Ruiz took the skin that Li Fuxian handed over, and his eyes were slightly red.

For more than a thousand years, he has carried a burden on his shoulders that he has never been able to talk to others.

Even after knowing Jax for hundreds of years, he had never told Jax anything about the World Rune.

This journey has been difficult and lonely.

Those Ascensions had comrades and friends who fought side by side in the most difficult moments of facing the Void creatures, and the Whole Shurima Continent honored them as saviors.

Because of the revival of the decaying Noxus, even though he was accused of cruelty and ruthlessness by the world, there was always a group of loyal henchmen who followed and trusted.

Even the monarch of the once most brutal dark empire, Bode Caesar, who has been suppressed for thousands of years, still has crazy and persistent believers.

But Ritz is always alone, with no relatives, no friends, and no one to trust and rely on.

Even Jax, a friend who has been in contact with each other, has never been able to share his secrets.

He couldn’t even tell others about the existence of the World Rune, he could only wander silently, searching, and hiding alone.

In order to protect the World Rune, he even had to personally kill the most trusted and trusted mentor with his own hands.

Once he also thought about finding someone to accompany him to shoulder this burden.

He thought he could rely on him, and his faith and morality could be passed on.

But in the end, it just gave this world an extra terrifying and evil vengeful flame soul.

On his shoulders, he carries a world.

No one has ever been able to understand him and allow him to speak from the heart.

But now, there is a person who can know him so well, understand him, and respect him.

Ritz’s eyes moistened.

This feeling has never been felt in a thousand years.

At this moment, Ritz’s mood was so excited that even the hand holding the skin was trembling slightly.

Jax on the side was also very moved in his heart after listening to Li Fuwan’s words.

Having known Ritz for hundreds of years, there is not much intersection between the two.

Ritz has always been on his way to finding the World Rune.

Thinking back to the few battles he had fought side by side with Ritz, they were all protecting the Runeterra.

In addition to collecting world runes, fight against the Void Watchers, protect the weak, and help all those he sees in need.

The burden of thousands of years has never shaken the heart of this great mage, and he still firmly guards the Rune Land and sticks to his goodness.

“That’s right, you deserve the word great.”

Jax looked at the old guy beside him sincerely and patted him on the shoulder to show his support for him.

“Thank you, I feel incredibly lucky to know you.”

Ritz’s voice trembled slightly.

“Wear any runes, with more powerful power, you can better guard the place of runes.”

Li Fuwan’s voice also sounded at this time, the voice was very gentle, and there was a little chaotic power mixed in it.

Those who heard his voice felt incomparably calm and peaceful in their hearts.

“As long as the first drop of blood is on the skin, you can wear it.”

Ritz nodded firmly, then pierced the tip of his finger, dripping blood onto his skin.

In an instant, the brilliance was brilliant, and a cyan light shrouded Ruiz.

The light receded, and a brand new Reitz appeared in front of the two.

“Uh… This…”

Jax was still very excited to look forward to what Ritz would look like after wearing such precious skin, but after the light fell, Jax was a little speechless.

“You haven’t changed anything except your skin turning blue.”

After circling around Ritz, Jax found that only Rez’s original blue-purple skin had turned blue.

Unlike after he put on the Valkyrie skin, the shape of the clothes all over his body, even the appearance of the weapon changed.

“You’ve really only changed your skin, and even your pants are still the same.” Oh no, the left trouser leg is still half broken, and I lost a shoe…”

“Ahem, don’t be too accidental, you should pay more attention to the change of strength.”

Li Fuxian interrupted Jax with a light cough, trying to divert the attention of the two.

“Yes, yes, the improvement of strength is the key, how do you feel Ritz?”

When Ruiz heard this, he spread out his hands, and the power of the runes in his palm surged on it, and the runes on his body emerged, shining with cyan brilliance.

“Groove! Old man! Have you reached the realm of gods? ”

Feeling the power fluctuations in Ritz’s body, Jax was shocked.

“It seems that yes, after putting on the skin, I seem to have directly broken through the last rush to avoid the barrier and directly reached the realm of gods.”

At the same time, Ruiz also felt the sublimation of his spiritual power.

Although there is only a wall between the super demigod and the real god, there is also a huge difference between them.

Now Ruiz only feels that he can see runes and power more thoroughly.

This made Jax envious.

You know, he can only reach the ceiling of a demigod after putting on the Valkyrie skin. Unexpectedly, after Ruiz put on the skin, he was directly promoted to the realm of gods.

Seeing Jax’s envious look, Li Fulang spoke.

“You don’t need to envy him, with your current control over the Holy Flame, you only need to work hard for a few months, you can control the Martial God skin at a super low level, and you should be able to break through that layer of barrier avoidance by then.”

The three of them were talking in front of the booth in the deepest part of the skin area, but they heard the sound of crying outside.

“Who’s crying?”

“I heard you too.”

Both Jax and Ritz heard the voice.

Li Fulang naturally heard it, and also heard Lilia’s voice at that time.

The three walked out of the skin area together and saw that it was Lilia and Raven who were there.

At this time, Lilia was crying, wiping her tears with her small hands while hesitating.

Raven whispered to comfort her.

Seeing that Li Fulang and them came out, Raven’s eyes were also a little red, and he raised his head and smiled at Li Fulang.

“What’s wrong with this? Why did Lilia cry? ”

Li Fulang looked at the two girls and asked a little strangely.

Lilia sniffed, looked up at the three men in front of her with teary eyes, and said with a crying voice:

“It’s really… It was so touching, Lilia cried when she heard the story told by her brother. I…… I mean, Lilia thinks both Ritz and the guy in the story are too great. ”

Raven also nodded approvingly.

When Li Fuxian heard this, he stepped forward and touched the small bud on Lilia’s head, and Raven’s silver hair, comforting the two girls softly.

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