When Ritz heard Lilia’s words, he looked down and saw the roasted egg still held in his hand.

“Of course you can, this is the baked egg that Jax gave me.”

Ruiz directly handed Lilia the tightly baked egg wrapped in tin foil in her hand.

“Baked eggs? Jax? Oh, Lilia remembered! ”

Lilia took the still warm roasted egg and suddenly remembered what she had seen in the book before.

The three-fingered guest who always likes to wear big robes is called Jax.

“Lilia remembers that the previous books “Uzeris’s Guide to Picking Eggs from Time to Time” and “The Complete Book of Shurima Native Eggs” were bought by this guest named Jax.”

“Did you buy this baked egg from the mobile market in Uzeris?”

Lilia asked curiously with a pair of big bright eyes.

“Ahem, yes, I bought it on the mobile market in Uzeris.”

The weapon master was a little embarrassed by Lilia’s naïve tone, and was stared at by the old guy Ritz, so he coughed dryly to hide his embarrassment.

Ritz was amused by Jax’s appearance and showed a smile.

This guy really likes eggs.

“Wow, can Lilia taste this egg? I mean, Lilia only took a small bite. ”

Lilia had never eaten roasted eggs, and although the magical food she cooked with Raven was delicious, she wanted to try something she had never eaten before.

Jax didn’t speak, after all, he had already given the roasted egg to Ritz.

Seeing Jax looking at him, Ritz nodded and said directly:

“Of course, this roasted egg will be given to Miss Lilia.”

“This guest is so generous, I mean, Lilia is so thankful to you.”

Lilia rarely receives gifts from others, and Ritz is very happy to give her baked eggs.

As a cute and kind magic fawn, Lilia loves to be friends with humans.

“As a gift in return, Lilia will also give you a gift.”

Lilia jumped on four small hooves and took out a cute Xiaoice sculpture from the counter on the side and delivered it to Ritz.

The Xiaoice sculpture was made by Lilia when she was doing frost magic practice before, and it was made in her own form.

An ice sculpture magic deer with a magic staff looks crystal clear and cute.

Ruiz took the Xiaoice eagle, originally wanted to say thank you to Lilia, but when Xiaoice eagle started, Ruiz was stunned in place.

This, this, this… This ice sculpture is actually made of pure ice!

Ice is extremely rare and also extremely cold. What I thought could only be seen in Freyrdrand turned out to be in Ionia.

According to Ruiz’s understanding, only the Ice Warriors with Ice Blood in their bodies can endure the bone-chilling cold of Zhen Bing, and use weapons made of Zhen Bing.

But this magic deer can actually play with ice sculptures made of Zhen Ice.

Silas had already gone to the book area to read a book at this time, otherwise let him know that Lilia actually used this ice sculpture to play, and I was afraid that her jaw would fall to the ground in shock.

When Silas was imprisoned before, he coaxed Lax to bring him many books for him to read.

In the book, Silas learns that Freyrdrand has powerful magic, and that Ionia, as the land of its newborns, is also a sacred place of magic.

It’s just that Ionia is too far away from Demacia, and Silas will go straight to Freyrdrand after escaping from Demacia.

Now that he had come to Ionia, he was still in such a mysterious and powerful Spiritual Cultivation Pavilion, and Silas was determined to gain something.

Jax said hello to Lilia, went directly to the Endless Martial Arts Arena, and after handing over the gold coins, he began to enter the cultivation.

On Ruiz’s side, in order to thank Reiz, Lilia decided to personally take Reiz to visit various areas of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion in addition to giving Reiz a Xiaoice sculpture.

“This is the book area, many of the books are very interesting, and Lilia often studies here. Brother Fu Shake said that some things are far more important than strength. ”

“This is the skin area, there are a lot of good-looking skins in it, but there is no Lilia’s skin, it’s a pity.”

“This side is the skill area, and the light group on the skill shelf is the skill, but Brother Fu Shake said that everyone’s skills are exclusive, and they can only learn their own skills.”

“Ah, this, Lilia said, this should be your skill.” You see, there’s a portrait of the guest on it. ”

Reitz only glanced at the book area and skin area in front of him, and the bookshelves in the book area were neatly arranged, each shelf full of books and scrolls.

The skin area is also red and willow-green, with rows in a row.

Those seem to be very spectacular, but here in the skill area, it really scares Ritz.

There are five layers of skill shelves, the upper part of which is a portrait of a character, and the lower five layers are corresponding to the five skills of the hero on the portrait.

Lilia was now pointing to the column with Ritz’s portrait.

Ritz stared blankly at his portrait, feeling so unreal.

He had never been to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and he had never even heard of the existence of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion before meeting Jax this time.

But there is a portrait of him, and there are his skills.

Ruiz carefully looked at his own column of skill shelves, and the name of the skill was clearly displayed on each skill light group.

Arcane specialization, overload, rune confinement, spell surge, curved mirrors.

And each skill even has a level.

Ruiz picked up the overloaded skill photophore and immediately saw the explanatory information displayed above.

【Skill: Overload】

【Skill level: 1】

【Proficiency: 3】

[You need to enter the actual battle to increase your proficiency, and if you meet your proficiency, you can upgrade your skills! ] 】

Ruiz then realized that each skill actually had five levels, and all of his current skills were only level 1.

It turns out that he still has so much room for improvement!

“Next to it is the Endless Martial Arts Arena, after learning skills, you can go to the Endless Martial Arts Arena to improve your skill proficiency.”

Lilia pointed to the portal of the endless martial arts arena next to the skill shelf and said to Ritz.

It was a huge portal with carvings of swords and various weapons, and just looking at this door could feel the endless fighting intent in it.

Ruiz remembered that Jax had just entered through that door, saying that he had gone to improve his cultivation.

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