“Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, this skin also has a bonus function.”

Li Fulang admired the Divine Dragon Supreme skin on Li Qing’s body, his gaze swept to the blind mask on his face, and suddenly remembered that after this skin was put on, the blind monk’s eyes would become electric eyes.

“Your eyes emit electric lasers, which are very aggressive and destructive.”

“But don’t try it here.”

After talking about the function attached to the skin, Li Fulang also reminded him, for fear that Li Qing would directly use his electric eye here.

Although those skins won’t be destroyed, using skills here will definitely make a mess of the store.

Li Fulang didn’t want to struggle to clean up.

“Thank you.”

Li Qing’s palms folded and he bowed deeply towards Li Fulang.

After obtaining the Divine Dragon Supreme Skin, Li Qing’s overall strength has reached a higher level. In my heart, I am very grateful to Xiu Xin Pavilion and Li Fuwan.

Before putting on the skin, Li Qing’s perception in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion had almost failed, and now, that familiar perception had returned.

Li Qing’s whole heart instantly calmed down.

Being able to perceive what’s around him makes him feel safe.

Therefore, he once again took a good look at the various areas of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and also understood more about how magnificent and powerful the Heart Cultivation Pavilion was.

When passing near the door, Li Qing felt something familiar.

Walking towards that side, on the ground lay Kazik, who was still snoring and sleeping.

However, because Kazik’s dream is a nightmare, now the whole worm does not look very good and sleeps restlessly.

The reason why Li Qing woke up so quickly was because he had just accidentally absorbed a little bit of the flying flower magic dust that Lilia had placed on those demons.

Kazik, on the other hand, was directly released by Lilia’s sleep magic.

So until now, Kazik is still asleep and can’t wake up unless Lilia lifts the sleep magic from him.

Li Qing seemed to be a normal human being, and he was the one besieged by demons.

After being brought back, he was properly placed on the sofa in the rest area and let him sleep.

But Kazik is not treated so well.

Lilia saw with her own eyes that the demons came to help Kazik, and as a result, Kazik ate two demons.

Such a bad creature, Lilia didn’t like it.

So after the doorman mech carried Kazik into the Cultivation Pavilion, Lilia let the doorman mecha casually drop Kazik on the ground.

Let him have nightmares out there himself.

Through perception, Li Qing already knew what Kazik’s appearance was.

He was very puzzled, the form of Kazik’s body, as well as the power on his body, did not look like a creature produced by the Rune Land at all.

Not to mention the appearance of such creatures in Ionia.

“What kind of creature is this?”

Li Qing was very puzzled.

In the library of Hirana Monastery, there are many books.

Although Li Qing had no way to read books with his own eyes, those monks would often read some books to Li Qing.

From it, Li Qing had heard some records that it was a purple monster with different shapes.

However, the records in the book were only a few words, and the relevant content was very rare, which was simply not enough for Li Qing to understand what this purple monster was.

Li Qing had never thought that he would encounter such a purple monster himself, let alone that this monster would be so bold that he would dare to attack the Monastery of Hirana.

On the way to track down Kazik, Li Qing had also made an assessment of the strength of this monster.

If Kazik had been in his heyday and not injured, even if he and Udil joined forces, they would not have been able to defeat the monster.

Thanks to the dark enchanter who secretly attacked, otherwise, the Monastery of Hirana would really be doomed.

“Do you know any information about this monster?”

Li Qing felt that Li Fulang was passing by here, and quickly stood up and asked Li Fulang.

“Oh, he’s a Void creature known as the Void Marauder called Kazik.”

Li Fulang briefly and directly introduced Kazik’s identity.

Murfitt, who had already put on the skin of the Supreme Death Omen, immediately came over when he heard someone mention the Void Creature.

Standing on the side, looking at Kazik on the ground, he nodded his head.

“That’s right, this mantis-shaped monster is a void creature.”

Murphyt was from Acacia and could naturally distinguish the breath of the void creature.

Murphyt actually wanted to ask something more about the void, but Li Fulang did not explain more, but asked Lilia to take a book and give it directly to Morphett.

That was the Void Explanation that Lisandra and others had read.

Murphyt got the book, only turned a few pages, and felt shocked.

This book actually described in detail what kind of place the void was, although there were still some ununderstood places, but it was already much more comprehensive than what he knew about the void.

Murphyt carefully read the book, and Li Qing on the side was aggrieved.

He couldn’t see what was in the book and was angry.

Murphyt probably also felt Li Qing’s depression, so he pulled his strength and sat down in the rest area together, and Murfitt read the content of the book for Li Qing.

Li Fulang on the side looked at these two people and sighed slightly.

There are too many heroes in the alliance who have a grudge against the Void.

Let’s just say that these heroes who have come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, the number of Li Fuwan is a little too countable.

But fortunately, the power of the void is still within Li Fulang’s control so far.

Although until now, it is not clear whether the center of the void has the kind of strength comparable to the Star Casting Dragon King Aurelian Sol.

But Li Fuxiang is confident, even if there really is such an existence, in fact, there is not much problem.

Today, with Li Fuwan’s strength, Aurelian Saul is no match for him.

Even if there is a void creature that can compete with the strength of the Dragon King, Li Fulang can calm down.

At best, it’s just a little troublesome.

Lilia brought out a few cups of magic juice from the kitchen and delivered them to Murphyt and Li Qing.

The high-quality service of Xiu Xin Ge must be reflected in all aspects.

After delivering the magic juice, Lilia walked to Kazik’s side and observed it carefully.

When she came out of the kitchen just now, she heard this guy outside as if it were being discussed.

In addition to the breath on Kazik’s body, looking at this purple-skinned creature that looks like a praying mantis, Lilia feels very familiar.

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