“Niko, I know you’re kind enough to help me share my worries, but it’s really dangerous.”

Chiana saw the excited light in Niko’s eyes, and knew that this simple and lively little girl just wanted to go outside to play.

“Oh oh, Nicole knows. The outside world has always been dangerous, but Nikou is not afraid! ”

Nico stood on her body, straightened her small chest, and showed a brave face.

“Nikou can be invisible, can turn into the appearance of a Demacian, and there will be no danger!”

As she spoke, Nicole transformed into the appearance of a chamberlain behind Chiana, hiding her big tail and amber vertical pupils.

When Chiana saw this, she remembered Niko’s abilities.

Yes, Nicome can be stealthy and disguised, but she is a good candidate.

The elemental mages were reluctant to take on this task, in addition to leaving Ishtar, there was another very important reason.

That is, they all know that Demacia is a forbidden country.

When the mage goes to Demacia, there will definitely be no good ending.

After thinking about it, Nico is really the best candidate.

It’s just that Chiana is still a little worried.

After all, Niko, this girl is too simple, afraid that she will encounter things that will not be handled well when she goes to a strange place.

However, after Nico repeatedly assured Chiana that she would definitely be able to complete the task, Chiana reluctantly agreed.

If there was a better candidate, Chiana was not willing to let the little girl take risks.

At this time, Demacia was also in a very tense state.

The New Deal reforms led by Galen and Fiona are underway, and the forces within Demacia are reorganized, and everything seems to be proceeding in an orderly manner.

But this is also when Demacia is most vulnerable.

Although Demacia has always kept the news well, he was still learned by Noxus’ secret agents.

It was really a good time to attack Demacia.

Noxus has always had a crush on Demacia, and the two countries have been in a hostile relationship for many years.

Now that Demacia is internally weak, Noxus will inevitably want to seize this opportunity to take Demacia.

It’s just that Noxus is still encroaching on Freyrdrand and can’t attack Demacia with all his might.

This requires some foreign aid.

Therefore, after deliberating at the top of Noxus, it was decided to unite with pirates to attack Demacia from both land and sea.

The southern coast of the Valoran continent, bounded from Trewell, is all the territory of Noxus to the east, and the territory of Demacia to the west.

Noxus wanted to take all the coastal cities into its own hands, and control all the coastal commerce on the entire continent.

So definitely not a single opportunity to capture Demacia will be missed.

At this time, Murphyt and Reingal had already strolled on the magnificent square of Xiongdu.

The reason why Murphytt and Reingal came to Demacia is really a long story.

After the words were easily closed by Li Fu from the Great Void Rift in Ionia, the heroes who had gathered together to fight the Void left Presidio.

Murphyt and Reingal actually want to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, after all, the purpose of their trip to Ionia is to cultivate the Heart Pavilion.

It’s just that they don’t have gold coins in their hands anymore.

The Heart Cultivation Pavilion is a good place, but without gold coins you can’t do anything.

Therefore, Murfitt and Reingal discussed and prepared to earn more gold coins before going to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

If Li Fulang knew how hard these heroes worked to send him money, I am afraid that he would leave moving tears from the corners of his mouth.

Most of the inhabitants of the Ionians are self-sufficient and do not earn much money.

And the consumption standard of Xiu Xin Pavilion is really a bit high.

Murphyt and Raingar came to the dock of Weiri again.

After the previous time, Mord Caesar in the underworld became angry and sent the breath of the underworld to exterminate all demons.

This restored the prosperity and calm of the past, the originally demonic land of desire.

Ryri is one of the most prosperous port cities in Ionia, and its people know how to make money.

When Murphyt and Raingar inquired about the way to earn money in Weili, they heard that there were more opportunities to earn money on the Valoran continent.

As soon as the two discussed, they decided that it was better to go to the Valoran continent to try their luck.

So he took a merchant ship directly, crossed the Sea of Watch, crossed the strait, and reached Trewell.

After arriving on the Valoran Road, the two learned that Noxus had always been at war.

It is not that someone attacked Noxus, but that Noxus has been fighting abroad.

Such a national atmosphere makes neither Murphyt nor Raingar like it very much.

Although Raingar likes to fight and loves to hunt, he does not like war.

While this may seem contradictory, it is.

War brings more than just fighting.

The catastrophe brought about by war is not something that people in a peaceful zone can imagine.

The ambitions of those in power have created one war disaster after another.

Because of the war, countless people have lost their hometowns, families, lives, wives and families.

The places where the war passed were full of rivers of blood and corpses.

Perhaps war can expand the territory of the country, and obtain land with more useful resources.

But what war brings to ordinary people is only endless nightmares.

Since the invasion of Ionia by Noxus, the people of Ionia have lost even their beautiful dreams.

Lilia’s mother tree withered because she never dreamed of floating into the magic garden again.

Desire and hatred overwhelm people’s intellect and allow demons to breed everywhere.

These are all brought about by the war.

Neither Raingar nor Murphyt liked war and wanted to leave Noxus and go somewhere else.

After all, the Valoran continent is so big, it is not only the country of Noxus.

After the two studied for a while, they decided to go to Demacia.

On the way from Noxus to Demacia, the two also encountered a lot of things.

And solved many brutal Noxus soldiers.

In fact, neither of them wanted to intervene in the war in these countries.

It’s just that some Noxus soldiers don’t do anything and often do shameful things to innocent women.

Both Reingal and Murphyt felt that those people were very disgusting, and it was not a pity to die.

If you want to fight, you will fight, even if you don’t like it, Reingar will not interfere with anything.

He was not a great benevolent man, and he did not have the heart to stop the war.

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