“Hello Lord Shopkeeper, I’m Ritz.”

Although Ruiz has been in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion these days, he is basically in the Endless Martial Arts Arena, and even if they eat, Lilia sent them them.

So this is the first official meeting between Ruiz and Li Fulang.

“Hello, I’m Li Fulang, the shopkeeper of Xiu Xin Pavilion.”

Li Fulang also introduced himself very formally.

Because he knows the stories of all the heroes on the Rune Continent, he will especially admire Ruiz.

Jax’s experience may be somewhat similar to Ritz’s, both because of people’s self-righteous and reckless use of their uncontrollable powers, causing many irreparable disasters.

They all shouldered heavy burdens and fought for thousands of years.

Jax is always looking for a force that can fight the Void.

Ritz has been working hard to find the world runes scattered on the Rune Land and hide them from anyone.

Jax’s hometown of Acacia was in ruins because of the Void.

Ritz’s hometown Nokohi also came to naught in the Rune War,

However, Jax is because his hometown has been destroyed by the Void and has developed hatred and disgust for the power of the Void.

Ruiz did not just destroy his hometown because of the rune war, looking for the world rune, hiding the world rune was more to protect the rune land from being destroyed by the war.

As Ritz once said, “I fight so that they don’t have to fight.” ”

Everything he has done can be called great.

Ruizi did not expect that being as powerful as Li Fuwan would have such a humble and respectful attitude towards himself.

At the same time, Ruizi was also surprised that Li Fulang, the owner of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, was so young and handsome.

If it weren’t for his otherworldly temperament, as well as the powerful aura faintly emanating from his body, just looking at his appearance, Ruiz couldn’t believe that such a young man was actually the true god who reshaped the Chaos Disc.

Jax was also surprised by Li’s attitude towards Ritz.

He had never underestimated the shopkeeper of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, mysterious and powerful, but always very kind.

In Jax’s opinion, Li Fu’s intention to open this Heart Cultivation Pavilion was also very great.

Gift those incredible books and treasures to Runeterra in the form of gold coins.

With the strength of a true god, he can live in a corner so indifferently, quietly and calmly living here in a mortal way.

Seeing the somewhat surprised looks on Jax and Ritz’s faces, Li Fulang just smiled gently.

“Ruiz’s deeds are recorded in the books of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and I naturally know it. Such a selfless and persevering person, everyone will admire. ”

Li Fulang’s words made both of them understand why he had such an attitude.

That’s right, even the strong will pay tribute to those who have great love and great wisdom.

“You don’t have to be so polite, I’m just doing my part for the Rune Land where I live.”

In the face of respect from others, Ruiz also showed great humility.

He was never proud of what he did.

After a few polite words, the topic was pulled to the skin by Jax.

“If Reiz can also have a skin, then his strength will definitely improve even more.”

“That’s right, the skin will improve you a lot.”

“No one will refuse to become stronger, let’s go and see.”

While speaking, Li Fulang took Ritz and Jax to the skin area together.

There are also many skins for the hero of Rez, “Tribal Spirit”, “American Uncle”, “Demon Baron”, “Guardian Statue”, etc., there are eleven items.

Among them, what Li Fulang values the most is the precious and rare skin of the all-League of Legends – unswerving.

Moreover, in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, this skin can be said to be one of the skins with the highest bonus attributes.

Li took Ritz and Jax to the deepest part of the skin area.

There was a booth with only a few skins on display.

In the top three places are Anne’s “Gothic Loli”, Malzaha’s “Council of Elders”, and Ritz’s “Unswerving”.

The other skins are basically hung on the hanger of the same showcase according to the series.

Only these skins are specially used on the booth that looks higher-grade, which shows the uniqueness and value of these skins.

Li Fulang beckoned towards the exhibition shelf, and the “Unswerving to Death” fell directly and fell into Li Fulang’s hands.

“Wearing this skin will give you the blessing of Rune Land, and your strength will be greatly enhanced in Rune Land, and as long as Rune Land does not die, yours will also be immortal.”

“There’s a great story behind this skin, do you want to hear it?”

It can be said that the story behind the unswerving skin is the most touching story that Li Fulang has heard when playing League of Legends.

He was eager to tell the story to others.

Ritz and Jax are naturally willing to be this listener.

“Once in a foreign land, there was an ordinary person who stumbled upon a very powerful thing. The power of that thing is enough to subvert the entire foreign land. ”

“If this ordinary person quietly collects this thing by himself and uses it to strengthen himself, he can win countless fortunes.”

“But that man was very honest and firmly handed over this thing to the gods, hoping that the gods would destroy this thing that disrupted the balance and order of the world.”

“But the gods were very disdainful of this thing, and did not think that there was anything about it, and did not care about it at all.”

“But the existence of such a thing will indeed have a very serious impact on that foreign world.” If that thing is abused by people, the foreign world will soon be completely upended and destroyed. ”

“That ordinary man did not selfishly leave things for his own benefit, but in order to attract the attention of the gods and for the peace and stability of that world, he resolutely stood up.”

“Even though countless people were puzzled by his actions, and even scolded him and accused him, he still stood by his way.”

“In the end, this man was wiped out because he always adhered to this morality, and at the same time attracted the attention of those gods and destroyed such a terrible thing.”

“This skin is to commemorate the ordinary man who has always adhered to justice and preferred to die unyielding for his world.”

“I think your spirit is the same as that of the man who stands for justice. Sticking to the world runes for thousands of years is touching. ”

“It’s just right to describe you to death, and this skin is completely in line with you!”

After Li Fulang finished telling this story, he solemnly handed over the unswerving skin in his hand to Ruiz.

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