Jax is essentially the same as Ritz, and he has his own mission.

Jax, whose original name was Sejax Caillu-Raines Ekasson, was a native of Acacia.

Once Acacia was also prosperous and strong, it was also a very old country, and they were proud and brilliant.

Only later, under the territorial expansion of Shurema, Acacia was crushed and oppressed, and eventually became a territory under the jurisdiction of the Shurima Empire.

Even after the fall of the Acacia Empire, the Acacian people never really threw in the towel.

They are constantly thinking about how to resist, how to repel the Shureima, to reclaim their country, to regain their dignity.

After centuries of rule by Shurema, a massive earthquake struck the coastal province of Saabera in Acacia.

The earthquake was so destructive that it cracked an abyss in the ground and revealed something terrifying hidden deep underground.

It was something dark and very powerful, later known as the “Void.”

The people of Acacia soon learned that this thing was very powerful, even powerful enough to restrain the Ascensions of Shurima and the so-called Celestial Warriors.

As a result, the people of Acacia felt that they had something to rely on and had the strength to resist the oppression of Shurema.

At that time, Sejax was the one responsible for escorting those mages who had obtained the power of the Void to the Council-Council Hall.

In fact, by that time, Sejax had already sensed the danger.

He believes that the void does not foreshadow the power to resist oppression, but destruction.

As a master weapon, Sejax is proficient in all kinds of weapons, but also understands the meaning and danger of weapons.

The Void became a weapon in the hands of the Acacians, a weapon against the invasion of Shurema. But it was also a weapon that the Acacians could not understand at all and could not safely handle.

If your weapon is not fully mastered and its power is extremely powerful, you will one day be overwhelmed.

Not only that, but later, in order to fight against Shurema, the rebel army of Acacia even took the initiative to open the Void Rift and released those powerful and terrifying monsters.

The people of Acacia thought it was their weapon, but they didn’t know that it was their end.

The Void Monster was released, and the power of the Void instantly enveloped the entire battlefield.

The Acacians, the Shurima, and the Ascensions, known as the Celestial Warriors, fell apart in a very short time and ceased to exist.

The walls collapsed, the city was destroyed, and the void swallowed everything.

Sejax didn’t regret for a moment, and he should have killed those mages who had achieved the power of the Void on the spot on the way to escort.

But because of his hesitation, Acacia fell into unrecoverable destruction.

Originally, Sejax stood in the huge pit left by the place where the void was summoned, and decided to directly raise his sword to apologize for his sins like Kauali once did.

It was only before he killed himself that he saw a torch staff inserted diagonally into the bones of the mound among the ruins of a place.

The burning flame in it can cause damage to the void.

The flame, which was not bright, lit up Sejax’s heart like a dead ash.

He picked up the staff and left his ruined hometown behind, determined to protect the “last light of Eccasia.”

Perhaps guarding it means that there is still hope for Eccasia.

From that day on, Sejax Caillu-Reines Kauali Kauari Ekazon lost the name he had once had, and all that remained was Jax.

Every moment of every day since then, Jax has never given up, always looking for a way to fight the void.

Even if he is left alone in the end, he will face the void with dignity.

When the Rune War broke out, Jax was also on a wandering journey.

He is still looking for abilities that can fight the Void.

At that time, Jax even thought about whether he could use the power of the world runes to compete with the power of the void.

It’s just that later, the long war brought by the world runes to the Rune Land made Jax dispel this idea.

If the price of fighting the Void is the extinction of all things, then Jax would rather choose to find another way.

The wheel of history rolls forward, and human beings, who have never been able to remember, are always repeating the mistakes of the past.

How similar are those who use the World Rune as a weapon to conquer the world and the Acacians who once wanted to use the power of the Void as a weapon?

Jax now learned the true power of the World Rune from Rez’s mouth, and he fully understood why Rez would want to attack Silas.

From the conversation, Jax could also feel a strong obsession in Silas’s heart.

He wants to rise to the top, he wants greater strength, he wants revenge for destroying those who have hurt him.

If such a person is allowed to obtain the power that is enough to destroy the world, then this rune land is bound to have no more peaceful life.

Jax thought of this and shifted his gaze to Silas.

This made Sellars suddenly feel a chill in his spine.

Previously, Jax had always advocated leaving Silas’ life, making Silas think that Jax would at least have no malice towards him.

But at this moment, Silas obviously felt that Jax was looking at him very badly.


Ritz let out a long sigh, he hadn’t spoken so much to anyone in hundreds of years.

Facing this old friend who had some pity for him, Ruiz couldn’t help but want to talk to him.

Although there is also a Silas next to him, this person’s life will not last long, so even if he listens, it doesn’t matter much.

After a long sigh, Ruiz decided to tell his old friend about his thoughts, and it was also considered that someone could help him relieve some of his biggest stress in recent years.

“World runes are too dangerous, and I don’t know how long I can hold out. I thought it was time to find a home for those world runes, but it was so difficult. ”

Jax frowned and suggested:

“Maybe you should find a helper to help you keep these world runes.”

Ritz’s tired face was bitterness that could not be dissolved.

“It’s not that I didn’t think about it, but who can take on the burden?”

“As I said, no one can resist the temptation of the World Rune.”

“What if… If there is a person who is even stronger than the power of the world runes, he does not need the power of the world runes at all. ”

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