Under normal circumstances, if you see the situation of the battle between the two countries, Reingal’s character will not care.

But if something evil happened in front of him that made him feel sick, Reingar wouldn’t mind making a move.

Similarly, Murphyt has been with Reingal for so long, and he has been subtly influenced by Reingal.

Therefore, on the way from Noxus to Demacia, when the two saw Noxus soldiers who did not do anything, they would strike and directly kill all those soldiers.

“If you want to fight, fight well, but bully innocent civilians, damn it.”

Reingar gently wiped the blood on his dagger, and with some disgust he took a bite at the Noxus soldier whose neck had just been cut.

The soldier was now only wearing his upper body armor and wanted to do something.

Now this state of death, in addition to looking miserable, can only say that he deserves it.

And the woman who was almost bullied was splashed with blood, turned pale with fright, and froze in place.

It took half a day to react.

Although she was very afraid of this beast covered in white hair, she also knew how she would have ended up if it hadn’t been for this orc’s attack just now.

Therefore, even though he was shivering with fear, he still endured the fear in his heart and said thank you.

“No need to thank you, go find your family.”

Reingale didn’t have much expression, waved his hand, and left with Murfitt.

Looking at the back of the orc, tears fell from the woman’s eyes again.

Those human soldiers frantically bullied these civilians, but it was the alien orcs who saved them.

How sad this world is.

Passed through the Forest of Silence. Raingar and Murfitt encountered the army of Noxus, who had built a fortress on the border of Demacia.

This is actually a fortress left over from the past Noxus attack on Demacia.

This conquest of Demacia led the Noxus soldiers to repair the fort once again and prepare it for use again.

When Murphyt and Reingal passed by, they heard the cries of many women begging for mercy from the fortress, and the lewd and sharp laughter of men.

“Oh, you run, the more you run, the more excited I get! Look how I tortured you when I caught you later, hahahaha! ”

“Please spare us, we all have husbands and children, woo-woo… Please, spare us…”

“Ah! Help me! Help me! Please, let me go! ”

Although I didn’t see what was happening in the fortress, I could guess it from the sound alone.

Reingale’s face was solemn, as was Murphyt on the side.

They had seen too many of this along the way, and the soldiers of Noxus, with their own troops and weapons, would burn and loot the villages and towns they fought along the way.

Although not all Noxus soldiers will be like this, it is also the norm.

There were many Noxus soldiers guarding outside the fortress, ignoring the screams and pleas for mercy in the fortress.

That commonplace expression looked so insensitive.

This made Raingar very uncomfortable in his heart, remembering when he was passing through a village before.

There was a picture of a boy who looked to be only four or five years old, kneeling next to the corpse of a woman, crying and calling for his mother.

The woman’s body was covered in scars, which were horrific, and it was a manifestation of the violence of the Noxians.

That picture, even Reingal, a hunter with blood on his hands, couldn’t help but feel so dazzling.

“Murfitt, although I am not a nosy person, I want to save those people.”

Reingal’s voice sounded faintly beside Murfitt.

Murphyt still knows this old neighbor, and the two of them naturally know what Reingal is thinking along the way.

“Well, do whatever you want, I’m on your side.”

Although Murphyt knows a stone, he is a stone that has given birth to spiritual intelligence, and although he has no heart, his emotions may be a little dull most of the time.

But he also felt very uncomfortable seeing those horrific images.

Therefore, now Raingar’s words Murphyt also agrees with him, and he also wants to save those women.

“You wait for me here for a while, it will be fine soon.”

After Raingar said this, he had already held the dagger in his hand, and a few agile jumps approached the fortress.

When entering the alert range of those Noxus soldiers, Reingar hid his figure and quietly sneaked into the fortress.

In the fortress, the women’s screams and pleas for mercy continued, and the sound of the crying sounded like they could feel their despair.

Raingar soon infiltrated the fortress.

In this fortress, there are many rooms on top of each other. It is not easy to find exactly the women who are imprisoned here.

“Gee, sir, it’s so cruel, I can’t bear to watch it.”

“Hahaha, look at the way you haven’t seen the world.”

“Six died yesterday, and I don’t know how many will die today.”

Reingal was hidden in the shadows, hearing the talk of the patrol soldiers passing by, and his heart was full of chills.

When Reingar found the room where the woman was imprisoned, as soon as he entered the door, he saw three corpses randomly discarded in the corner. The corpse was covered with scars and misery.

It can be seen that they are all alive and tortured to death.

When Reingar appeared behind the man, the man was still insulting excitedly, while whipping at the women, looking at the women’s terrified appearance, which fully satisfied the pleasure of the Noxans.

Reingal’s dagger mercilessly cut the man’s neck, and blood sprayed on the body of the woman in front of him, causing another scream.

The people outside the fortress were unaware of this.

The screams of those women, since the fortress was renovated, have not been interrupted day by day, and they have become accustomed to it.

In that room, in addition to the man and a dozen women, there were several guards at the door, who had been quietly solved by Reingar when they came.

Bringing his finger to his lips, he made a silencing motion to the women.

The terrified women were a little happy to see that the man who had hurt them had been killed, except for the initial fear.

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