Murphyt also wanted to keep up with Lilia as she ran out, but he was in an awkward position and couldn’t move quickly.

Fortunately, Raven was more witty and saw Murfitt’s intentions, so he took the initiative to evacuate the crowd in the market.

The purple light that had just crossed the sky made the residents of Presidian feel a little uneasy.

It is an ordinary human being, living in the land of Ionia, which is full of magic, and his perception of magic is stronger than that of people on other continents.

From the purple glow made the people here feel that it might not be a good thing.

Coupled with Raven’s guidance, the people in the market quickly packed up their things and returned home to close the doors and windows.

In the blink of an eye, the market was empty in an instant.

Murphyt glanced at Raven gratefully, and randomly followed Lilia.

In the process of running towards Lilia, Murphyt also saw that at the top of the building, the limbed demon who had just fought with the bald head fell.

This made Morphett also feel very confused, and when he saw this scene, what came to Morphett’s mind was that the four demons were all defeated by the bald head.

However, random South China Sea immediately rejected this idea.

If that bald head had this ability, he could instantly make several demons fall to the ground immediately, and he would not have been in a stalemate with the other party for so long, and he had been in the downwind all the time.

If it wasn’t for the bald head that knocked a demon down, it was possible that the magic released by the magic fawn just now played a role.

Looking at the magic fawn not far ahead, Murphyt could feel the powerful magical power from the fawn.

After careful observation and feeling, Murphyt felt a burst of shock, this magic fawn turned out to be a super powerful mage.

With Murphyt’s current strength, it is impossible to spy on what realm this magic fawn’s strength has reached.

Now that there are no human obstacles on the road, Murphyt is no longer afraid to act.

He let go of his hands and feet and ran wildly, although it caused the ground to tremble frequently, but fortunately Murphyt still collected his strength and would not step on the ground.

However, this did not affect Murphyt’s speed, and he soon came with Lilia to the side of the building.

Now that the distance was closer, I found that the demons who fell to the ground were not killed, and their chests were heaving, proving that they were still alive.

But one by one, their eyes were closed, and they lay motionless on the ground.

It wasn’t until Murphyt heard the snoring sound coming from the demons that he realized that these demons were actually controlled by sleep magic.

At this time, the distance was closer, and Murphyt clearly felt how powerful the sleep magic exerted on those hot bun bodies was.

This kind of sleep magic attainment is much stronger than the previous strong mages of Ishtar.

Li Qing guessed in his heart that it was very likely that someone had helped him, but he was not very sure.

At this point, he crouched down and cautiously approached the demon closest to him, wanting to check on the demon’s situation.

However, Li Qing did not expect that the moment he touched the demon, he would inhale the flying flower magic dust surrounding the demon’s body into his body.

Li Qing was directly intervened by Lilia’s sleep magic, and directly fell into a deep sleep, falling beside the demon.

When Kazik felt the magic from Lilifangxiang and flew towards them, he was very keen to incite it, raised insect wings as thin as cicada wings, and flew into the air.

Looking at the demons who fell to the ground, Kazik was very afraid in his heart at this time.

The strength of these demons should not be underestimated, but they were directly controlled by a small sleep magic and fell asleep.

This proves that the mage who released the magic is a very powerful magician, so that these demons can be directly attacked without the slightest defense.

Kazik’s heart at this time was very complicated and very puzzled.

How could this Ionian have so many tough mages?

When I was in the Monastery of Hirana before, when Kazik injured those black energy balls, after thinking about it carefully, it was not an enchantment set up.

Nor is it a magic barrier that will automatically defend against attacks.

Naturally, the magic unleashed by some mage attacked him.

But at that time, because he was directly beaten and seriously injured, he was chased and killed by the bald head in a panic, but Kazik did not have time to find out who manipulated those black energy balls and injured him.

But there was no doubt that it was definitely a very powerful mage who was able to inflict such damage on him.

If he hadn’t consciously avoided the key point at that time, and a relatively hard carapace had evolved on his body, he would have been killed by those black balls on the spot.

Now I have encountered such a powerful magic fawn again.

And Kazik once saw a very strong bald mage passing by from a distance.

These first-hand witnesses and experiences gave Kazik some fear of the continent of Ionia.

How could there be so many powerful mages here?

This area of Ionia is simply too dangerous.

Kazik, who was flying in mid-air, was already in a stealth state and showed his figure.

Lilia immediately saw the flying Kazik, so she also released his sleep magic towards Kazik.

Now the distance is not as far away as just now, so Lilia does not need to release the skill anymore, directly raised the staff in her hand, and shook it gently.

The bud at the top of the staff immediately released the flying flower magic dust containing sleeping magic, and instantly floated towards Kazik.

Kazik saw the magic fawn, raised her magic wand, and immediately subconsciously prepared to fly away from here.

But it was too late.

The speed of those flying magic dust was too fast, and Kazik was directly intervened by Lilia’s sleep magic, and actually fell asleep in mid-air.

Kazik, who had slept in the past, also fell from mid-air, not light or heavy, and just hit the ground.

Lilia’s sleep magic is now so superb that even if Kazik falls from the sky, he doesn’t wake up.

Still lying on the ground, huffing and sleeping.

“Wow, this is quite big, but not as big as my big bug.”

Lilia dreamed that the kazik who fell on the ground was full of insect characteristics, so she took him for a relatively large worm.

Remembering that there was a big bug at home, Kogas, he immediately compared it with this thing in front of him.

How can Kogas now have the size of a buffalo, which is indeed larger than Kazik,

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