“And also have the world in mind, benevolence and benevolence, maybe only those who have the qualifications to keep the world runes.”

Ritz smiled bitterly, how could such a person exist? Even if it exists, where can he find such a person?

For such a long time, the more Ruiz came into contact with the World Rune, the more he was seduced.

In recent decades, Ritz has found that he has begun to run out of energy.

In the past, he was tempted by the world runes, and he could still have the ability to resist, but in recent decades, every time he came into contact with the world runes, he had to struggle for a long time to get rid of the voice of desire in his heart.

The power of the world runes gave him eternal life, and it also eroded his body, making her the blue-purple skin she is now, full of rune marks.

At the same time, it is constantly eroding his heart, trying to open the gap of his inner desire like he did to Tyros, making him a demon of greedy power.

After Jax listened to Ritz’s words, he felt a flash of light in his mind, and a name and a young handsome face appeared.

The conditions Ruiz said, can’t it be Li Fuwan, the owner of the Cultivation Pavilion?

“That’s him!”

Jax slapped his hands excitedly, startling both Reiz, who was immersed in mourning, and Silas, who was still imprisoned on the side.

“What’s wrong? What is him? ”

Ritz was puzzled as to why Jax suddenly became so excited.

“I think there’s someone who meets all the requirements you said!”

Jax didn’t sell much either, and immediately solved Ritz’s confusion.

“I know a man whose abilities are incomparably stronger, and I am as powerless in front of him as a newborn toddler.”

As soon as these words came out, Ruiz and Silas who were present were shocked.

Maybe Silas didn’t know what Jax was like, but Ritz knew well.

Even Jax was like a child in front of him without the ability to fight, so what kind of strength should this person have?

“He has many, many artifacts there, and each artifact also has the ability to destroy the heavens and the earth. I don’t know how strong or weak those artifacts are and the World Runes, but it is estimated that they are not far off. ”

“Each of those artifacts has an instrument spirit, and they have a very bad temper, but under that subordinate, they obey one by one like a child in front of their father.”

Jax’s words once again shocked Ritz and Silas.

Silas was so shocked that his jaw was about to drop, and his mouth was open, and he could swallow an egg.

“Is the man you are talking about in the Rune Land?”

Ritz was incredulous.

For more than a thousand years, Reiz’s footprints have traveled from the uninhabited far north, to the southernmost part of Shurima covered with yellow sand, to the Monastery of Hirana on the northeasternmost island in Ionia.

But he had never seen a man or god as powerful as Jax said.

In Reiz’s eyes, even ordinary gods could not resist the temptation of world runes.

After all, it is something that has the power of creation.

Even if they were the three ancient gods of Freyrdrand, Reiz did not feel that they had such strength.

Jax said that the power of those artifacts may not be far from the world runes, in fact, it is only a conservative statement, in fact, those artifacts are also comparable to the world runes.

“Of course, he is in Precidian in Ionia.”

As soon as Jax talked about the Cultivation Pavilion, he was full of worship and respect.

Ritz heard the respectful admiration in Jax’s words, and his heart was even more puzzled.

He had been there countless times, but he had never seen or heard of someone as powerful as Jax had described.

“Who is he?”

In this regard, Ruiz felt extremely curious.

“He is the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Heart Pavilion, Li Fulang.”

Jax’s words fell, and Silas on the side froze.

It’s Heart Cultivation Pavilion again! Oh, my God! Is Heart Cultivation Pavilion really as powerful as Jax says?

“Cultivation Pavilion? I’ve been to Precydian many times and never heard of the name? Are you sure it’s in Precican? ”

Ray was wondering again, he really hadn’t heard the name.

“yes, I’m sure it’s in Precidian and I’ve been there several times.”

“Is that Heart Cultivation Pavilion a strength? Have you personally seen their hall master? ”

“It’s the shopkeeper, Xiu Xin Pavilion is a shop, and Li Fulang is the shopkeeper. In addition to the owner, there were two girls in the store who served as shopping guides, and I remember a robot-like butler. ”

“What? Can the owner of a shop have the strength you say?! ”

Ritz was blinded, and he couldn’t imagine what Jax was saying.

“Although it is a shop, in my opinion, it is probably a chance to redeem the Rune Land.”

Speaking of this, Jax remembered the one hundred and fifty portraits in the Meditation Pavilion, and there seemed to be a portrait of Ritz among them.

“Ruiz, you also have a chance in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!”

“If you get the opportunity to cultivate the Heart Pavilion, maybe you can break through the current bottleneck and enter the realm of gods.”

The strength broke through again, and Ruiz didn’t care too much, but he cared very much about the existence of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion that Ruiz said was to redeem the Rune Land.

“Why do you think that’s the redemption of Runeterra? Tell me about it. ”

A rare trace of eagerness appeared on the old mage’s face.

So, Jax began to tell Ritz what he knew about Li Fulang and Xiu Xin Ge.

Leaving aside Li Fulang’s own powerful strength, every single product in the Cultivation Pavilion is not an ordinary product.

On the bookshelves with no end in sight, what is recorded on each book is amazing. Anyone who has read those books will find that there is nothing that happens on this Rune Continent that is not recorded.

Those skins of different styles and colors are neatly hung on hangers, looking like ordinary clothes. But as soon as you get closer, you can feel a very strange power on it.

There are also those artifacts in the weapons area, almost every artifact has the power to destroy the world and the earth.

Even the Void Crack that has been entrenched in Acacia for thousands of years, making everyone helpless. The artifact crucible of the Cultivation Pavilion was able to directly purify it completely, and it also completely sealed the void crack of Acasia.

These were all things that Jax, the weapon master, did not even dare to think about before he saw the power of the Cultivation Pavilion.

Moreover, all the things in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion can be purchased and used as long as they use mortal gold coins, which is simply equivalent to giving it for nothing.

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