Speaking of which, Kazik has never slept since he was born conscious.

Although it was under the magic of Lilia, it was the first time in Kazik’s life that he enjoyed sleep.

This feeling was different from the others, making Kazik feel a little surprised, even a little happy, in his sleep.

It was a completely different experience from his usual life.

“They sleep so sweetly.” I mean, Lilia’s sleep magic is amazing, hehe. ”

Although Lilia usually practices his magic very diligently, she rarely uses it in actual combat.

Seeing that her magic had succeeded, it made Lilia very happy.

The little thunder on her head also swayed because of Lilia’s joy.

“What are you going to do with these demons?”

At this time, Raven also rushed over, standing next to Lilia, watching Lilia jumping and bouncing excitedly, and her mood also added a little more joy.

“Just now they were still bullying people, Lilia will definitely not let them have beautiful dreams. As punishment, let them have a vigorous nightmare. ”

Lilia is cute and kind, naturally she will not casually shout and kill.

In Lilia’s opinion, making people have nightmares is already a very heavy punishment.

Kazik was still enjoying the wonderful feeling of sleep, and suddenly began to dream.

One nightmare after another kept emerging in the minds of demons and this void creature, and the plot of the picture was very terrifying.

Lilia does not weave terrifying dreams, and his sleep magic can mobilize the dream direction of people who have fallen into sleep magic.

So these demons and Kazik’s nightmares are the most feared images in their hearts.

There were even two demons who scared themselves to tears when they had nightmares.

A burst of amazement for those present who did not fall into a deep sleep.

“So demons cry too?”

Raven looked at the demon who was struggling and crying in a nightmare and felt a little surprised.

In addition to those demons and Kazik, Li Qing also fell into a deep sleep.

It’s just that Lilia didn’t guide Li Qing’s dream, but just let Li Qing follow her heart and had a very sweet dream.

Li Qing’s sleeping face looked very peaceful, and even caused a happy smile at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, Li Qing has not slept for a long time.

He is constantly improving his abilities, because he needs to make himself stronger because he has the people and things he wants to protect.

When he needs to rest, he will meditate and will not lie in bed for a good night’s sleep.

Compared to sleeping, meditation can also give Li Qing’s body a rest, and it is also very beneficial to his cultivation.

Therefore, Li Qing has not enjoyed the wonderful feeling of sleep for a long time.

In this deep sleep, Li Qing’s dream may not be a wonderful experience in the eyes of others.

But for Li Qing, it was a very sweet and enjoyable dream.

After his eyes were injured and his vision was lost, there was no more color in Li Qing’s world.

There is only a boundless darkness.

He could no longer see a glimmer of light, no more color.

The cognition and understanding of some things can only rely on the memory in the mind to imagine.

Although he has never said it to anyone, Li Qing occasionally feels lost.

He also wanted to be able to see, see the light, see the colors, see the land he loved.

In this dream, Li Qing once again experienced what the real world is.

He can run in the sun, frolic among the flowers, and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the afterglow of the setting sun.

For ordinary Li Qing, these are simply a gift.

Murphyt also checked the state of those who fell to the ground, and then used his magic, earthquake fragments, to directly smash all the demons to death.

After solving those demons, Murphyt stood beside Lilia, watching blankly, and Lilia, who was still jumping excitedly to say this to Raven.

The strength of this magic deer is too strong, and the thick magical aura on her body makes Murphyt feel beyond reach.

Lilia practiced day and night in the Heart Pavilion, and she never relaxed.

This is what she asks of herself.

She saw that Li Fulang was so powerful, in order not to lag behind Li Fulang too much, Lilia also hoped that she could become more powerful.

At the very least, when Brother Fu can use her, she can immediately stand up and share her worries for Brother Fu Shake.

There are not a few magic artifacts in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and the days in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion make the artifacts feel a little bored.

So one by one, they all rushed to point Lilia to her magic practice.

Under the guidance of the artifacts, Lilia’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

Now he is already a very strong magician.

Even Lilia’s simplest sleep magic is a demigod realm spell when released at will.

And because Lilia’s magical ability is getting stronger and stronger, Lilia now exudes a goddess brilliance all over her body.

Beautiful incomprehensible, like the embodiment of a real fairy falling into the mortal world.

Even though he has the body of a fawn, Lilia’s beauty and cuteness are beyond doubt.

Reingal, who had been staring at Kazik, had just been in a stalemate with Kazik, during which they had also clashed several times, but neither of them posed any threat to their targets.

Until Lilia’s magic put all the demons to sleep, which stunned the two hunters, Kazik and Reingal.

Kazik jumped stealth, then took off, and when he was restricted in the air, Reingar actually wanted to pounce on him and stab him.

It’s just that Kazik hit Lilia’s sleep magic and fell directly to the ground.

Looking at Kazik, who was sleeping on the ground, Reingar did not step forward and stab him, but put away the dagger in his hand.

With a wave of his arm, the blade and claw that had been nestled in his hand were retracted.

It’s not that Raingar decided to let Kazik go, but Raingar hopes to be able to fight Kazik again with dignity and sobriety.

As a hunter, Raingar naturally has his own guidelines and bottom line.

He can hide his whereabouts, ambushes, sneak attacks, and assaults.

But he will not go to the target without any backhand of the prey.

Only killing the prey when it is awake is a symbol of the strength of a true hand practice.

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