
The two kingdom mecha-like welcome robots standing at the door of the Cultivation Pavilion made sounds as the three approached.

Jax has been to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion many times, and he has also seen these mechs, and he is already surprised by this.

But for Ruiz and Seles, who came to the Meditation Pavilion for the first time, these two welcome robots seemed very magical.

Silas was curious that these two things were clearly inanimate.

In a place like Demacia where technology is not developed, although there are also technological machinery, but such a relatively advanced looking robot has never been seen.

Silas looked at the two robots curiously, obviously looking like they had never seen the world.

And Reiz is different from Silas, as an old mage with super demigod strength, Reiz can see the power of these two robots at a glance.

Although the plaque hanging on the gate was an artifact shocked Reiz, it was still a shock to Ritz to see two welcome robots with at least demigod strength.

“Oh my God, use an artifact as a plaque, and there is a robot with demigod strength as a welcome doorman, what the hell is this place.”

Hearing others say that it was different from what he had seen with his own eyes, Ruiz’s heart had been calmed by the arrogance of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

“Let’s go, let’s go first.”

Jax looked at the two people he brought with him and looked a little speechless as the hillbilly had just entered the city.

However, remembering that when Jax himself first came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, he felt that it was normal for these two people to react like this.

When the gate opened, I heard the enthusiastic voice of the magic fawn.

“Wow, there’s a new guest again, brought by the three-fingered egg-loving guest.” I mean, Lilia welcomes guests to the Meditation Pavilion. ”

Lilia is very different now than she was at the beginning.

I remember that when she first came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, Lilia would blush and hide herself shyly when she said something to strangers.

Now you can generously greet strangers who meet for the first time.

It’s a huge change.

Not only has Lilia’s personality changed a lot, but the current magic deer is not comparable to the original Lilia.

Today, Lilia eats magical food cooked with artifacts such as crucibles and golden shovels every day, and studies all kinds of magic very hard every day, and with the help of many magic artifacts in the weapon area, she already has magical abilities that are almost close to gods.

“This, this is…”

Ritz saw the magic fawn at first glance, and the pure magical energy that lingered around her.

The old mage has lived for thousands of years, and now he is also a super demigod, but it is all accumulated strength and seniority little by little.

This magic fawn looks very young, whether it is in appearance or temperament, it shows that this magic fawn is just a very simple little girl who does not know the world.

But the magical aura on this little girl turned out to be even stronger than him.

Also a mage, Silas was also shocked at the first sight of Lilia.

As a mage with such a special talent as perceptual magic, Silas could clearly feel the fluctuations of magical energy in Lilia’s body.

Because she was very safe in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, Lilia had never thought of deliberately converging the magical energy on her body.

So Silas directly felt how powerful the magic fluctuations from Lilia were.

“This is what I said before, Miss Shopping Guide of Xiu Xin Pavilion, Lilia.”

“Yes, Lilia is a shopping guide. If you want to buy any product, Lilia can introduce it to you. ”

Lilia smiled very cutely, her eyebrows curved very movingly, and the small buds on her head swayed.

Silas’s jaw was shocked, such a powerful mage turned out to be just a shopping guide here!

“Lilia, this is my friend Ritz, we came to talk to the shopkeeper about something, is the shopkeeper there?”

After Jax introduced Ruiz, he directly said that he wanted to find Li Fulang.

“Oh, Brother Fu and Sister Raven went out to buy vegetables, and they won’t be back until a while.”

After breakfast this morning, Li Fuwan was dragged out shopping by Raven, originally Raven wanted to go shopping with Lilia, but remembered that there were more things to buy today to buy ingredients.

So he pulled Li Fuwan to carry things as a coolie, leaving Lilia to look at the store.

Before Jax and them arrived, Lilia was bored looking at the magic book, reviewing a new frost magic that had been taught to her before the ice staff went out.

In the past, there was Victor, the robot butler, and Lilia could talk to him when she was bored, but now Raven and Li Fulang left Lilia alone in the store as soon as they went out.

Lilia was bored.

So as soon as she saw the new guests coming, Lilia immediately came to the spirit and welcomed them very warmly.

“Then can we stay here and wait for the shopkeeper to return?”

Ritz asked very politely.

“Of course, if you want to buy anything, Lilia can also introduce you.”

Lilia never forgets her job.

“Then can I look around and take a tour?”

Seeing this, Silas immediately asked. He really longed for this place for a long time, looking forward to it for a long time.

Now that he has arrived in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, he has to take a good look at what this mysterious place looks like.

“Yes, feel free to visit.”

Lilia smiled and said to Silas, and then thought of the group of guys in the weapons area, and after glancing at the weapons area, she quickly added:

“But it’s best not to go to the weapons area, they are a bit fierce, and you may get hurt if you provoke them.”

“Okay, okay.”

Silas also followed Lilia’s gaze to the side of the weapons area, and even now far away, Silas could feel the huge pressure coming from the weapons area.

Hurriedly nodded repeatedly, afraid of upsetting this magical deer.

For the idea that Silas wants to visit in the Meditation Pavilion, Ruiz has no opinion, even the doorman here is a mecha robot with demigod strength, and he is not afraid that Silas will come up with some kind of moth.

In addition to the jade talisman in his hand at this moment, Ruiz was also holding the baked egg that Jax had given him before.

Because the topic of conversation with Jax before was relatively heavy, Ritz had no appetite, so he never thought of eating, and at this moment he happened to be seen by Lilia.

“Huh? This guest, what are you holding in your hand? I mean, can Lilia take a look? ”

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