dark Demacia prison.

What he can know, what he can understand is too limited.

Ritz took a deep look at Silas and did not refuse him again, but nodded.

“That was more than a thousand years ago.”

“More than a thousand years ago, when the current Shadow Island was still Fukuko Island…”

Ruiz tells the story of the Rune Wars from the beginning.

Those are all things he has personally experienced.

Before Fukuko Island became Shadow Island, it was one of the most mysterious places in the Runeterra, and the entire pirate was surrounded by a powerful magical enchantment.

If there is no guide, the average person will not find the location of Fukuko Island at all.

There are gardens and libraries, and it has the largest library and academy in the entire Rune Land.

The people there live a peaceful and quiet life, and the people of Fukuko Island are dedicated to the study of magic.

On Fuguang Island, there is a secret society – the Ancient Association.

The duty of the Ancient Society is to collect and protect the most dangerous magical relics in the Rune Land.

At the beginning, the skull of Mord Caesar was sent to Fuguang Island as a very dangerous magical holy relic and guarded.

And such a dangerous and magical thing as the world rune is naturally one of the holy relics that the ancient association wants to collect and protect.

In the study of the ancient association, I talked about knowing the magic origin of the Rune Land, which turned out to be from the World Rune.

The meaning of the world rune to the Rune Land is what the meaning of the sun to the earth.

It is the source of all the living energy and magic in the Runeterra.

The magical energy that appeared in the Rune Land now was the energy of the World Rune that overflowed in the air.

After the ancient association came to this conclusion, it protected the information about the world runes as a secret.

But after a long time, the secret was still leaked.

This shocking secret has attracted the attention of senior leaders in almost every country in the world in a very short period of time.

Several world runes scattered throughout the Rune Land were also found one after another.

The people of the ancient association knew what this meant, and quickly decided to send Tyros, an important and respected elder of the ancient association, to personally intervene to prevent the great disaster caused by the world’s competition for the runes of the world.

As an apprentice of Tyros, Rez left Fukukari Island with his mentor and took on the important task of collecting world runes and maintaining world peace.

After that, the two of them traveled to the continent of Valoran together, hoping to convince the leaders of those countries that they would give up fighting for the world runes.

But the results are obvious.

No one could watch such a huge power being possessed by others, and almost everyone at that time regarded the World Rune as a powerful weapon.

All the countries began to compete for the World Rune, and a big war was about to break out.

In the end, when two countries were facing each other, the party holding the world rune used the power of the world rune.

It was in Nokohi’s territory and the homeland of Ritz.

It was a devastating blow that shattered the heavens and the earth, and it was also the first loud bang that marked the thick rune war.

Rez and his mentor Tyros witnessed the destructive power of the world’s runes.

They watched as the ground beneath their feet collapsed, and the base rock deep underground cracked into huge cracks, and there was a cry like hell.

The sky trembled like the end had come, and the fire was fierce.

Although the village of Kohom is considered to be in the coastal area, it takes at least a whole day to reach the beach from the village of Kohom.

But the ocean outside the itinerary that day roared with thunder.

Explosions, flames, huge waves, destroyed everything in an instant.

All the houses, buildings, civilians, and the army were all destroyed in an instant.

The entire continent east of Valoran had disappeared because of the power of the World Rune.

Since then, people have finally learned the horror of the world’s rune power, and many people have fear.

But the careerists never gave up.

Even after learning that the World Rune had such a heaven-destroying power, he was even more crazy to take it for himself.

After that, the war intensified, several cities were destroyed because of this rune war, and thousands of people were homeless and even lost their lives because of the rune war.

The population has plummeted, making those in power gradually panic, and gradually they have begun to realize that if they continue like this, they may really face the danger of extinction.

Thanks to the efforts of Tharus and Ritz, things got a little better.

The strife continues, but there is a problem for the master and disciple who are trying to save the world.

When Ruiz said this, his heart was heavy for a while.

At this time, Silas listened fascinated, and at the same time was also shocked.

Jax also listened quietly on the sidelines, these were also things he had experienced, and he had lost a lot because of the rune war.

At the same time, Jax is also very impressed.

Those people used the World Rune as a weapon, how similar it was when the original Acacia people used the power of the void as a weapon.

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