The Void Consciousness Bodies sensed that they wanted to break through this seal and open the Void Crack here again, and I am afraid that it would take a while before their eyes turned to other places.

Hao cried the void crack here in the abyss, they did not give up, still continued to attack, breaking the seal.

However, you have to make two preparations, and find another place where you can break through the Void Crack.

Save it like the previous time in Ionia.

They carefully planned for such a long time, but they did not expect that in the end, more than half of the things were completed, and they still fell short.

If it weren’t for Li Fulang, then the huge Void Grand Canyon, in this Rune Land, it would be impossible for anyone with that ability to deal with it.

Even in the entire Rune Land, all capable heroes gathered to concentrate on fighting the invasion of the Void.

It was just a matter of slowing down the pace of the Void’s descent into the Rune Land by a moment or two, and it would not cause any substantial obstacles.

Now that the Void already knows that Ionia has a perverted and terrifying powerhouse like Li Fulang, it is impossible to descend from Ionia to the Rune Land no matter what.

You can only choose another place.

In addition to this void crack in Freyrdrand, Ishtar also entered the field of vision of the Void powerhouses.

The void once descended once in the region of Ishtar and Shrimma.

So now the Void has its eyes on Ishtar again.

Many years ago, he had gone and dealt a heavy blow to the Void, and those elemental mages almost slaughtered all the Void creatures that had descended on the Rune Land at that time.

But at the same time, you are those elements of Tar, and the mages themselves have paid a rather heavy price.

This is also a very normal thing.

Void consciousness bodies, I don’t know what happened, but the Void Crack in Acasia completely disappeared.

If it weren’t for the complete erasure of the Void Crack in Acacia, they could have descended from Acacia again.

Now, those Void powerhouses intend to look for another opportunity to open the Void Rift located in the territory of Ishtar again.

After all, the rules of the place of helpers are too fragrant.

Time, space, and all sorts of rules make their existence meaningful.

It was indeed somewhat difficult to descend to the Rune Land with the power of the Void alone.

Therefore, according to the convention of coming from the void, they must first seduce a creature in the Rune Land, and then come to a combination of inside and outside.

At the time of Freyrdrand, they chose Lisandra.

Only later Lisandra betrayed them.

While in Ionia, they chose those powerful demons.

However, those demons were really indisputable, and they were directly crushed to death by the breath of the underworld descended from the heavens of Mord Caesar.

This time, the person chosen by the void was Niko.

Nikou is a descendant of the ancient Vahstaya tribe and the last ethnic group.

There are very few Vastayans left.

The Niko are a Kiri-Tail tribe who are a peace-loving race by nature and possess unparalleled potential from God.

When Nico was still very young, the mysterious island in the East where she was born encountered an unprecedented disaster.

With the help of some of the elders of the Wuwei tribe on the premise of self-sacrifice, this little Wuwei girl was able to escape.

She became the last orphan of the Kirio clan.

After several twists and turns, Nico finally came to the jungle of Ishtar.

There are all kinds of tribes and creatures here, which makes Nikou feel extremely new.

She loved it and made many good friends in the midst of this ancient jungle.

On this day, Nicoe was playing in the ancient forest of Ishtar.

A brightly colored butterfly is landing on the tip of Niko’s tail.

Nico quietly admired the butterfly’s beautiful wings and observed carefully without moving.

Suddenly, there was a call in my ears.

I couldn’t hear what the voice was saying or if it was calling her name.

But Nico just had a feeling that something was calling her.

Raising his head and looking around, the little butterflies flew away in fright.

“Really, it’s so annoying to mess with, who the hell is calling Niko!”

Seeing the beautiful little butterfly frightened by her movements, Nico was annoyed for a while.

She hadn’t fully remembered the pattern on the butterfly’s wings.

If you remember that beautiful pattern, Nicole can also make her skin feel that beautiful color.

Blame the voice that called her!

Although she was reproachful in her heart, out of curiosity, Nico still walked to the depths of the jungle.

I wanted to see what was calling her.

The voice was intermittent, but it never stopped calling.

It made Nico feel very irritable, and at the same time her curiosity became stronger.

Pulling away the lush vegetation, Nikome went deeper and deeper into the depths of this dense jungle.

Very few people come here, and all kinds of grasses grow particularly tall.

As she walked, Nicole felt that walking through the grass was very interesting, so she played in place.

Unexpectedly, the voice that summoned Nikome was suddenly amplified, which startled Niko.

Niko’s tail shrank a little, which made Niko’s head scratch her head in frustration.

“No, tail! We should be angry now! ”

“Nasty sound! Why scare Niko! ”

Crossing her waist angrily, Nico looked around, but still didn’t see anything, there were still flowers and trees around, and nothing else.

“What the hell is the sound that comes from?”

Nico held her newly frightened tail and gently stroked and comforted her tail.

The voice calling her continued, and Nicole was determined to find out what was making the sound.

Teach it a good lesson.

Following that voice, Nico didn’t know how long she had been walking, and finally saw something different.

It was a very huge pit.

Standing on the edge of the pit, Nico carefully pricked up her ears to listen to the voice.

It seems to come from here.

Neko let go of the tail in her hand, crossed her waist, and pointed to the deep pit.

“Is that why you’ve been calling Niko? Did you know that you scared Niko! ”

“You’re a bad pit!”

In the face of Niko’s accusations, Shenkeng did not make any response.

And the voice that called Nico continued.

“Huh? Isn’t the deep pit cheering Niko? ”

Driven by curiosity, Nico jumped into the deep pit and walked deeper into the pit.

Intuition tells Nicote that something mysterious exists there.

This deep giant pit looked like a basin of blood, about to devour this little girl of the Fogtail Clan.

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