But Aoun went anyway.

Even if he doesn’t know what Wally Bell called him for.

But from the signal he sent was asking for help, it can be seen that it should not be to fight him.

In fact, it is not because Orn does not like to fight, so he does not like this younger brother, but he thinks that Wally Bell really does not have a real god.

In Aoun’s view, gods should not interfere in human affairs.

When Orn came to the Abyss of Wailing, he realized that the situation here was abnormal.

The ice seems to be melting.

Orn shrunk his body like a huge mountain to the appearance of an ordinary person, and walked into the entrance of the wailing abyss.

When I entered, I saw that Wally Bell was using his divine power with great difficulty, sealing the ice below the Howling Abyss, infusing magic power.

And a dozen steps away from Wally Bell, Lisandra was leaning weakly against the pillar, obviously looking like she was exhausted of magic power.

The situation in front of him made Aoun already have many conjectures in his heart.

Wally Bell and Lisandra were overjoyed to see Aoun’s arrival.

Orn was a little confused, not knowing how happy the two men were seeing themselves.

“Brother, come quickly! Your help is needed here! ”

Wally Bell shouted loudly at Aoun.

Aoun came to Wallybel’s side expressionlessly and looked down into the wailing abyss.

Sure enough, as he guessed.

The original ice seal had melted a lot at this time.

In the ice seal below the Howling Abyss, several Void Watchers were originally sealed.

Then under the surveillance of these few voids that were sealed into ice sculptures, it was to get the void crack.

It is said that there is a thick ice cover, and the appearance of the Void Monitor cannot be seen at all.

But at this moment, Orn felt that the appearance of those Void Watchers peeking out of the ice crystals looked so clear.

It can be seen that the melting of the ice that sealed them has thinned a lot.

“How are you going to let me help you?”

It’s just that after Aoun checked it, he still looked at Wally Bell with some expressionless face.

These words made Wally Bell, who was originally happy to see his brother come to help, his face was stunned, and he didn’t react for a while, what did his brother mean?

It wasn’t until he saw a cloud of crimson flame energy appear in Aoun’s palm that he reacted.

Aoun’s energy is fire, and if letting Orn use his own energy to seal towards the ice is to add power, wouldn’t it be more intensifying the melting of real ice?

Wally Bell’s energy attribute is mainly a thunder attribute, so exerting his power on that layer of seal will not have any effect on Zhen Bing, but can increase the power of the seal.

But if it were Aoun, I’m afraid the situation would be different.

Wally Bell felt a pang of chagrin in his heart, it was a mistake to find his brother over.

Not only did Orn see with his own eyes how embarrassed he looked now, but he couldn’t help at all.

At this time, Wally Bell remembered his sister, Ice Crystal Phoenix Anivia.

Anivia’s energy is ice-attributed, and if she can come, it will definitely be of great benefit to the reinforcement of Zhen Ice.

Only now they can’t reach Anivia at all.

This frost spirit bird, as the ancient god of Freyrdrand, has very strange abilities.

He is also an immortal phoenix, and after each death, he will be reborn again after a period of time.

But Anivia’s resurrection will require decades, hundreds of years, or even thousands of years of waiting.

Now Anivia is likely to still be an ice crystal phoenix egg, I don’t know where to hide in Freyrdrand, quietly waiting for it to come again.

“If only my sister were there.”

Wally Bell’s voice showed exhaustion, and his divine power was almost exhausted.

Orn looked at Wally Bell still silent and expressionless, but there was a faint feeling of unease in his heart.

Although Orn is reluctant to meddle in the affairs of mortals, he is still the god of Freyrdrand and has an obligation to protect Freyrdrand.

It was obvious that the void crack under this seal was about to move.

But his ability could not help in any way, so Orn once again felt lost in his heart, lost by his incompetence.

A few days ago, after Li Fuwan completely smoothed out the Void Grand Canyon in Ionia, the void was indeed silent for a few days.

The void cracks here in the Howling Abyss did not move anymore.

At the time, Wally Bell and Lisandra thought they would finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, he did not expect that after only a few days, the Void gathered again and began to attack the Void Crack here in the Howling Abyss.

As a result, the ice that has stopped melting begins to dissolve again.

But Ritz did not return, and Jax, who went to find the artifact, did not return, only Wally Bell and Lisandra remained here.

The two had no choice but to repeat their old tricks again, using their abilities to strengthen the seal in an attempt to delay the dissolution of Zhen Bing.

But at this moment, both of them were a little desperate in their hearts, watching Zhen Bing thinning little by little.

His own magic is still being consumed in large quantities.

If it goes on like this, they will not be able to support it.

Frost Witch Lisandra, this time remembered the same thought from before.

Sacrifice yourself, at the cost of the witch’s self-sacrifice, and strengthen the seal with your life.

“Don’t worry, wait! Maybe there’s a chance! ”

Wally Bell sensed Lisandro’s thoughts and quickly spoke up to stop it.

If it weren’t for the point of helplessness, Wally Bell wouldn’t be willing to watch Lisandra die.

Although Wally Bell has never liked Lisandra very much.

However, Lisandra howled in this abyss because of a trace of guilt, guarding it for thousands of years.

This made Wally Bell sincerely feel that Lisandra was also a respectable person.

If it were him, he might not be so patient.

“Brother! If you can, can I ask you to help us? ”

Wally Bell finally pulled down his face this time and looked at Aoun pleadingly.

“Say it.”

The long thick red hair on Orne’s face made him still look so serious and expressionless.

It’s just that he was also moved in his heart.

This younger brother, who had always been arrogant and paranoid, was willing to bow his head to himself and plead, and used such an earnest tone.

In any case, as long as it was Wally Bell who proposed it, Orn felt that he would try to help.

“I want to ask my brother to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion and help us invite the shopkeeper who came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion to help.”

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