After entering the pit, Nico clearly felt that the voice calling her gradually became clearer.

“Come here, kid, come here, come to me.”

That voice was magical, drawing Nico closer to the deepest part of the pit.

Finally, Nico reached the end of the pit.

It was discovered that the deepest part of this deep pit contained many densely packed elemental magic marks.

These elemental magic marks look very mysterious, and for this little girl of the Fogtail Clan, it is very obscure.

However, Nico knew that the appearance of these elemental magic marks represented an unusual place here.

The little girl was full of surprise and doubt.

“Why is there an imprint of elemental magic here?”

Nicome is the magic imprint of these elements of man.

It should be some of the imprints used by elemental mages in ancient times, but this kind of imprint is almost impossible now.

“This elemental magic mark should have been abolished and used for a long time.”

Nico scratched her beautiful short blue hair suspiciously, very incomprehensible.

After thinking about it for a long time, Nico figured it out.

It is very likely that this pit existed in ancient times.

At this time, the voice that originally called Nikoo changed to another tone.

Still seductive, hovering in Niko’s mind.

“Erase all these ugly symbolic imprints, erase, erase them all.”

Nico was looking intently at those elemental magic marks, but this voice suddenly popped up in her mind, which frightened Niko’s tail again.

“Niko’s angry!”

“Who the hell is it!”

The little girl of the fog-tailed tribe stood in the deep pit, waving her small fist and looking around angrily.

She hated the feeling.

“Erase those ugly marks, good boy, you can…”

That voice continued.

It made Nico very irritable.

This inexplicable voice frightened her three or four times, making Nico a little crazy.

“Why hide and sneak up and talk to Niko! Come on! ”

Nico shouted around the pit, but no one responded to her.

After a while, the voice sounded again, still directly in Niko’s mind.

“Tell me about erasing these eye-catching marks, aren’t they ugly enough? Hurry up, good boy. ”

Nico only felt that she was going to be driven crazy by this voice, it was so annoying that she would pop out from time to time.

“Oops! Annoying to death! Don’t call Nico anymore! ”

The tails behind Niko’s anger were all up.

In fact, this is where the void is ready to enter, and this deep pit is once a void crack.

And the imprints of those elemental magic are the seals left over from ancient times.

At that time, those elemental magicians in the ancient period of Ishtar had worked together to seal the traces left by suppressing the Void Rift.

If Nico can erase all these elemental magic marks, it means that the seal here will be lifted.

At that time, those consciousnesses of the Void can once again open the Void Rift from here, and thus descend to Ishtar.

“Quickly erase all the marks, erase them, and you will be happy.”

The voice continued to seduce Niko.

But instead of being seduced, Nico felt more and more that this voice was really annoying.

If he didn’t know where the sound came from, Neko would have released his magic and cleaned up what was making the sound.

“It’s really annoying to Niko! Aaaah! ”

When the voice sounded again, Nico ran out of the pit irritably.

Seeing this, the Void Consciousness that made a demagogic voice to tempt Niko over had to be speechless.

They don’t seem to have chosen the right target for demagoguery.

But in such a deep jungle, there are few creatures that usually pass by.

Those little birds and insects are not easy to make even if they are seduced.

Invasion is not easy, the void sighs.

Neko ran straight out of the pit, returned the same way, and went out of the jungle.

Although Nicome is simple and kind, this does not mean that Nicome is an idiot.

Even though the voice annoyed her and wanted to do what the voice instructed, Nicole stuck to her thoughts.

She knew that this place must not be that simple.

And most likely a place full of dangers.

Those ancient elemental magic marks speak for themselves.

But Nicole didn’t know what that place was doing or why such a strange thing happened.

While leaving the jungle, Nico was also thinking in her mind about what to do next.

Come to think of it, those elemental magic are a little too profound for Niko, and she can’t figure it out herself.

In the end, Nicole finally made a decision.

She is going back to the kingdom of Ishtar and telling His Majesty these strange things happening deep in the jungle.

Ishtar is known for his mastery of elemental magic, and the culture of Ishtar originated extremely early, and many other famous people were born from Ishtar.

For example, the Baru civilization, as well as the magnificent Helia, the ascetic giant god Peak tribesmen, they are all derived from the ancient Ishtar civilization.

Even the main building in Eseokun, the tower of Yuental, which symbolizes the ruling class, existed long before the first solar disc was raised by the Shurima people.

Many countries in the outside world now think that Ishtar is a wild rainforest, inhabited by the most primitive beast tribes.

In fact, Ishtar has very strict laws and hierarchical divisions within it.

The ecological complex of Esuoken, hidden deep in the rainforest, is the central city of Ishtar.

The current king of Ishtar is a very proficient empress of elemental magic.

Nico thought that if she told the Empress about this, she would definitely know what this place was for.

This Empress Ishtar is the Elemental Empress Chiana.

After walking for a long time, Nikoo finally left the jungle and returned to the capital.

Having lived in Ishtar for a long time, most of the people in the city knew Niko.

On weekdays, Niko, a warm and cute little girl from the Wuwei tribe, is very attractive.

Although she often uses her fake identity to trick people, she has never had any bad intentions.

And he is also eager to help those who are in difficulty, which makes the residents of Ishoken very fond of Niko.

Even the guards of the city defense would greet her warmly when they saw Niko.

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