Raingar has always prided himself on being a true hunter, so he is not rare for the loot that is not won by victory.

Murfitt saw that Reingale put away the dagger, and did not intend to team Kazik to make a move, originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, scratching his head, forget it.

After all, the person who has a grudge against Kazik is Reingal.

Even though Murphyt knew that Kazik was a monster from the Void, he wanted to kill him directly.

But Moffett was willing to respect Reingal’s choice.

Along the way, the relationship between the two has made them develop some friendship for each other.

According to human character, Murphyt should belong to the kind of honest person who is more honest and kind.

Willing to respect life and respect others.

Lilia and Raven also saw the two people who were still imposing and wanted to fight to the death just now, but now they fell into a deep sleep because of one of them, and the other was also planning to stop.

Lilia said that she didn’t understand this very well, but Raven held her chin and thought a little.

The gaze that looked at Reingal was also different.

This creature covered in long white hair is a little interesting.

Reingar put away his dagger and walked towards Lilia and them.

He also remembered that these two girls were supposed to be natives of Precidien.

Since they were going to ask for directions, and there were no other humans on the streets of Presidian now, it should be possible to ask these two girls for directions.

“Do you know where the Heart Cultivation Pavilion is?”

Reingal’s question was straight to the point, and he directly asked them where the Cultivation Pavilion was.

Lilia was a little excited when she heard this question, and she didn’t expect to come out to shop and meet two guests who wanted to come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Lilia and Raven were the Tristana and Lulu they met on the street before.

Now because of shopping, I met two guests again.

Fortunately, she just shot and helped them.

If Brother Fu Shake knew that she worked so hard to help Cultivation Pavilion attract customers, she would also be very happy.

Thinking of this, Lilia smiled even sweeter happily.

Raingal and Murphyt froze for a moment when they looked at Lilia’s cute and sweet smile, and the two of them were a little confused.

Why is this magic deer so happy just by asking where the Cultivation Pavilion is?

Just when the two were puzzled, Lilia said very happily: “If you want to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, come with us.” ”

After speaking, he was ready to lead the way in front, but when he turned around, he saw Li Qing, who was still lying on the ground with a smile on his lips and sleeping soundly.

“Ah, yes, take him with you. I mean, Lilia can’t worry about leaving someone out who has been hunted down by a demon. ”

Lilia is a kind magic deer that will definitely not be discarded, and innocent people will not care outside.

Murphyt and Raingar were both a little excited when they heard Lilia say that they would take them to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

At this time, I heard Lilia say that she would bring that bald head with her, but did not say anything.

Murphyt played with his huge body slightly, stretched out his palm formed by the aggregation of rubble, and held Li Qing up, holding it in the palm of his hand, rooted behind Lilia, and walked towards the direction of Xiu Xin Pavilion together.

Of course, Raingar couldn’t just let Kazik sleep here, and brought Kazik with him.

Although Raingar did not do anything to Kazik after he fell into a deep sleep, this does not mean that Raingar will let Kazik go.

During the day, the streets of Presidian will be very lively, but because of the sudden situation just now, everyone is very sensible to hide back in their houses.

After such a long day, there was no movement outside, and those residents of Precidian opened the doors and windows to see the situation outside.

Finding that calm had returned, he went to the street again.

Murfitt, who was rooted behind Lilia, continued to bear the curious gazes of the humans around him, but he didn’t feel much about it, after all, he was used to it.

The location of the Meditation Pavilion is a relatively remote place in the lively and prosperous Precy Codex.

The average Precydian resident hardly comes here either.

Moreover, the Heart Cultivation Pavilion has a unique guide, and the people who can find the Heart Cultivation Pavilion and enter the shop are basically only the 150 heroes who are selected.

With Lilia leading the way, Raven opens the way.

Murphyt did not encounter the same obstacles as before, and smoothly arrived at the door of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

On the gate of the Shushin Pavilion hangs a very large and ornate plaque.

However, the door of the Cultivation Pavilion is only taller than ordinary people, and with Murfitt’s size, it is impossible to enter at all.

Looking at the size and height of the gate of the Cultivation Pavilion, Murphyt looked down at his body shape again, and sighed helplessly.

They had been looking for the Heart Cultivation Pavilion for a long time, and now it was in front of them. However, due to Murphyt’s own size limitation, there is no way to enter the Heart Cultivation Pavilion now.

For a moment, Murphyt’s heart was full of loss.

But this was also expected by him, after all, his physique was so huge.

Lilia and Raven led the way in front, and the two ends directly entered the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, thinking that the people behind them would follow.

But the footsteps that had followed behind them suddenly stopped, and Lilia and Raven couldn’t help but stop and look back.

Seeing Murphyt outside the door of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, although he could not see the expression, Murphyt’s shrugged head was enough to prove that he was very sorry in his heart at this time.

Raingar also stopped, turned to look at Murfitt, and stopped talking.

He also saw that Murfitt’s size could not enter the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, but they had been looking for the Heart Cultivation Pavilion together for so long, but they couldn’t enter when they came to the door.

Raingar was a little speechless, leaving Murphyt alone outside the door to wait.

Just when they were all a little sorry, the huge plaque hanging above the gate of the Cultivation Pavilion suddenly flowed with brilliance, and the light fluctuated on it.

Then there was a sparkle of brilliance, shooting straight at Murphyt’s body from the plaque.

In such brilliance, Murfitt’s body size rapidly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a moment, Murfitt’s originally huge body like a small hillside shrank to the height of a normal human.

Raingar saw Murfitt, who suddenly became about the same height as himself in front of him, and closed his mouth in surprise for a moment.

“This, this, what’s going on?”

Not only Reingal, but Murphyt himself was stunned.

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