Rural Dad

Chapter 164

The next morning, Zhao Han spent three times the price to buy a suite on the same floor.

I didn't have a good time last night, so I'll go to Wushan tonight.

After breakfast in the hotel restaurant, Zhao Han and Yang Xue sent Yang Ao and Xingxing to Tongzhou No. 1 Middle School.

For this math competition, Tongzhou No. 1 Middle School specially took a three-day holiday and vacated the venue.

The competition is divided into primary school group, junior high school group, and high school group. It is also divided into preliminary round, semi-final, and final.

This competition is highly valued by the city. The opening ceremony was very grand, and many reporters and media came.

The director of the Tongzhou Municipal Education Bureau was also present.

After the opening ceremony, the parents left the school.

The participating students filled in the information to enter the competition.

The little Xingxing was very conspicuous in the team.

"How can there be such a small child?"

"He should be in the first grade, but he is here to participate in the competition. Is he here just to make up the numbers?"

"He looks cute. Maybe his parents want him to get familiar with the atmosphere of the competition."

Parents were talking outside the school gate.

The teacher who was responsible for verifying the information of the participating students looked at each other in surprise when he saw Xingxing in the team.

Whose child is this?

Parents are so generous?

Such a young child is allowed to participate in the competition.

Aren't you afraid that he will wet his pants on the field?

"Maybe he is delayed in development, so he looks smaller." A teacher said tentatively.

The other three teachers thought it made sense.

Although children nowadays are all tall, it is not ruled out that some of them are delayed in development.

Soon, it was Xingxing's turn.

"Hello, little friend, what is your name and what grade are you in?" The teacher asked kindly.

Xingxing answered without panic: "Hello teachers, my name is Zhao Xing, and I am still in preschool."


The whole place went wild instantly.

"Why are kindergarten students also participating in the competition?"

"Does this little brother think this is a game?"

"I'm sure I won't be the last this time."

The registration teacher quickly found Xingxing's registration information: "Zhao Xing, five years old, preschool class, registered under Taiping County No. 1 Primary School."

"This... this is nonsense! A five-year-old kid is here to join in the fun. It's not fun to go find your dad, kid." Another teacher in charge of registration wanted to persuade Zhao Xing to quit.

After all, the education department attaches great importance to this competition.

They don't want to let a little kid into the arena to cause any accidents, and they can't take the responsibility.

Xingxing raised his head and said loudly: "I'm not here to play, I'm here to win the first place."


Everyone was amused by him.

Xingxing was angry, laughing, you guys just laugh as hard as you can, a group of ignorant adults, hum!

And the big fools behind me who are in the fifth and sixth grades, you will not be able to laugh soon.

"Little brother, can you count to 100? Just want to get the first place, the brothers and sisters will not let you because you are cute." A little girl teased him.

Xingxing looked at her with a caring look for the mentally retarded.

Woman, do you think you are very humorous?

The little girl was embarrassed.

"Okay, be quiet!" The teacher in charge of registration shouted, and then said: "Since this child has signed up, let him in."

The teacher's name is Liu Yong.

He is the director of the primary and secondary school department of Tongzhou No. 1 Middle School and one of the judges of the primary school group of this competition.

In his opinion, Xingxing will be eliminated in the next preliminary round. It's just a formality. There is no need to waste time because of him, so just let him in.

Just keep an eye on him for a while.

Don't let him disrupt the order of the examination room.

Xingxing took his number plate and walked in.

After entering the examination room, he found the seat corresponding to his number plate and sat down, then began to close his eyes and rest.

Soon, the news that a five-year-old kid participated in the competition spread throughout all the examination rooms.

"Have you heard that there is a five-year-old kindergarten kid in the elementary school group who also participated in the competition."

"He must have been eliminated in the preliminary round. The group of little brats in the elementary school group don't have to worry about being at the bottom."

"What if someone scores worse than that five-year-old kid? That would be fun to watch!"

"How is that possible? Most of the elementary school group are fifth and sixth grade students. That kid can't even do addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers."

The reporters at the scene also noticed this incident.

But they didn't pay much attention to it. They just took it as a joke and mentioned it casually in the report.

Outside the school, countless parents were waiting quietly.

Zhao Han and Yang Xue were among them.

The two sat in the car, staring at the school gate.

"These guys who use stars as funSoon, your jaw will drop. "Listening to the people around teasing Xingxing, Yang Xue said fiercely.

Zhao Han smiled: "They just thought it was fun, and they didn't say anything bad."

"Be generous." Xiao Ba agreed.

Yang Xue knocked on its little head: "Do I need a bird like you to teach me how to be a man?"

"I'm trying to make her pregnant." Zhao Han said.

Yang Xue didn't react at first, then glared at him with a blushing face: "Having Xingxing and Guoguo is not enough, I don't want to have a baby."

Giving birth is so painful, she is looking forward to trying the process of making a baby with Zhao Han, but she doesn't want to have a baby.

"Yeah, forget it, after all, stepmothers usually treat their husbands and their ex-wife's children harshly after having their own children." Zhao Han teased Yang Xue.

Yang Xue spat: "Time will tell, hum!"

"But I haven't had sex yet..."

"Ah! Go to hell!" Yang Xue waved her pink fist.

Xiao Ba was excited and kept fanning the flames: "Fight, fight, pull his hair, grab his face!"

"Get out of here." Zhao Han grabbed Xiao Ba and threw him out of the window, then closed the window.

Instantly, the whole world was quiet.

"Let Mr. Ba in! Open the window! Mr. Ba wants to go in and enjoy the air conditioning!" Xiao Ba fluttered and shouted.

It instantly attracted the attention of the people around.

Xiao Ba looked around and said confidently: "What are you looking at? Have you ever seen a talking bird?"

Everyone: "…………"

This is really the first time we have seen it.


Wu Hongchao did not sleep all night and was very haggard.

His wife was not much better, urging her husband: "Let's go see Zhao Han quickly, our son is suffering in the police station, save him quickly. "

Wu Hongchao said: "I just found out that Zhao Han brought his son to participate in the math competition. It's not appropriate to go to him now. Let's talk after the competition."

"The math competition will take three days, so our son will have to stay in there for three days..."

"It's better to let that little beast suffer in there!" Wu Hongchao interrupted his wife irritably.

Wu Hongchao's wife could only cry silently.

She kept cursing Zhao Han, thinking that it was Zhao Han who made a fuss and caused her son to be arrested by the police.

Wu Hongchao was tired of listening and turned away.

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