Ice Heart and Ice Staff didn’t believe Jax at all.

They felt that how could the ice that had been strengthened with their own strength melt again?

However, there was no need for the old guests of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion to deceive them.

Listening to Jax’s eloquent words and patient persuasion, Bing Xin and Ice Staff were finally a little shaken.

Could it be that their magic has degraded?

But this shouldn’t be!

So the ice staff directly used frost magic to shape a Jax ice sculpture made of ice directly by Jax’s side.

“You see, there is no problem with my magic, Zhenbing is very strong, if you don’t believe it, you can give it a try.”

Jax looked at the ice sculpture next to him that was the same height and width as himself, and only felt a sudden pain in his brain.

What kind of existence is Zhenbing? It was the strongest ice crystal in the entire Rune Land.

It cannot be broken by mortal force at all.

Even ordinary people can’t even touch Zhenbing.

Fortunately, Jax is strong, even if he is close to Zhen Bing, there should be no problem.

But if Jax wants to break Zhenbing with his own strength, it is indeed difficult for some strongmen.

Still, Jax wants to see what he is capable of now.

Summoned the Martial God skin, and then used all his strength to strike hard at the ice sculpture beside him.

There was a fierce collision between the street lamp staff in his hand and the ice sculpture, and after a loud noise, everything returned to calm.

Jax withdrew his hand and looked towards the ice sculpture.

Sure enough, he went all out, but he only made a big opening on the ice sculpture, and there was no way to directly smash the ice sculpture.

After all, the current Jax has not fully broken through to the realm of gods.

If he continued to work hard to cultivate, it was best to cultivate in the endless martial arts arena of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, then he was within easy reach of breaking through the gods.

However, you must know that the difference between breaking through the realm of gods and not breaking through is also very different.

Jax sighed deeply, feeling a little powerless that he was still weak.

But the ice sticks and ice hearts on the side were a little surprised.

In their opinion, the ice sculptures they forged with frost magic should be indestructible.

In this world, only Li Fulang can easily flick his fingers and shatter their Zhen Bing.

But now, this old customer of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion was able to make an opening in the ice sculpture they cast.

This is already a rather difficult task.

At the same time, it also made Ice Staff and Ice Heart question their abilities.

“Could it be true that because we don’t work well for too long, so our mana has regressed?”

Bingxin fell deeply into a kind of self-doubt.

However, the ice stick did not think so, he knew that something was wrong, but he did not feel that the problem was with him.

“You’re talking about farts, we are artifacts, not mages, where did we come from?”

Even so, the two artifacts were still pondered for a long time.

Finally, under Jax’s patient persuasion again, he agreed to go to the Wailing Abyss again together to see the situation.

Seeing that these two ancestors were finally relieved, Jax breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart.

By the time Jax came to the Wailing Abyss with his ice staff and ice heart, Lisandra was so tired that she collapsed at the head of the Wailing Abyss.

His magic power has almost dried up, and Lisandra has used almost all her strength to suppress this seal with all her strength.

But magic always runs out for a moment, and Lisandra is now just a demigod.

Fortunately, Warribel is still there, Lisandra has fallen, and he can continue to struggle to support.

Just seeing Wally Bell can’t last long.

Originally, Wally Bell was still a little stubborn and did not want to, bowed to his brother Aoun, and sent out for help.

But the current situation is not optimistic, even Wally Bell, do not want to lower their heads.

Although Wally Bell and Orn have been reconciled, Orn has been sleeping for so long, and there is no contact with them.

After that big war, Wally Bell happily fulfilled his will to fight.

And to see Aoun throw in the towel in front of himself.

Only at that moment, Wally Bell felt as if he had not won.

At that time, Aoun was able to continue fighting him, but Aoun gave up.

Wally Bell didn’t quite understand why at the time.

Later, after the baptism of years, Wally Bell saw more and more people and things.

Although Wally Bell’s belligerent personality has not changed much, his mind is much calmer than before.

He seemed to understand how much loss and coldness was in Aoun’s eyes when he turned away lonely after admitting defeat.

Even Wally Bell didn’t want to admit it at all, but from the bottom of his heart, Wally Bell still felt a little more or less guilty for his brother Aoun.

That bit of guilt made Wally Bell have never dared to face Aoun, and he is equally stubborn and arrogant and does not want to admit his mistake.

Therefore, he did not admit his fault to Aoun and bowed his head.

Even when Orne had come to him to inquire about the current situation of Freyrdraud, he only raised his head proudly and did not say a good word to his brother.

Now in such a special situation, Wally Bell obviously knew that he would not be able to last long alone.

There was no way but to inform Orn using the contact between the Freld gods, hoping that his brother could come and help.

Previously, Aoun felt a little uneasy after feeling the power of the Star Spirit Incarnation and seeing a bald mage kill those Star Spirits that were comparable to the strength of the gods.

He didn’t expect that after sleeping for so long, when he woke up, Freyrdrand would appear so many powerful big people.

But when he went to ask Wally Bell, he found that his stupid brother had not changed from before.

Still so arrogant and arrogant, unwilling to show a little humility in front of him.

Orn didn’t ask for any useful news from Wally Bell that time, and the two broke up unhappily.

Since then, Orn has returned to his forge.

The forge was already covered in thick dust, and the workshop was buried in heavy snow.

Orn lit his fire again and began to hammer the forging hammer that he hadn’t picked up in years.

Aoun was a little surprised when he received the message from Wally Bell.

He never thought that stupid brother would one day reach out to him, and not to fight him.

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