“Cultivation Pavilion?”

Aoun was a little surprised to hear the name from his brother’s mouth.

I still remember that when Orn felt the fluctuation of the aura when Ruiz and the Star Spirits were fighting, and when he went to the battlefield to check, he heard the words Cultivation Pavilion from those people.

At that time, he was a little curious, but he was always calm, and he did not get too entangled.

Now hearing this name again, aroused Aoun’s curiosity even more.

“Where is the Heart Cultivation Pavilion? How do I get there? ”

Wally Bell was overjoyed to hear Aoun’s words, and knew that his brother had agreed.

Wally Bell was still a little apprehensive before, not sure if Orn would accept his request.

After all, Aoun once lost an entire hearth of his own believers because of him.

I was always worried that Aoun resented him.

But now that he heard this lesson, he didn’t have the slightest hesitation, and immediately agreed to his request, which made Wally Bell feel even more ashamed of his brother in his heart.

But now was not the time to say that, and Wally Bell was very eager to tell Orn that the Cultivation Pavilion was in the Precy Canon in Ionia.

Then he told Ao En that after pouring the Cultivation Pavilion, he directly looked for the store manager Li Fulang.

It’s just that before Wally Bell’s words were finished, he heard movement from outside the wailing abyss.

Jax finally returned with the two artifact ancestors of the ice heart and the ice staff.

And Bing Xin and Ice Cane chatted hotly along the way, still discussing where to go to play later.

Hearing the sound of the two artifacts, Lisandra and Wally Bell’s faces were filled with ecstasy.

Lisandra stood up the pillar and greeted the outside of the abyss.

Sure enough, he saw the ice heart and ice stick next to Jax.

At this moment, Lisandra was so excited that she almost cried.

There was no time to say something grateful to Jax, and he quickly invited the two artifacts in.

Aoun stood aside, watching a man with a street lamp, a purple cloak, and a mask come with two talking artifacts, and his heart was horrified.

You must know that Aoun has forged countless artifacts in his life, but none of them can speak and possess artifacts.

The gap between artifacts and artifacts is also very large.

The gap between an artifact with an instrument spirit and an artifact without an instrument spirit is also a difference between clouds and mud.

Almost instantly, Aoun’s eyes fell on the two artifacts of the ice heart and the ice staff, wanting to observe them carefully.

If it was changed to the usual ice heart and ice stick being stared at like this, he would definitely go up and have a big fight with that person and teach this person a good lesson.

But now after coming to the Abyss of Howling, Ice Heart and Ice Staff found that the Ice Seal they had strengthened before had melted again.

This made the two artifacts horrified in their hearts, and they had no intention of caring about anything else.

“It’s really starting to melt? What the hell is going on? ”

“Our magic shouldn’t have this kind of problem!”

Neither Ice Heart nor Ice Staff could understand the reason for this.

However, they reacted quickly, using frost magic again to strengthen the real ice that had melted several layers.

A thick layer of frost covered the original seal, the strongest cold ice crystal in the entire Rune Land.

The seal that had been melted before was finally re-strengthened.

The purple that had been faintly revealed before, and the void light was also completely suppressed at this time.

Seeing this, Lisandra really cried with joy, and a person secretly turned his back to wipe his tears.

Aoun watched this magical scene and became a little more interested in these two artifacts.

And in the void, those conscious bodies who had just felt that they were about to successfully break the seal imposed on this void crack were caught off guard by the sudden seal reinforcement.

What’s going on here?

Just now, it was obviously about to succeed, how could the seal be strengthened again?

Those Void Consciousness bodies had suffered a severe blow in the Ionian Void Rift, and they were a little weak.

But soon they picked up their spirits again and replanned their plans to descend to the Runeterra.

The first thing is to open the breakthrough of Freyrdrand again.

This place is quite far away from the terrifying powerhouse in Ionia, and if they open the Void Rift from here, they should also be able to successfully descend to the Rune Land.

Perhaps those more powerful and huge consciousness bodies will not be able to pass through such a narrow crack.

But send a part of the Void Watchers to the Rune Land and let them find a way to make this crack bigger and thus welcome the arrival of more powerful consciousness bodies.

Everything was planned, but now it has been disrupted.

In this way, those Void Consciousness beings began to become extremely angry and manic.

They were completely crazy this time, and they were even more desperate to descend to the Rune Land quickly.

As a result, the powerhouses in the void began to assemble and attack the void crack sealed by Zhen Ice in the abyss of the crying abyss.

After the sealing of the ice staff and the ice core was strengthened, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they could rest assured.

It’s just that it’s too early for them to feel at ease.

The void stepped up a wave of concentrated attacks, directly causing this seal to shake.

Although the ice did not dissolve again, and the seal did not crack, everyone also sensed the void under the seal, as if there was some big movement.

“It seems that something below has been attacking the seal here.”

Ice Heart and Ice Staff also sensed that something was wrong.

If those things below the seal continue to attack here, it will not be long before the ice will begin to melt again.

This made the two artifacts feel only a pang of irritation.

Originally completed a task well, they can go out from work and have a good wave.

As a result, the task turned out to be so uncooperative now.

If they leave this place and the sealed ice melts again, then even if the task is not completed.

Returning to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion will definitely be punished by the boss.

Thinking of the punishment water tank in the weapon area of the Cultivation Pavilion, the ice stick of the ice heart shuddered.

Forget it, if you want to play, let’s talk about it later, they still obediently keep this place first.

After that, the ice heart and the ice staff stayed on the side of the Hao Cool Abyss, and as long as there was a slight change in the Zhen Bing, they would seal and strengthen it again at the first time.

In fact, the seals of the ice heart and the ice staff are now a little inadequate.

After all, the strongest in the void have awakened.

That’s a force stronger than the gods.

They have enough strength to erase these seals, but it will take some time.

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