Lilia looked at the purple-skinned Kazik and felt that this guy really resembled the bug in their lab.

They are all purple skin, purple-red carapaces, and they all look the same fierce and fierce, looking a little godlike.

“Brother Fu Shao, this looks a bit similar to our pet bugs, and the breath is also similar.” I mean, Lilia thinks they’re probably the same breed. ”

Lilia carefully observed Kazik, who was still sleeping heavily, and the more she looked at it, the more familiar she felt, and she couldn’t help but ask Li Fulang.

Lilia’s words fell, and Murphyt and Li Qing next to them all looked in Lilia’s direction at once.

Both of them were a little incredulous, and their mouths opened wide.

Of course, Li Qing couldn’t see Lilia, but subconsciously faced Lilia.

Lilia’s words made the two of them a little unresponsive for a while, except for shock, their expressions were a little dull.

What did this little deer-shaped girl say just now?

The pet bugs raised by Xiu Xin Pavilion look a lot like Kazik??


Li Fulang just smiled and did not say anything.

Lilia glanced at the people around her who looked at her without speaking, so she ran to the Creator’s laboratory with a puff of smoke and took out the big bug Kogas in the cage.

Previously, Kogas was the size of a buffalo.

However, when Li Fuwan made a new barrel for Tristana to practice his hands, he only sent Kogas and Marzaha as sparring partners.

As a result, Tristana’s new barrel is really powerful, and the damage to Kogas and Marzaha is a bit high.

Marzaha was covered in injuries and barely survived on his own void ability.

Kogas was in better shape, more resistant to fighting, and did not suffer any injuries.

But in order to ward off damage, Kogas concentrated all his energy on the epidermis.

With each major injury, his epidermis wears down and his body becomes smaller.

Tristana discovered this characteristic of Kogas and felt particularly novel and funny, so she concentrated her artillery fire on Kogas.

Now the big bugs can only be called small bugs.

And Lilia, an incompetent shovel officer keeper, always forgets to feed big bugs.

It has probably been many days since the last time the big bug ate.

But fortunately, the big bugs don’t die of hunger.

After all, he could barely absorb some of the various energy sources in the Creator’s laboratory.

A cage that Lilia burst out of the Creator’s laboratory and took it directly to everyone.

Then opened the door of the cage and took Kogas out of it.

Murphyt stared at the large bug that had been taken out of the cage.

Although the bug was now only the size of a fingernail and looked shriveled, there was no doubt that it was indeed a creature from the Void.

The various characteristics on his body, as well as the void breath on his body, can all indicate the identity of the big bug.

Because the big bug had not eaten for several days, after being taken out by Lilia, it lay on Lilia’s palm in a daze, unwilling to move.

“Brother Fu Shao, what’s wrong with him? I remember he used to be quite lively. ”

Lilia poked her finger at the big bug lying on her stomach in her palm, a little puzzled why this lively little thing suddenly didn’t even want to move.

Li Fulang just wanted to support his forehead.

“You haven’t fed him in days?”

After Lilia heard Li Fuwan’s words, she froze.

“I, well, I… I’m sorry! ”

Lilia then remembered that she hadn’t fed the bug for many days, and today she also mentioned the big bug, and he remembered this little thing.

“Oops oops, I really didn’t mean to, sorry, sorry, I really forgot.”

Lilia quickly and carefully put the listless big bug on the cage, and then ran to the kitchen to ask Raven for some meat.

Then he quickly ran back, tore the meat into small pieces, and fed it to the big worm’s mouth.

The big worm was hungry and weak, but after smelling the meat, he immediately came to the spirit.

Pounce on those pieces of meat and eat them wildly.

The picture is like a scaled-down version of a hungry dog pounce.

Although Li Qing couldn’t see it, he could feel it, and Murphyt was watching it with his own eyes.

The two of them were still so shocked that their jaws were about to drop, and they didn’t react at all.

There were really terrifying void creatures in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

And listening to the magic fawn means, really raise this void creature as a pet!!

Although this bug was almost deflated with hunger, he could still see that there was a hideous void thorn on the surface of his body.

There is no doubt that he is a void creature like Kazik.

Li Qing didn’t know much about time and space, and he was just surprised by this.

Murfitt, on the other hand, was shocked, and there was a message repeating in his mind.

The terrifying void creature in his heart could only be a privately kept little pet in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Oh, my God!

What kind of scary shop is this?!

From the moment Murphyt was born, the word void had in his mind that it represented fear, powerful, evil, and invincible.

It is the goal he wants to overcome, and it is also the psychological shadow that he cannot dissipate in his life.

I never expected that in the store of Xiu Xin Pavilion, the void creatures were just pets.

It’s just a bit weird.

In addition to shock and admiration, Murphyt really didn’t know what words to use to express his feelings.

Kogas quickly devoured the few small pieces of meat that Lilia had taken out, but apparently he still hadn’t eaten enough.

But these pieces of meat also made Kogas recover some spirits, no longer wilting like just now, lying there motionless.

It was also because Kogas recovered some spirit that he sensed that he seemed to have his own kind around him.

Raising his head and searching around, he saw Kazik, still sleeping on the ground not far away.


At this moment, Kogas burst into tears in his round little eyes, and he roared loudly in the direction of Kazik, calling for his compatriots.

Kogas felt bitter and aggrieved.

Originally, after his size became larger, Li Fulang did not put him in a cage again, so when he was in the Creator’s laboratory, Kogas could still walk around at will.

If Lilia forgot to feed him for days, then Kogas could still find some scraps left over from Li Fuwan’s experiment in the Creator’s laboratory to eat.

But since the body became smaller again…

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